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Hello, my lovely souls!!

You all asked me questions for this Q/A, and I'll awnser then now!!

From: Insane_Ross_Baka

How did you get the idea for this book?

Funny that you ask this, it was accually a sugestion fron someone named TotallyGeeky45 in my oneshot book. I liked the idea I got for it so much, that I asked if I should make a book out of it, and tada, this book was born!!

Did you always know Carl would be such an a**hole?

Well, I mostly come up with ideas as I'm writting, so in the beginning I didn't really know what to do, that's why I didn't upload that much. But then I got ideas and poof, this happened!!

From: SenpaiGames3

Who's your favorite character in this story, Demon?

(Well, I thinj that would be Nick, because he's so energetic, funny and well, just above all funny to be fair...)

From: scar2704

Fave color?

Mine are accualy yellow and white!!

From: Versixie

Which song do think fits thopis book the best?

I really don't know this one. I listen to music whilest writting this, and that is the 'Alice in Wonderland' Theme song, from the movie with the real people. I'm not a big music fan, so I listen only to something whilest writting...

From: HopesandDreemurs3141

For how long do you think this story will go on?

I also don't really know this one. I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, but I'm not sure when it will end. Maybe I'll even do a part 2, who knows..?

That were all the questions, well, not quite, there's one from Lunaria_Genocide18 which I didn't undsrstand fully, and I haven't had the time to look it up on Youtube, so you'll get the awnser when I have found it!!

Thank you all for the great support, and see you all later!!

Blue and (Demon)

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