The Temple

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Chapter 1 the temple

After the fourth great ninja war and the five great nations joined as one to defeat Madara and Kaguya peace spread throughout the land.

Villages help one another in anyway possible this meant that piece has finally and truly reached the Shinobi world just as the first Hokage (Hashirama Senju) wanted. But although there was peace there was still people who didn't want the five nations to be at piece a group of mercenary from many parts of the land grouped  together to go against the five nations. not exactly sure how they would do it but they just wandered throughout the land hoping to find more recruits.

One day they came across a temple in the fire nation. They all wondered if they should go in or not. Some were simple grave robbers other bandits and petty thieves but there were also some among them who craved blood they took this opportunity to do as they please and to get rid of their bloodlust. They examine the perimeter to see that there were no ninja around guarding the temple. There were just monks guarding what looks to be a female. the Maiden of the Temple. She was beautiful with hair as pretty as the sun and resembled it in color, skin as pale and fair as snow and eyes as blue as crystals so clear and so beautiful that it resembled the ocean. her lips so pink in color that they resemble the falling cherry blossom petals above her head. She wore a white kimono with a large  flower print all over the lower right-hand side. She was completely barefooted and she was reading a book from underneath the cherry blossom tree at least from what the mesenteries Could tell. A monk was standing before the maiden hovering over her as she read. Every now and then picking up to see how the training was doing with the other monks.

One of the mercenaries that went by the name Ken thought that with beauty like her it MUST have been a crime to keep her locked away. Although sooner or later he knew that, the beauty she had possessed had to go away and he would make sure that.

The monks where to busy training that they didn't sense anyone around. A monk was the one who killed his brother strung his up like a wild animal and just by the sight of them made his blood boil. He promised his brother that he would find the monk who did this to him an kill them and he did. every temple and village that had a monk in it where destroyed by his hand. And this one was not going to be left untouched. Although he was a murderer he never went back on his word and never to his brother. So before they all left that temple blood would flood and the walls would be painted in blood

He guy I really do hope you like the first chapter I really didn't know how to write this so I just started from before the temple was found and that Ken character is not in Naruto from what I could tell but ya he is going to be a very important part of this story I hope u like and that you remember please leave any comments bellow

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