Ken's Revenge Part 2

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Chapter 27 Ken's Revenge part 2

Back at the leaf a Messenger hawk perform circles around the Hokage's tower finally flying down and landing against the window shield. Kakashi turn to look at the bird "a messenger hawk... What's it doing here?" Looking at the bird closely he saw a message tied around its feet. With a heavy sigh he spoke "and here I thought that my day was going to be easy. If I would have know you would be coming I wouldn't had let Shikamaru go home for the day" Kakashi now talking to the bird and removing the message he opened it. Reading what was in it Kakashi turned Pale in shock "....Ikki...." Kakashi slammed his hand against the table and made his way to find an Abu which wasn't really hard "how can I help you lord sixth"
"I need you to call Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha , Rock Lee, Kiba Inuzuka and most importantly Naruto Uzumaki and tell them to meet me at the village gates immediately than once the message is delivered go back and gather a group of 10 Abu and too met at the gate"
"Yes sir!" The Abu yelled than was gone. Kanakas made his way to the main gates of the village, hoping that he acted fast enough.
Shikamaru was walking on his way home from work but first stop by the dango shop for Temari who was now on her last weeks of pregnancy. Shikamaru aways love the way her face lit up every time he came home with food for her and their unborn child but today he knew she was going to be even more exciting. it's been a long time since he had a day off and he really wanted to be home doing nothing but laying down on the bed with his beautiful wife. He was walking down the street going to the direction of his house when he saw the Messenger hawk fly by turning he saw it lad on the Hokage's window. How troublesome he thought as he continued his way hoping that Kakashi wouldn't call him back to the office. Finally reaching his home he unlocked the door and went in. "I'm home.......Temari where are you" he went into the kitchen, than the living room, yelling Temari's name throughout the house but no response came. Scratching the back of his head he walked out to the garden leading to the Nara woods, Temari really did love spending time with the deer even though at first she was scared to death when they got close to her. Stepping on a twig a male deer came running stopping I front of Shikamaru in a stance in challenge but quickly walked away once he saw that it was him . Shikamaru smirk knowing very well that the deer only acted that way when defending something or Someone in this case, following him the deer finally stoped at a tree than curled up in a ball placing his head on a sleeping Temari's lap. She was laying down on a female deer with little Fawns on her other side. He let out a little smile than made his way to his sleeping wife, stepping on another twig making her eyes flash open reaching to her side but clam down when she saw it was him. " I see your hearing is better than ever but you have to work on your sensory skills" he said smiling at her as she wiped her eyes "what time is it" she ask petting the deer on her lap "about 3:30 why" he whistled at the deer making him get up "your home early" she said trying to get herself up. Shaking his head Shikamaru picked up his wife and smile at her " I have the day off and I wanna spend it with the most beautiful woman the five nations had ever seen" his comment made her blush and she hugged his arm as they make their way home. At the house Shikamaru sat Temari down by the entrance of the garden and went inside to get the dango he had left on the table as he searched for her. Running back to her he placed the dango on her lap making her give him one of the many smiles he has come to love. He sat next to her with his hand on her stomach as she eat the dango, he began to laugh the moment their son began to kick making Temari flinch "damn brat" Shikamaru laugh even louder at her comment making her unset, pulling a dango off the stick she shoved it in him mouth causing him to shut up. Shikamaru frowned as he chewed on the dango making her know that he was not pleased. "You know what, I been thinking of names for the baby" Shikamaru look at a bit hurt, he wanted to pick a name for their son but he was never around "thought up any you like" he said as he swallow the dango. Temari just shook her head. "But I was think about something with Shika in it to honor your father and the Ino-Shika_cho formation" Shikamaru just look at Temari, damn I'm lucky he thought to himself as he smiled at her but soon his smile fell as he saw an Abu standing before him and his wife
"Forgive me but the Hokage has requested to see you at the main gate immediately"
Shikamaru was unset and he was going to let it be known "Understood" getting up he look at Temari but she just look away and by her actions he could tell the she was clearly hurt "I'm not going anywhere Temari I promise I'll tell Kakashi to send someone else I'll be here for our sons birth" Temari look up at him extending one arm so that he could help her up, once up she walk over to the door with him and kissed him goodbye.
At the main gate Kiba, Lee, Sasuke, and Naruto where already there with Kakashi and they were only waiting on Shikamaru. Once in sight Naruto and Kiba began to wave at him but he just walk past them walking straight up to Kakashi "what the hell do you think your doing Temari will give birth any day now and your sending me on a mission. I want to be there when he's born so I'm not going bye" Shikamaru turn and began to walk aways but was stoped but a group of Abu "this isn't a mission out of the land of fire Shikamaru you'll be back in two hours tops I just need you all as reinforcement for a temple not that far from here. I friend of mind need help and since I can trust you, you'll be who I'm sending" Shikamaru stop and turned to see his sensei "fine but can you send someone to tell Temari.... I told her I'll be right back"
"Yes now Kiba and Akamaru already got the sent of the person who send the message and that sent will lead you to his destination now Go!!"
"Yes sir!"
They ran though the forest finally making it at the temple doors "ok everyone knows the plan right" Shikamaru stopped and looked around making sure everyone had it down "right go" first Sasuke and Naruto mixing the
chidori and rasengan blasting the door opened everyone got in battle stance ready to attack but no one was in sight "umm hey I don't get it I though there was a battle going on in here"
"This place looks deserted, like no one has ever been here"
"But it doesn't make any sense why would he send Kakashi sensei a message with the wrong place"
"No Naruto Kiba brought us here by sent so he must be here somewhere ok new plan everyone get in a par of two and scout the area look for anyone and anything that can tell us what happened here" Everyone was about to move until Akamaru began barking "what is it Akamaru" Kiba nodded his head and began sniffing the air "hey what is it Kiba did Akamaru pick up something"
"Ya he did that guys sent is still here but its not moving and I'm also picking up blood lost of it" Kiba said looking at the temple "ok Kiba where are you picking up Ikki's sent" Shikamaru said as he let out a sigh in annoyance as Kiba point at the highest tower "well that were we will begin ok everyone let go"
"Ken what are we doing here the ninjas of the leaf are here we killed everyone like you wanted now let's go" Ken stood on a tree not that far from the temple so he was able to see the ninja that came "alright let's go I just wanted to make sure that he was the one they sent" he said as he watched Shikamaru and the others run in to the temples tower "for your beloved wife and child will be your down fall mr.Nara" he smirked truing to the girl behind him and planting a kiss on her cheek "come now Megu we need to stop by at the leaf to pay a visit to someone every important"
Finally reaching the temple tower they found Ikki's body alone side a women "damn were to late" Naruto said as he walk over to the women and check her pluses about to do the same to Ikki until and Abu grabbed his head almost braking it "he what the hell"
Getting in his fight stance Naruto faced the Abu. The Abu didn't say a word and just stood looking at Naruto and he ran towards him ready to attack "why you..."
"That enough" Naruto stoped and with the others look at the new comer into the room "Shino?!"
"You all left me again"
"Hey buddy you were busy on a mission already and we couldn't wait for you" Kiba said putting an arm around Shino. "Naruto instead of attacking him you should be thanking him for he just saved your life"
Naruto look at the Abu who just walked away "and why do you say that Shino he almost broke my arm if you haven't noticed I only have one hand left" Naruto said shacking his replacement arm at Shino. "It's because this man is part of the Aburame family and he contains a poisonous insect that has merged with his body along with the poison but that isn't the worst part, Shikamaru I think you should have a look down stairs" Shikamaru has a questionable look on his face but followed Shino anyways. Once they reach what Shino was talking about Shikamaru felt his heart stop as he looked at the message up on the wall. "Damn get him down" Kiba said removing the Kunai from the mans hands. "Shikamaru do you know who this is Shikamaru?......Shikamaru!!" Sasuke yelled his name over and over but he didn't move, how could he cause at the moment he couldn't hear or even think clearly all that came to mind was Temari. Finally finding his ability to move Shikamaru ran out of the temple "Shikamaru!!! Damn it come on"
"He guys what about this guy what do we do with him"
"Leave him dope don't you see Temari is in danger, the Abu can take care of the rest but right now we have to help Shikamaru protect Temari now come on" Sasuke said after Shikamaru and the other close behind.

Hey guys I finally finished this part ok hope you enjoy it

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