Broken Family Pt1

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Chapter 37 Broken Family

It's been a week since Shikadai was attacked and he still hasn't woken up and Temari was getting worried. She spent day and night with him ignoring her duties as the advisor of the Sand just to be with him. She just didn't want to leave his side hopping her just being there was enough.

"Hey Shikadai you know it's been a week" she said getting closer to him placing her hand on his. "I need you to wake up now please." She looked over his body hoping that their was some kind of movement but their was none.

"Hey Temari you need to get something to eat" she turn to look at her brother and shook her head. "No I'm fine I'm not hungry"
Gaara let out a sight and she prepared herself for what was going to happen next but to her surprise he walk over and place his hand on her shoulder.

"What no sand this time" she joked, in this past week Kankuro and Gaara would take turns to get her out of the room but she would always fight back. so one day Kankuro got so mad and trap her in is puppet and took her out to eat since than Gaara has been doing the same with his sand.

"No sand Temari, it wont be need.... The leaf are sending someone to get the kid, Lady Tusunade wants to treat him herself" she shrugged Gaara's hand off her, "Shikadai"

"What was that Temari?"

"His name is Shikadai!!" getting up she pushed him out of her way and stormed out of the room, glaring and at Kankuro who was standing on the other side of the door.

He watched as his sister walked down the hall as people tried avoiding her like the plague, he let out a sigh as she turned the corner and walked into the room with Gaara "she sure is pissed"

"Ya that would be expected, she has become pretty attached to this child"

"Ya wonder how that happened"

"What are we going to do about the kids who attacked him"

"Gaara they're just kids, I'm sure they didn't mean for this to go this far"

"Kids or not if we don't do something I'm sure the Leaf or even the Nara will take matter into their own hands, it will have to be done before he goes back to the Leaf but the problem now is Temari" he said placing a hand on Shikadai's face

"well what are we to do the leaf wants their kid back we can't just say - Hey no my sister actually like the kid I think we're going to keep him" he said watching as his younger brother sighed

"He belonged to the leaf, he is their Shinobi and Temari is going to have to face it she can't stay with him"

"It's just been a day and he's already won her heart. damn Nara, why do you think that is" he said walking over to Gaara sitting down on the now empty chair.

"I don't know. Remember back than I told you I was courses about this kid and now he did or said something to her that made her feel this way for him"

"Your saying like a genjutsu"

"No Temari would know if she were under a genjutsu"

"Your right I'm not...... I just really care for him" they both turned to see Temari standing by the door with a dango in hand walking over signaling Kankuro to move which he did. Sitting she moved Gaara's hand from Shikadai and replaced it with her own cupping his face "you know I see us in him which is funny because all he had done is argue with me and cry " she said placing a kiss on his forehead "when I look into his eyes I see all that sadness and pain we put you through all those years ago Gaara" Gaara and Kankuro were taken by surprise as they watch their sister shed a tear for the child laying down on the bed before her. her cheek pressed to his. "You felt so lonely for so long, I didn't understand that before. You never talked about it and we never asked. But he made me understand, when he cried I saw you Gaara and all the pain you felt. And I'm so sorry for that. For all those year you where alone, we should had done somethings sooner, been there for you but we didn't and I'm so sorry" Gaara placed a kiss on his sister face, pulling her up he pulled her into a hug

"and you..... What of yourself do you see in him"

"Well his attitude is all me" she said laughing

"when I'm arguing with him I see myself he's always so defensive"

"Just like you"

"Ya" their hug lasted only a few seconds and it was interrupted by a groan, pulling away from the hug they heard him speak.  "Mommy" Temari and Gaara turn to Shikadai who was starting to move "Shikadai" Temari placed her hand on his "it me Temari... Can you hear me" she asked him watching as his grip on her hand harden "mommy.... Temari-sama" she jumped on him as he opened his eyes and said her name "yes! Yes it's me Shikadai!!"

"Temari-sama I can't breath...."

"Temari that enough.... I need to speak with him for a little it'll be fast..... Than we can talk about everything.... About our past" looking up she nodded and got up.

"Are you going to come back" Shikadai asked holding on to her hand.

"Temari will be outside Shikadai ok I'll be quick" Gaara said walking Temari and Kankuro out

"I think I'll take a little longer" she said looking over to Shikadai "you need to eat right it's been a week so anything in mind?"  Shikadai nodded his head 'anything, anything you make mother would make me happy' "a home cooked meal would be good" Shikadai said smiling at Temari and her face lit up

"sure" grabbing Kankuro she walk out of the room leavening Gaara with Shikadai.

"Hey Kankuro"

"Ya what is it Temari"

"What do you think of our family" letting out a sigh he tried to answer the question the best way he would "to be honest I don't know where this is coming from but if you must know I think our family is fine. We're together and alive that all that matters"

"Ok and before what did you think of it than"

"It was ok teamri it wasn't the best but it was doable"

"That where your wrong" he stop walking and turned to face his sister "and what dose that mean?"
"We were broken that what our family was, there was nothing there, no love in it in any way not from you, not from me, not even from father we were a broken family Kankuro. We lived in fear of our brother not giving a damn about his feelings we turned him into what he was not anyone else" Kankuro turn and started walking again heading to there home

"I know we did, It was our fault but we are tring to make in better. His better. And we love him now and that all that counts. Now hurry up that kid is probably starving" he joked.  she nodded her head too walking to their home.


Hey guys ok so when I wrote this chapter a that need deleted the first draft and I dead ass stated to bug out this isn't as good as the first one but it's ok I got my point cross so I guess that what matters anyway like, vote, comment you know what to do ppl love ya bye 😘

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