Giving Up?

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Chapter 8 Giving Up?

"We should get going we already behind schedule" Temari said looking always from Shikamaru "go on ahead I need some time for myself I'll catch up in a bit"
Shikamaru wiped tears out of his eyes  looking up at the sky while Temari just walked away without saying a word. Once she realized she was far enough from Shikamaru she sat down oh a tree branch "good going Temari you made him cry god what is wrong with us, I'm supposed to be the heartless bitch and he supposed to be the sweet,kind, warmhearted crybaby and now look you've become the crybaby and he is the cold hearted bitch" Temari began to tear up. she couldn't take it anymore her mission was a failure she failed, there is no way that she could possibly bring him back to his old self. Temari senses someone coming she quickly wipe her eyes and got herself up and got ready to leave. continuing on the path to the village in the cloud, not a short while later Shikamaru caught up to her. looking a little more in control of his emotions "we should be getting the in an hour"
"Ya let hurry up I need someone to heal my wound"
Shikamaru look down ashamed of what he had done. Once at the village gate they spotted Karui and Omoi
"Look like they're our guide for today" Temari said smiling at Karui and Omoi but Shikamaru didn't say a word "I know what I told you back there was a surprise and I know that you didn't like what I had to say but we need to talk about it some more I want to talk about it about our friendship, I want to know where we stand or if it is even still their" Shikamaru walk past Temari.
"Ya ok whatever your want Temari"
Walking up to Omoi's side
"Hey lady Temari, Shikamaru how's  It been me and Karui been waiting for a long time at first we thought that you two over slept but than I though what if while Shikamaru is asleep Temari gets attacked and can't call for help because he is a hard sleeper and they take her with them and by the time Shikamaru wakes up its to late to track them and than he would come here and ask for my help and I would have to save her and she would fall in love with me and I would have to brake her heart.  Ow what was that about Karui!"
While Omoi was talking Karui hit him over the head while Shikamaru and Temari just stared at him. Temari a little taken aback by his comment about her falling in love with him. And Shikamaru just stood there looking at Temari and thinking " talk about it some more? Our friendship? How does she see me"
"Why won't you shut up damn it, she is not going to fall in love with you, you idiot"
"Ahahaha ya I'm sorry but that not going to happen Omoi. We better get to the Raikage Tower to give him the plans for the Communication tower"
"Ah yes come with me Omoi go home"
"No I will go with you too I have to go see Lord Bee anyway"
"Ok whatever come Temari, Shikamaru follow me the Raikage mansion is this way"
Temari and Shikamaru follows Karui and Omoi to the Raikage mansion, reaching it Omoi said his farewells and walk up a fight of stairs while Karui kept going straight  ahead.
(Knock, knock)
"Lord Raikage the messengers from the sand and leaf are here may we come in?"
"Yes Karui bring them in" Karui Open the door walked in stepping aside while holding it open so that Temari and Shikamaru can enter. Karui bowed down and exited the room leaving Temari and Shikamaru all alone with the Raikage.
"good afternoon Lord Raikage  it's a pleasure to see you again"
Temari said while bowing in front of him. Shikamaru too bowed and spoke
"Forgive our tardiness Lord Raikage we had a couple problems on the way"
"It's fine and lift up your head no need to be so formal with me by the way but the look of the bandage around your neck I'd say you need medical attention"
"Yes Lord Raikage Temari does I would thank you if you had someone look at her wound"
"Yes I will have one of my best Check on her"
"Thank you Lord Raikage but business first the Hokage told me and Shikamaru to delivery this to you." Placing in the scroll on the Raikage table he undid the seal on it and read what was in it
"Yes very well I thank you for coming all this was to deliver this to me now we have a room ready for your stay I hope you don't mind but we don't usually have many visitors come to the cloud village so we only have one inn and all the rooms were filled except for one and it only has one bed." Shikamaru wanted to see if there was a way for him to stay with Omoi.
"Umm well you see...." But he was cut off by Temari
"Thank you Raikage we will take the room we have not problem with the arrangements right Shikamaru?"
"Umm ya.... Thank you"
"Good you both are dismissed and I hope you like your stay here in the hidden cloud village"
"I'm sure we will Raikage" Temari bowed once more before she and Shikamaru left. Walking out of the Raikage office they dumped into Karui.
"I'll take you to your room than after we can do something what do you say Temari?"
"Yes of course"
Just what Temari need sometime to think about everything that had happened in the past weeks. They all made their way to the inn where Temari and Shikamaru would be staying walking in Karui went to the receptionist " we have one room reserved under the Raikage"
" why yes we do here's the keys to your room. I hope you I joy your stay"
"Thank you I'm sure they will" Karui looked over her shoulder winking at Temari and Shikamaru causing them both to blush.
"It's not like that Karui please don't make this   weird"
"What do you mean by weird Shikamaru" Karui elbowed him in Side and winked at Temari who turned a bright pink color. Temari look over at Shikamaru and saw that he was not pink but in a bright red and she turned around to start her way to their room. " We should get to the room so we can get going right Karui? "
"Wait what?...oh ya let hurry up I know this really cool place, Shikamaru are you coming with us you'll have fun I promise"
Karui turned her head in time to see Shikamaru shake his head.
"I'm sorry I don't think I'll be joining you ladies tonight I'm a little tired from the trip but you too can go on ahead I'll be find"
Shikamaru said while scratching the back of his head. He knew how hyper the Shinobi of the cloud where and he wanted no part in that. And he thought that, that maybe if Temari was out with Karui she wouldn't have time to talk to him about what happened back before they got there, he didn't want to talk about it the subject hurt to much and he couldn't just stand there and heard everything the women he loved dislike about him.
They all walked up the stairs to the room. Once at the room they opened the door to see a full apartment. A little sofa and tv in the living room and a small kitchen with a stove and fridge. "Wow it's nice I though it was just going to be a bed and dresser"
"Why do you say that Temari? Dose the inn in the sand not have a living room and kitchen?"
"Umm no that not it its just that since you don't usually have any visitors here I just thought that maybe you wouldn't need an inn with a living room and kitchen but I guess I was wrong"
"Oh well I really don't know why the inn need all this space either but it doesn't matter now go change and let's go."
Temari when in to the bed room while Karui and Shikamaru stayed in the living room.
"So what wrong with you two, the tension you two are throwing out is unbearable"
Shikamaru turn to look at her than look to the floor
"It's nothing, it don't matter anymore..... It can't be help or fixed"
Karui put here hand on his shoulder make him look up at her
"Everything can be fix no matter how broken it is and something are better fix with Sake!!!!!!" Karui though her hand up in the air all excited about her night out with Temari.
"What all the excitement about" Temari came out with a short black kimono that went up to her mid thigh no sleeves and a v-neck showing off her chest, her hair was down from its usual four tail and she had some black fighting gloves on. "She look amazing" was what Shikamaru was thinking his mouth hug open almost drooling at her sight "wow it really can't be fix if she is going out like that I'm sorry Shikamaru" Karui put her hand down and patted him on the back."come on thanks to you now I have to go change" Karui look at Temari with narrow eyes. "Oh I'm sorry I'll change back into what I was wearing before if you'll like" Temari said while scratching the back of her head. " no Trmari it's ok I won't take lone let go."
"Ok" Temari turned around to look at Shikamaru "don't wait up on me and you can sleep on the bed its big enough for the both of us to use" Temari and Karui than walked out and left Shikamaru all alone in the inn. Temari and Karui went straight to Karui's house so that she could change. On their way they ran in to Omoi ,Samui and Bee. "Hey me and Temari are going out for some drink do you want to come with us Samui?"
"She is the big sis of the littlest kazekage you know yo know"
"Oh ok I would like to join you too for drinks"
"I would too, but if I go and you get drunk I'll have to take you home and if I take you home and your to drink you might try somethings with me and if you try something with me Shikamaru would shortly want to fight me and if we fight it would be to the death and if one of use die our kage might start a fifth war and if we have a fifth war the peace we have now would be over and if it's over"
"Shut up Omoi why would she even do that you idiot!!"
"You might ever know sis girls do stupid thing when there drunk"
"You know what than don't come!!"
"But if I don't come who would take her home if I don't take her home and your too drunk to even walk some random guy might be forced to take her home but what if he don't take her to her inn but to his home instead and he dose something to her the kazekage would kill me and lord Raikage would start a war and if he starts a war"
"Yes yes we know all peace we have now will be over we get it so are you coming or not!!!"
"Ya i guess"
Once they finished there argument they headed off to the club.
"It's really nice here Karui in my village we don't have anything close to this"
Temari said while look all over the room. It was full of different colored light going on and off with people dancing and drinking
"Here are your drink I hope you didn't wait long if you need anything else call me at any time. "Yes thank we will"
Karui tried to get Temari really drunk which was really easy, so she could ask her some questions. Once Temari was completely drunk the question started to pour out and so did the answers
"Hey Temari can I ask you something?"
"It's about you and Shikamaru"
"....oh .....him"
"You don't sound to happy with him may I ask why?"
"Because he hurt me"
Temari's face straighten and her eyes began to tear blinding her sight of Karui. " you know I loved him and he so different and he's scary at time, he's working himself to death and he's different." The tear the filled in her eyes finally began to fall and landed in her drink that she was holding in between her two hands. "I miss him the old him the one I meet so long ago"  finishing the drink in her hand she throw the cup to the side letting her head hit the table and began to cry even louder. " I can't do it anymore I don't know what to do I can't he is so different I....I can't but the problem is that I still love him what do I do I need help I don't I know what to do"
"I think I better take you back to the inn Temari and I'm sorry I did this to you"
Karui helped Temari to her feel and began there way back to the inn where Shikamaru was..


Ok every body  in the next chaper there is going to be a very drunk Temari 😱😱😱😱😱 with a very shirtless Shikamaru 😍😍😍😍😍 what is going to happen 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔I might do some lemons in the next chapter I'm not sure depends on how it comes out and like I always say I hope you guy like it leave your comments below 👇👇👇👇 thanks for reading

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