Letting Them Know

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Chapter 16 Letting Them know

"Ok that enough love for one day, the baby looks fine you can go now Temari"
Sakura handed Shikamaru a towel to give to Temari so that she can clean the gel off. Sakura walk out of the room with Naruto behind her leave them in the room alone "I got it tem" Shikamaru began cleaning The gel off of Temari making her laugh in the process. Once done Shikamaru placed the towel in the sink that was in the room and walked back to Temari helping her sit up. "You better be this helpful went I start looking like a ball" Shikamaru just started laughing and nodding his head, picking up his chunin vest and helping Temari down from the table causing her sash to fall to the floor. Shikamaru bent down to get it but once he got up to give it to her the door opened and Lady Tusunade was the one who had came in. " I don't even want to know" Temari kimono was still opened and Shikamaru had her sash in his hand. "This isn't what it look like lady Tusunade"
"Temari I was young and in love to you don't have to tell me anything but please if your going to do things like this don't do it in my hospital now the reason I was here I heard Sakura was giving an ultrasound, I wanted to see how it went" the room stood quite and Tusunade could see the worry in their eyes. She let out a sigh and then continue "Temari I also was looking for you the feudal lord of the land of winds canceled his trip to the land of fire so he won't be coming. And Baki also send a letter saying that you must get back to the sand immediately"
Shikamaru turned to face Temari he could see the worry in her eyes "are my brothers ok?"
"He didn't say the only thing it said was that you are need in the sand" Temari nodded her head taking the sash from Shikamaru hand and closing her kimono "I'll leave as soon as possible"
"Lady Tusunade I ask that I accompany Temari to the hidden sand" Tusunade raised an eyebrow and look at him "and that is because"
"She hasn't been feeling well in the past days so I wish to go to make sure she gets there ok and another thing I wish to ask her brothers somethings important."
" and that is?" Tusunade look over at Temari who was putting on her sash, than it hit her Temari was looking a little bigger and a ring on her finger. She turned her head and smile "alright I give you permission to Escort her there now when do you leave"
"Tomorrow " they look at each other and Temari look ready to kill something and the first person in her line of fire was Shikamaru. But he didn't let her intimidate him, he needed to be brave not only for him but for the child Temari so recklessly forgets she has. "And why is that"
"Because your in no condition to be running off like that Temari. I'm the man and your the woman you have to listen to what I say, you can't keep on going around doing whatever you please you're no longer in the conduction to do so" Shikamaru place his hand on Temari cheeks making her look up at him "I understand your worried but think about it, they are no longer the only family you got. Me and this baby we are your new family. Temari I can fight wars for you but I would mean nothing if you get caught in the cross fire" Temari understood what he was telling her and although she was worried she know he had a point once he release her cheeks she slapped him "don't ever pull the man and women crap on me again, now let's go you promised me food" Temari walk always leavening Shikamaru rubbing his face and Tusunade laughing once she compose herself she look at Shikamaru "you know your running straight into a lions den with that one, you better not get Kankuro in a bad mood before asking for her hand in marriage"
"Ya ya I know I'll try my best not to die" with that said he walk out and went to catch up with Temari. They all went to go eat ramen, Temari betting Naruto at a ramen eating Contest eating 10 bowls and Naruto on eating 9 they were all laughing and talking about pretty much anything. Shikamaru forgetting that they were trying to keep them a Secret lean it to kiss Temari and she turned to expect the kiss, their lips meet and everything around the disappeared. They were to caught up in the moment that they didn't realize when Ino and Choji came in. Ino was stunned Shikamaru was kissing a girl and not just any girl the girl he though the most scariest, coldest and troublesome of all. She squealed making Shikamaru open his eyes braking the kiss and turning to where the noise came from. And just as he thought it came from Ino. "Hey Shikamaru Temari Sakura why is Naruto Sulking"
"Well if you must know Choji my beautiful fiancé just bet him in a ramen eating Contest"
"Fiancé??!!!" Ino and Choji said at the same time with their mouth handing opened, Temari just turned around to look at Shikamaru "what are you doing I thought we weren't going to tell anyone else" Shikamaru grabbed Temari wrapping his arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder "their going to find out sooner or later just look at Naruto" he leaned in close to nibble on her ear and whisper "but we won't tell them about the baby, not yet ok" he began to lick and bite her ear than going down her neck making her lean her head to the opposite side. Ino and Choji were dumb struck never in their life had they every thought Shikamaru would put this much effort into anything nonetheless a women. Choji and Ino were released from the trans when the owner of the Ramen shop tap his spoon on the counter "hey kids that enough, get a room" he said then turned back to his pot making Sakura laugh "Billboard brow? Shikamaru!!! How in hell do you tell billboard brow and the village idoit before your own teammates!!!"
"Well if you must know Ino pig we found out by ourselves"
"And how exactly did you do that?"
"we walked in on them" the whole shop stood silent and everyone attention was on Shikamaru and Temari. "You idiot don't go saying things like that they'll get it the wrong idea. What he meant was that we walk in on them kissing we want to go get Temari but he had to use the bathroom and since Temari didn't opened the door her broke his way to the bathroom and that when we saw them kissing on the couch" Ino and Choji just sat down and ordered the Ramen " so when is the wedding?"
"What wedding?" Kiba, Akamaru, shino and Hinata walk into the ramen shop and ordered some Ramen as well "who is getting married?"
"Temari is" ino told kiba as the ramen shop owner placed a bowl of ramen in front of them "really congratulation but you don't seem the type to be getting married at such a young age "I'm 23"
"Oh well still you don't look a day over 19" he winked at her making her laugh and Ino just smirk she knew Kiba was a bog and of course he was going to hit on Temari once he knew she was getting married but the thing was that she wanted to see Shikamaru reaction to his new fiancé getting hit on. She looked over in Shikamaru Direction to see his face expression and just as she thought he was red and looked every upset. "So who the low life bastard that is going to take your freedom away" kiba asked Temari who just kept in laughing "I am you have a problem with that!!" Shikamaru got up from his seat hovering over Temari who just look up at him and by the look he had on she knew that he was not enjoy the convention she was having with kiba. She tugged at his vest making him look down at her, she gave him a wink. His face softened and he smiled at her while scratch in the back of his head "Aww man im sorry kiba I didn't mean to"
"Are you kidding me your getting married man what happens to marriage is a draw and it would be to troublesome what happen to that Shikamaru" kiba got up from his seat and went over to Shikamaru and whisper in his ear " is she threatening you or somethings just tell us now man so we can help you??" Shikamaru pushed kiba away from his face and looked down at Temari who heard the whole this "No she is not she is the most beautiful things My shadow have ever caught" everyone in the room went aww excess for kiba and Shino. Kiba now went over to Temari who was smiling at Shikamaru "ok listen lady I have no clue what you have done to Shikamaru but what ever it is I'm not having it"
"If you don't stop Harassing me I might just bite your finger off" Temari gave kiba a death glare and he backed away "man you sure you wanna marry that?"
"Yes I do now quit messing with her man I'm telling you she dose bite and hard" Shikamaru winked at Temari who covered her face in embarrassment. After they were all done they all headed home leaving Shikamaru with Temari "you know you can stay with me and anyways I kinda have to introduce my future wife to my mom right"
"You haven't told your mom yet"
"Well I was with you all day so how could I come on and if your still hungry I'm sure she cooked to" when they reached the Nara compound he open the door but once he turned to Temari to let her in he was hit over the head making him fall to the floor. "Well what do you have to say for yourself I told you to come home at 7:00 for dinner and now look at what time it is 10:00 I'm sure your smart enough to tell the 3 hour. oh hello." Yoshino look at Temari who was looking at Shikamaru sitting on the floor rubbing his head "hello Yoshino im sorry I kept him"
"Oh no it's not you fault because I'm sure he know how to call and write"
"Yes I know but he came with me to the hospital today"
"Oh really I'm sorry than Shikamaru now get up off the floor" Shikamaru got up and closed the door walk into the house "hey mom I need to tell you something"
"Yes what is it"
Shikamaru rubbed the back of his neck looking at Temari and her stomach "ok first of all I ask Temari to merry me" their was a pause he wait for his mother response but all Yoshino did was walk over to Temari and hug her " well I'm guessing that mean you approved ok here goes the second thing Temari is pregnant....." Yoshino push out of the hug she was giving Temari and there was nothing but silence Yoshino than put her hand on Temari stomach and began to cry she grabbed Temari by the hand and walk over to Shikamaru pulling him into a hug by his caller and pulling in Temari by her hand "thank you.... Thank you so much... Your father would be proud of you maybe not at the fact the she is pregnant before being Married but I know he would be... And Temari " Yoshino push Shikamaru making him hit the floor and looked Temari in the eyes " thank you... Welcome to the family... Oh god are you hungry did his lazy ass take you to eat or are you tired, do you need anything?" Temari just looked at Yoshino who was still crying, Temari too began to cry she was so happy happy that she approved and that she didn't mine her being pregnant. Temari wiped her eyes and answered her question. " yes he took me to eat ramen I eat ten blows but im still a little hungry and we slept all day today befor going to the hospital" Yoshino grabbed Temari hand and led her to the dining table and went to the kitchen to get some food placing it in front of Temari. " here you go if you need anything else Shikamaru can get it for you ok"
" ya mom don't worry I'll take care of it and another thing she is going to stay with us for to night"
" ok go set up a guest room for her and why only for to night were are you going to sleep tomorrow?"
" I'm taking her back to her village tomorrow and she is Going to be sleeping with me in my room if you don't mine?"
Yoshino just looked at him and nodded her head the said her good nights and went to her room. Shikamaru waited for Temari to finish eating and than he washed her dish sending her to his room to get a head start in the bath. Once he was done he joined her.

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