A Mother's Love

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Chapter 20 A Mother's Love

Shikamaru walk in to the main building to the  Nara compound opening the door so that everyone else would come in as well. Once inside they all walk over to the living room. Sitting down Gaara placed the gift on the table and look over to Shikamaru than  Kankuro "Hey Shikamaru you have to leave"
Temari look over at Kankuro who had just kicked Shikamaru out of his own house. With an angry look Temari walk over to Kankuro standing in front of his view of Shikamaru "and why is that?" Temari just stared into Kankuro eyes daring him to say something stupid. Temari wait for what felt like an eternity but no response came from him. Gaara look over at Shikamaru who hadn't moved an inch since Kankuro kicked him out, with a sigh Gaara spoke "he doesn't  have to leave right now but once you pull out what in the box than he is going to have to leave" Temari look at Gaara and Shikamaru sigh getting up from where he was seated and walk over to the door to leave "I said when she pulled out what was in the box" Shikamaru stopped midway and turned to look at Gaara "we need you here, better yet Temari is gonna need you here" The word he spoke surprised him, Shikamaru look at the box what the hell is in there, is it gonna hurt Temari , no I can't let her open it..... He though to him self "what in the box Gaara!" By the sound of his voice Gaara could tell that he wasn't pleased. "Well she is going to have to open it so that we can find out"
We.... Did he just say we..... Damn is he saying that they don't know what in there "tsk... don't open it Temari. They don't even know what in there" Temari look over at Shikamaru than at her brothers and finally at the box. Walking over and sitting in front of it she thought to herself, Why so much mystery? Could whatever in the box really hurt me? Temari shook those thoughts out of her head. It was her brother who had gave it to her and as a gift nonetheless. She placed her hand on it and opened it. Her eyes widened and tear began to form, she knew what it was just by looking at it. Her fingers tracing over the fabric. She had seen it many time before on the photo on her fathers and brother desk. "don't pull it out yet!" Temari looks up at her brothers her eyes all watery and scream pain. Kankuro didn't like seeing Temari like and just look alway "there's a letter underneath it" he said not looking at her but at Shikamaru tilling his head in her direction as in signaling him to go to her and he did but before her could get there Temari hand already removed the letter from its hiding spot. Looking at the words in the front she began to cry out loud almost screaming, while burying her face into her hands. Shikamaru ran to her side and look at her brothers with a painful look than look at the box. A pice of clothing... He thought to himself. Why would something like this have such an emotional affect on her? Than looking at the letter she had in her hand, she was holding on to it as tight as she could as if, if she were to drop it, it would be gone forever. Shikamaru wrapped his arms around her kissing every possible place he could to try and calm her down. After a couple of minutes or so she finally calm down. Removing her hand she look at the letter " Tem are you ok?" She didn't say a word and just nodded her head. She took in a deep breath and opened the letter. The paper was old and she could tell by the dried tear drops left on the paper that who ever wrote it had been cry when doing so. She took in one last breath and began to read out loud

My little sand Princess

My beautiful little Temari hopefully you wouldn't have to read this, hopefully I could remove it from your gift myself before giving it to you, hopefully I would be standing before you telling you this myself but if you are that mean that you are to be married and I'm no longer part of this world. You know that is the one thing I fear the most about being a Shinobi to die without seeing you or your brothers grow up. Yes I said brothers today I found out that I'm having another boy not a girl like you wanted and I'm sorry for that. I just want you to know how proud I am of you. I hope you have met the right guy and are happy.  I want you to know that their will come a time when the love you feel for him will cause you pain and suffering. They will be fight and harsh decisions and things will be said and done that might break your heart but love is when you stand by someone and together Mende the broken heart. Temari no matter how stupid,reckless or full pride the man shall be stand by him, I leaned that while being with your father.  That man has a pride taller than the former Kage statues. My little sand princess oh how I wish for the day your wedding come and I wish this letter will not be within the gift Raza and I give you. How I wish I could be the one to hand this to you, I wish to help you fix your wedding and to see your face as you walk down the aisle to begin a new life. How I wish to see you become a mother and to help you raise your children, to teach you a thing or two about parenting. Oh how I wish I were there I'm sorry for the time you will live with out me,I'm sorry for leavening you behind. I'm sorry for everything my love. How I wish you a happy life with so much joy and love, and to the man who steels your heart I wish him the best. And I thank him for loving you

Sincerely you beloved mother Kurara No Sabaku

Temari burst into tears again gripping on to Shikamaru shirt holding the letter to her chest. Gaara and Kankuro too began to cry once Temari finished reading their mothers letter. They walk over to their sister getting on their knees they wrapped their arms around her waist causing her to release Shikamaru and wrapping her arms around their heads they all cry. The sand siblings never in their life had ever thought about "what if" their mother hadn't die, to them it happen and there ways no turning back. Never had they thought that there mother could speak to them even after her death. And especially that her words would cause them so much pain and joy at the same time. Temari began to smile and Kankuro began to laugh Gaara just look away but too had a smile on his face "man to you she left her wedding dress to Gaara his sand what you think she left me" Gaara just pushed Kankuro making him hit the table behind him. Gaara placed his Head on Temari stomach, closing his eyes and began to smile "your getting big Temari, the dress will fit you perfectly" Shikamaru didn't say a word and just stared at the two, since the day they told Gaara that they were to marry Gaara had gotten soft and had shown more emotion towards Temari. "Ya she will right! Hey sis try it on" Shikamaru got up and walk out of the house kissing Temari before leaving. Temari took the dress out and tried it on.

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