The Wedding Day Part 1

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Hey guy ok I went back and I saw that auto correct on my phone kept changing some of the words and I'm sorry for that so imma fix the past chapters before putting up a new one so bare with me and after the wedding the real action begins 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁😁😁 now this chapters started below 👇👇👇👇👇👇

Chapter 21 The Wedding Day Part 1

Temari was happy she had her friends help her with her hair and make up. But what really made this day perfect was that Yoshino help her put on her dress carefully wrapped the sash around Temari stomach. It had grown in the past two weeks fully becoming round. Today was the happiest day of her life but Yoshino could see the sadness deep within her eyes. Even if she was Smiling and laughing Yoshino could that she was in pain. "there you go. You look beautiful, look at me Temari they may not be here in person but they will always look after you remember that ok" Temari smiled  hugging her new mother-in-law "now I'm going to see how your brothers and Shikamaru are doing. Yoshino kissed Temari on the forehead than left the room leaving her in Sakura and Ino's care.
Shikamaru was putting on his clothes, and was stressing out, he couldn't put on his rode right and Kankuro was no help and Gaara just sat down on the sofa looking at his brother and brother-in-law. Kankuro was bad mouth Temari taste in men and how she wasn't a good cook, saying and doing anything to make Shikamaru change his mind. With a heavy sigh Gaara finally spoke "That enough Kankuro Temari will marry Shikamaru and that will be the end of it" Kankuro look at Gaara than at a very nervous Shikamaru and once again began talking. Shikamaru was nervous not only because Kankuro kept on threatening to kill him if he ever hurt or cheat on his sister or how she deserved and could do much better them being with someone like him but because he didn't know what he was doing. he who would say marriage was to much work and to much trouble. And now here he was ready to get married, and not to just anyone but to Temari the one women he thought was the scariest person he had ever met, she who could destroy anything in her path with just one swing of her fan. She who had stolen his heart with every insult every bruise every game and mission. All the time they spent together led up to this moment. Shikamaru began to smile at himself closing his eyes remember how sexy Temari look crawling up to him placing him within her mouth, their first time together was what finalize their relationship. Making this day possible. "Oi have you gone mad or something? What are you laughing at?" Shikamaru opened his eyes turning around to see Gaara and Kankuro staring at him. "No just remember something that happened before" at that moment they all heard a knock at the door. "Come in" Gaara said without noticing. Yoshino pop her head into the room seeing that Shikamaru was already dress but not much to her surprise he wasn't. With the heavy sigh she walked into the room to help him get ready "you know she's already done right" Shikamaru couldn't help but smile.
"Really! she's not having second thoughts?"
Yoshino just laugh at him. "No Kankuro she isn't, she really looks beautiful"
"Aww man, well I'll be going to get her. I'm handing her over to Shikamaru" Kankuro had a big smile on his face as he made his way to the door. Gaara on the other hand looked a little aggravated with Kankur comment. Getting up he quickly send a pile of sand covering the door. "No your not! This is more than just a marriage between two people, this is a marriage between two nations and I as kazekage will be giving her way" Kankuro looked at his little brother with fury "Get out of my way Gaara. Kazekage or not I won't hesitate to kill you" Yoshino was in shock at what Kankuro had just said and look at Shikamaru Who began to laugh nervously. He began to try to calm them down "Clam down guys i'm sure she wouldn't mind both of you walking her down" but Gaara and Kankuro were so wrapped up in the little argument that they completely ignored him.
"You seem to forget that with or without being kazekage I am capable of killing you with moving just one hand Kankuro" at that moment Kankuro pulled out his puppet and Gaara's sand was hovered over the room. Shikamaru began to worry that he might die before actually getting married to Temari he also tried commencing his mother to stop them before they both died "Ah you should stop them" but Yoshino did nothing to do so.
"No it's fine, their you brother-in-law you stop them" Kankuro stared at Gaara and he did the same with his emotionless face.
Ino and Sakura were puting the finishing touches to Temari hair "what are you doing Ino pig don't put to much on one side"
"Listen Billboard brow don't tell me how to do it if you have forgotten I'm the one who did your hair" Temari just stood there laughing at the two fight over her hair style. Looking up at the clock Ino release a gasp
"Hey guy I think the wedding started already"
"What!!" Sakura and Temari turned to look at the clock they were ten mins late "damn Temari he probably thinks you changed your mind lets go" grabbing Sakura and Temari, Ino pulled them out of the door, making their way to the Nara's Garden where they hope the guest and Shikamaru were still waiting. Picking her head out to the garden Ino saw that Shikamaru was no where in sight "his not there, wait here I'll go ask Choji were he went" Ino ran out reaching Choji than elbowed him in the arm trying to make it seem to all the guest as if there was no problem at all. Ino gave a smile at everyone as they look at her in confusion. She leaned over and whispers to Choji "where the hell is Shikamaru" Choji gave Ino a worried look "Ino he hasn't come out yet I don't know we're he is I already went to go look for him in his room but the door was locked and I didn't hear anything coming from within it. Ino look at him with surprise, Shikamaru was anxiously waiting for this day and now that it has come he was nowhere to be found. "Ok don't worry I'll look for him. just do your best to entertain the guests and distract them until I find him" Choji nodded and Ino walked back to Temari. "he hasn't come out yet and choji already went to look for him but he couldn't find him. he said the door was locked and that he didn't hear anyone within it" Ino was a little worried for Shikamaru, Temari was giving out a devilish vibe and when she finds him because ino was sure she was, she might end up killing him. Temari stormed off in the direction of the room he was in stopping by the room they shared together to pick up her fan. Finally reaching the room and swinging her tessen Temari broke the door.
"tsk if you wont move I'll move you!" Kankuro puppets went flying toward Garra and was ready to attack. " Gaara move!!"
Kankuro yelled as he attack him but Gaara just stood his ground not moving an inch until the door came flying in. Throughout all the smoke and dust they could see a figure standing by the door "Nara you stupid lazy crybaby bastard!!! You better not be getting cold feet I swear if you leave me here I'll kill you!!" Kankuro quality changed the direction his puppets were going attacking Shikamaru while Gaara's sand dropped on top of him making him hit the floor "ah!! what the hell"
Gaara and Kankuro look over to their sister sanding by the door with her fan, when all the dust cleared their Harden glares softened for now they could finally see their sister more clearly. She look as beautiful as Yoshino had told them and running up behind her were Sakura and Ino who we're out of breath " broke.... The door!" Sakura yelled in between breaths. Finally catching her breath she spoke again "Temari what did I tell you about picking that thing up!!" Sakura was once again yell and pointing at Temari's tessen. "Never mind that what the hell are you two doing why did you attack Shikamaru. I been wait for a long time" ya right we just got there ourselves Ino thought to herself " that enough the guest are waiting so you two go with Temari and me and Sakura will help Shikamaru" Ino walk thought the now broken door frame and tried to pick Shikamaru up" Kankuro and Gaara didn't say a word they just walk way and started heading down the hall "hey aren't you to forgetting something!" Sakura began to yell point at the puppets and sand that had Shikamaru pined to the floor "right" Gaara quickly picked up his sand crushing Kankuro puppets in the process than placing it back in his gourd and walking away with Temari. "Oi you did that on purpose didn't you!?" Kankuro yelled looking at his broken puppets on the floor "tsk dam little brat" Kankuro collected the pieces then place them back within the scroll, making his way to the other room . "Damn if they keep this up I might end up dying  before meeting my child" Shikamaru got up with the help of his mother and Ino. " your not hurt are you?"
" no Sakura I'm not but thank you"
"What the hell happened why were you fighting with them what did you do?"
"Well Ino it really wasn't a fight between Shikamaru and them but more like a fight between themselves."
"What but why"
"Damn those idiot were fight over who was going to give Temari away"
"Ok but why did they attack you"
"I don't know because there crazy...... man how troublesome"
"Well that don't matter come on your bride to be is waiting for you alongside all your friends" He nodded without saying another word he wanted to see Temari even though her was under a pile of sand and puppets he could still see Gaara and Kankuro, and he saw how their eyes had softened with just the sight of her. His  mother too told him she look beautiful. He believed her but he wanted to see it for himself and soon he would. They walk out of the room and made their way to the garden but before going out Yoshino pulled Shikamaru hair down releasing it from its usual high ponytail letting its down to his shoulders. He turn to look at his mother who had tears in her eyes. Partings his hair she tide it back up letting half of it still down to his shoulders "your more like your father than you know Shikamaru, you don't just have his looks and smarts you also have his heart..... Your more his kid than mine. Your going to be an amazing husband and father. Your father should be the one telling you this but he is no longer here but remember no matter what she is always right, it's a mans job to say sorry first and always put your close in the basket so she won't have to pick up after you. When your child is born give her days off so she can go out with her friends and catch up. Try to be romantic every now and then. If a fight between you too last longer than a day bring her flowers and sweet so she can forgive you. And always remember that I'm here for you if you ever need anything and that even if he isn't here you carry his heart and he will always love you and so will I"
Shikamaru nodded his head, wiping the tears out of his mothers eyes, he  hugged her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Turning around he made his was to the alter and wait for his bride

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