A Long Wait

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Chapter 33 A Long Wait

Shikamaru was sitting on the couch of the Hokage's home waiting to see how his wife was, its been hours since Temari fainted after Kiba told her what they found and his thoughts on the matter.

(6Hr ago)
"Temari! Temari wait!" Shikamaru yelled from the Hokage tower "damn it Naruto send an anbu for Kiba and Akamaru, to locate Shikadai's sent now" he yelled to Naruto as they ran after his wife "well you heard him go!" Naruto cried out to the anbu hidden throughout the village. Once the reach the Nara compound they went in to look for anything "Guard the door don't let anyone in" Naruto said to one of his clones who he places to secure the area and soon after Kiba and Akamaru were with them. "Damn it the smoke is covering everything I can't see"
"Damn Shikamaru this is where your wife would be to good use"
"Shut up Kiba" Naruto hit him as he point out the window to Ino trying to hold back Temari as she tried to get in. Shikamaru didn't say anything and just kept looking for his son or at least what was left of him. After a while Shikamaru got tried of looking, he didn't want to do it anymore he was too scared for what he might find. "Hey guys I found his head" Kiba yell and Shikamaru heart stop he turned to were Kiba was "just kidding" Kiba laugh and in a pit of rage Shikamaru attracted him "damn it Kiba do you want to die, that eoungh Shikamaru get off of him" Shikamaru had Kiba on the ground but Naruto caught him on time before he did any damage "let go Naruto I'm going to kill him you think that funny Kiba!" Shikamaru stop struggling as he began to cry "he's my son I'm so scared of what I might find and your joking around" Kiba didn't say much and just push him off "I'm sorry man I'm guessing it would have been funny if we were on a mission and it didn't involve your son. I was tiring to lighten the mood" he stood up and bust himself off "come on we won't find Shikadai here" Shikamaru look up at him "what" he said wiping the tears out of his eyes and getting on his feet "Shikamaru Shikadai was here but he's not now I went to the roof and his sent is no where at all" Kiba turned around to avoid looking at Shikamaru "if he would had been blown up his sent would be all over but it's not and their is only a bit of it. It's like he disappeared or was taken into another Realm"
"You mean like the sasuke sharingan or my old man Jutsu" Naruto said looking at Kiba with wide eyes "ya but It wasn't an Uchiha the only one who could do that is sasuke and he's not here in the village and Sarada hasn't activated her sharingan yet so that leave your old mans jutsu Naruto" Shikamaru said looking out the window. As Temari finally got out of Ino's grasp and punch her in the face sending her flying slamming into Sai who tried to catch her "damn it don't let Temari in Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled and one of the clone Tackled Temari to the ground "Shadow position Jutsu" Shikamaru acted without thinking he just couldn't let her in there. "That enough Tem please " Shikamaru said standing over his wife and watch as she cried, holding her in place "Shikamaru we lost him, he's ............." she started but stopped as she felt a sting in her neck. She felt she eyes lids growing heavy and her sight began to fade, everything going silent she could no longer hear. Going dark she knew what had happen "damn it Saku...." Finally releasing his Jutsu Shikamaru picked up his wife and headed off to the Hokage's house. Once there Hinata opened the door and let them in " put her down I one of the rooms"
"Sakura should be close behind" he said going into the closest guest room and putting her down than walking back out into the living room to wait for everyone. Not after long Sakura walked in with Ino, Sai and Inojin "You ok Ino" Shikamaru said walking over to her "I'm fine but what about you.... And Temari. This is distorting her." She said tears in her eyes and Shikamaru just smiled at her "I'm fine, I need to be strong if I want to fine my son" turning his head he looked away from her and to Kiba who walked in with Naruto. "do you think you can track his sent"
"I don't know Shikamaru we don't even know who it was who took him"
"Took?" They all turned to see Temari in the hall holding herself up with the walls help "what do you mean took Kiba"
"Sakura I though it would last longer" Shikamaru said running over to his wife "I didn't have much on me Shikamaru I didn't have time to go to the hospital and get more. The dose I gave her wasn't enough to keep her out for long"
"Answer my question Kiba what do you mean took. He's alive?" Temari asked leaning on Shikamaru her breathing was Harvey do to the drug still in her system and her balance was also still of "answer me!!" She yelled as she cry everyone stood silent never have they seen Temari like this and they never what to. "Temari they took our son and blow up the compound to make it seem he was dead" Shikamaru said as he wiped away her tears. he could see could see the hope in her eyes "why would they take him, he's just a child"
"No Temari your son isn't just any child he is the next head to one of the most strongest and smartest clan in the leaf and a nephew to the Kazekage himself with that alone they could get almost anything they want. There is also the issue of the growth of rouge ninja that what the leaf Distorted. Since Shikamaru is the Hokage's ambassador they think Shikadai might know things that can help destroy the leaf and they'll get try to get that information at any cost" Kiba said looking them in the eyes "my clan will do its best to find him before anything happens to him. You have my word Shikamaru, Temari"
" and one of those way is torture" Temari said letting go of Shikamaru and walking up to Kiba "I wan.." (Thump) "Temari!" Shikamaru yelled as he ran to her side "what happened Sakura" Sakura place her head on Temari's chest to hear it's bet " she's going into shock and her pluse is racing. Get her into a room, Ino go to the hopsital and get me my bag but I need it now so run" Shikamaru picked her up as Ino ran out the front door and to the hospital. Placing her down he could hear her huffing as it become harder for her to catch her breaths. "Is she going to be ok"
He ask "you have to get out Shikamaru"
"Sakura answer me please"
"Naruto, Kiba get him out!" Sakura yelled as Temari began to cough and gasp for air.
"No let go please... Temari! Sakura! Naruto,Kiba please"
"Sorry man we have to you can't be in there Sakura knows what she's doing ok so just wait" Kiba said as he and Naruto pulled him out of the room. What's happening, why is this happening, why now why to them, why not me he thought as they pulled him into the living room and held him down on the couch. Ino came back in and ran into the room Sakura was in. "I got your thing" she yelled as she entered the room.
Hours pass and it was alredy noon and he was very tired but he didn't what to sleep until he seen his wife. "We have an extra guest room is you want to sleep Shikamaru" Naruto said walking into the living room "I'm fine I'm not tired go back to bed" Naruto let out a long sigh a sat down beside him "my dear friend I wish I could but shizune send word to the sand and Gaara and Kankuro are on there way they should be hear any minute now" Naruto said keying back and looking over to his friend who still had tears in his eyes. "You know Sakura's the best she'll be fine"
"They why hasn't she came out not even once" Naruto placed his hand on his friends shoulder not surprised in the least at how much he was shaking. "Shikamaru it's going to be ok we'll find Shikadai and Temari will be better in a couple of days so don't worry. If you want I could go in and see ask Sakura if you can pass and see her" Shikamaru turned to face Naruto and smiled "even if it could mean your death"
"Then so be it although I don't think Sakura would kill me in my own house. Would she?"
"I don't know we'll have to test it out" Naruto got up and walking into the room Sakura, Ino and Temari have been in.
(Knock, knock)
There was a knock in the front door Shikamaru got up to see who it was hopping Kankuro wouldn't kick his ass if it were them. And to his luck Opening the door he was punched in the face by Kankuro sending him crashing into the dinning room table braking everything in his path "you fucken bastard" Kankuro yell making his way to Shikamaru who was covered in his own blood. Naruto ran out of the and got in Kankuro's way "stop Kankuro stop this my kids are sleeping Gaara don't stand there do something" Naruto yelled "you useless bastard we trusted you with our sister and our nephew and now his dead!! and Temari.... I can't even images how my sister is right feeling right now. It's all your fault...you son of a...."
"What are you doing!!"
"Tem" Shikamaru said as he got up and made his way to her but Gaara grapes him with his sand and toast him to the other end of the room. Temari look in horror as her bothers ganged up on the man she love "stop" she whispered as Shikamaru got up to defend himself "stop" she said a little louder she bagan to tremble as Naruto to got in and got his hits at her brothers "stop....stop .... stOP STOP THIS" Temari yell falling to her knees and she covered her face with her hand "this is all my fault... I left him alone in the house. Shikamaru was working and I wanted to see him so I left Shikadai home alone. I wanted to please my husband although I fought with my son earlier.....It's all my fault. Don't blame him please. I'm the women I should be at home with my kids not messing around with my husband at his working place" They all look at her in shock except for Shikamaru who got really upset about her comment and walked over to her picking her up by her arms and shook her "look at me you don't believe in that shit and you never will it's just not you and... Your wrong it's my fault all of this. I been neglecting my job as a father and husband if I would had been there more and told Naruto to fuck off at time he wouldn't have acted that why with you and evern treat me the way he dose. Tem I'm sorry but we'all find him I swear we will find our son" she nodded and he pulled her into a hug "Shikamaru" he pulled away from the hug and look at her waiting for her to continue but she didn't she place her hand on his face that was covered with his blood and pulled him in for a kiss and he happily kissed her back. The taste of his blood mix in there mouth and her lower face become covered in his blood as well releasing the kiss he pull her back into a hug, resting his chin on her head "I love you Tem" he whispered and she too said the same " I love you shika"

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