The Sand Siblings

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Chapter 34 The Sand Siblings

"Damn my head... You ok.... It's amazing that we're still alive after that explosion" Shikadai said opening in his eyes, quickly looking down he realized he was no long in the leaf "sand?" He said looking around him he was surround by sand tornado. He quickly got up and look around for the girl but she was no were to be seen

"who are you and what are you doing here in the land of wind" A familiar female voice said, through all the sand he could see two figures. But the voice he heard he could tell was female but the other he had no clue of.

"Did you not hear me!! What are you doing in the land of wind!!!" The female sounded much angrier. A shiver went down his spin as he remembers his mothers temples. 'mom' he thought no it can't be she was at the Hokage's tower with dad but than who.

He was throw out of his thought as a puppet came at him braking apart revealing knives "damn!" He yelled as he dodged them falling to the ground.

"tell us who you are" the female voices kept yelling in anger.

He didn't know what to do so he just told the truth letting out a sigh he sat up on his knees and put his hand up and surrendered "I'm from the leaf I was at my house but there was an explosion and I ended up here I don't know why or how long I've be out but I know I'm no harm to any of you I don't have any of my ninja tools and the justus I have I need to make hands sign to use" he closed his eyes as a gust of heavy wind blow past him.

"We didn't get any information about someone from the leaf going missing and especially not a genin"

Shikadai let out a sigh and drop to the floor "I give I already said it, if you take me to your kazekage he can explain who I am" their was a moment of silence but than the tornado was blown away by another strong wind, revealing the two hooded figures walking up to him

"we'll take you to the kazekage but if he doesn't know who you are, you die understand?" the female said picking Shikadai up by his collar.

"y-yes ma'am" Shikadai said and she released him.

"we'll get walking kid" the other figure said as he pushed Shikadai making him fall on the floor

"tsk what the hell is your problem" Shikadai said getting up and facing the man "uncle?!" He said in shock

"what the hell you just call me kids" the man yelled and the female just laugh. "So to bust you bubble kid but no one in my family is married nonetheless has kids, so he can't be you uncle" she said looking at him a little closer.

"But that stupid hair style and the way your dressed I say your from the Nara clan" The female said and Shikadai snap at them "Do you have a problem with that" the female gave him a annoyed smirk as her eyes began to twitch She grabbed him but the throat picking him up causing the air to get stuck in his throat and not reaching its  rightful destination.

"You know what kid if you were from the Hyuga or even the Akimichi or Yamanaka clan I would had let that slide but a freaking Nara, you picked the wrong time to get me mad kid. I was already told off by one Nara this week and I don't need anther to do so!!" She said as she  tossed Shikadai to the ground

"calm don't Temari there's is no need to kill the kid. come on what do you think the leaf would do if they found out you killed one of their genin" the man said

"T-Teamri" Shikadai said trying to catch his breath "ya that my sisters name why is that stupid bastard bad mouthing her to your clan!!" He said as the Temari tried holding him back.

"That enough we wasted enough time here we're late, we need to get back to the sand. Come on kid get up and move" she told him and shikdai quickly got on his feet and started walking. For sure he's a prisoner the man was in front and the female who is know as Temari was behind him 'damn if I do anything or even move in a way she doesn't like she'll kill me' Shikadai thought. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh "uff" was all he said as he fell to the ground. The man had stop unexpectedly and shikdai ran into him.

He turned and looked down at shikdai before turning back and speaking "look alive kid we're here" Shikadai looked up at the only entrance to the hidden sand village and quickly got up and smiled he hasn't seen his uncles for a long time and he really wanted to and although he really wasn't that fond of his cousins he was still very excited to see them as well and to finally get away from these guard, especially the female.

"You ready to go kid" Temari said walking up to him and he gave her a toothy smile with his right eye closed she look at him with a shocked expression and the one person she really wanted to kill at that moment cross her mine. "Shikamaru" she said to herself as she turned away from Shikadai. "Let's go kid"

"Yes ma'am" was all he could say before he began to run after her, neither waiting for the other guard. As he walk throughout the village he could tell something was off. It looked different from the last time he was there and didn't see anyone he knew ether he started to panic but become clam once he saw the Kazkage mansion.

He smiled thinking no one was watching but Temari had a very close eye on him she saw every expression he did, since they walked into the village. Damn this little brat why does he look so much like him she though as they walked to the Kazkage office

(Knock knock )

"Come in" they heard come from the other side of the door and opened it. Shikdai was ready to run up to his uncle the moment they entered but all he could do was stare at the man behind his uncles desk. "This kid says you know who he is" the man said pushing Shikadai completely into the room.

The Kazkage got up and look the kid over and nodded his head "he reminds me of Shikamaru" the Kazkage said and Shikadai once again began to panic. 'Damn what the hell Temari is this women's name, just like my mother, the man in the hood is her brother and looks like uncle Kankuro and the Kazkage look just like uncle Garra what the hell is going on'  

Shikadai kept on think about everything that happens so far. 'The girl, the explosion and even that scroll it must have to do with why I'm here'.

"Hey kid!" Shikadai was slapped out of his thoughts as Temari yelled in his ear "what the hell was that about you troublesome woman!!"

Shikadai caught her off guard with that and she stood silent.

"Care to tell me how I know you and were you are really from kid" the Kazkage said and Shikadai just looked at him. He let out a sigh and blowed to him "if my mother were here and saw how disrespectful I've been. And in front of the Kazkage nonetheless she'll kill me. My name is Shikadai Nara in a genin of the leaf, its an honor to meet you lord Kazkage" he said finally picking his head up to look at him in the face

"I see, a Nara I'm very fond of one of the members in your clan. And your mother must  be a very wise women and I wish to meet her one day and please call me Gaara"

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