Shadows And Wind Become One

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Chapter 39 Shadows And Wind Become One

Another week pass and Shikadai was still in the hospital due to some injuries that still hasn't healed. Of course Temari stood by his side the whole time he was there and today was the day he was finally being released.

"How are you feeling Shikadai" Temari asked as she got everything ready for him to come live with her in the time being. Something happened to the first group of Shinobi that the Leaf had sent to retrieve Shikadai and since than the Leaf hasn't send everyone out to the sand, which Temari didn't mind it just meant more time with him.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore" 'those damn kids really did a number one me' Shikadai though rubing his head as he watched his mother's younger self collect all his cloths and ninja tools she had got him while he was there. Gaara and Temari had gave him permission to protect himself next time one of the villagers kids tried to attack him again, which he hoped it wouldn't happen because anther stop at the sands hospital was the last thing he wanted.

Temari walked over and threw a new set of clothes at him. "Hurry up kid I don't like being here" she said as she walked out so he could change. Walking out Temari bumped into Kankuro "did you want something" she asked her brother who just looked away rubbing his head " umm the leaf sent out a single man squad to retrieve Shikadai"

"Is that so and who is the single man if I may ask" after looking over her brother she could tell something was bothering him, and by the look on his face she could tell this conversation was making him nervous letting out a sigh she just gave up "you don't have to tell me who it is if you don't want to but how long will it take for him to get here" she asked and he Shook his head

"it's not that Temari it just that we were told it's a Nara but I'm not sure who. And they also haven't told us when he will get here, something about his safety"

"I see well it doesn't matter anyways" Temari turned back to the door an knocked "Shikadai are you done yet"

And he opened the door "I think this is a little to big for me" he said walking out and Temari just smiled at him. "Then will just have to go get you some new cloths and when they come get you they can just pay me back" she winked at him and he gave her a closed eyes toothy smile "ok"
With that Temari signed his release papers and they went on their way.

They walked throughout the village and every now and than Temari would have to put yet another genin in his place. She watched as the villages whispered among themselves, some pointing at Shikadai others at her, but one comment stuck out "you'll think their mother and son with how she protecting him,and his eyes reassembles her" Temari blushed at the comment but easy fix her composure. Looking down at shikdai, his teal eyes searched around the marketplace looking for a store where they could buy clothes,  "just like mine huh" she told herself and smile, yes if she were to have a child in the near future she would want him to be like shikdai.

Shikdai didn't like that everyone was looking at him but he learn not to pay mind to it and just kept moving. To him everyone in the village seem to be envious of shikdai for all the time he spent with Temari, which he didn't care she was his mother after all. After passing a few more shop shikdai notice a group of kids, the same group that landed him in the hospital. He let out a sigh and just kept walking. After shopping for some clothes Temari and Shikadai took a short brake at a dango shop. Where she first took him to eat before he was attacked. They sat in a small booth and talk a little before realizing what time it was. 

"It'll be getting dark soon we should be heading back and since your escort back to konoha wont be here for a while, you will be staying with me like we first had intended" Shikadai didn't said anything and just nodded his head. Getting up they went straight to the kazkage's tower.

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