🔞Back To The Leaf🔞

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Chapter 11 Back To The Leaf

Shikamaru woke up from all the shivering Temari was doing. They where sleeping completely naked on the ground it was Cold and night and the only thing covering them was Temari long black kimono. Shikamaru got up and got dressed than wrapping Temari in her kimono picked her up and headed for the inn "thank good all the villagers are sleep because if not this would be a sight for sore eyes" reaching the inn Shikamaru greeted the reception at the front desk, who didn't say a word and just smiled. Once in their room Shikamaru placed Temari on the bed causing her to wake up "dam it's cold"
"Well look who finally up"
"Shut up and pass me the cover you lazy bum"
"Tsk troublesome women you see what you get yourself in to you could have catch a cold"
"Shut up you don't act like you didn't enjoy it you properly had more fun than I did"
"I never say I didn't and I know I did" Shikamaru smirked making Temari rolled her eyes.
"Anyway if you didn't want to you could have just told me to stop"
"I did" Shikamaru gave Temari a look and she smirked at him
"Really I didn't hear you and anyway you stated it"
(Earlier that day)
Shikamaru and Temari found a good spot to watch the clouds, they were laying down on the ground. Temari was on her side facing away from Shikamaru and her head on his arm. "You sure look comfortable Tem"
"You talk to much I'm tired and want some sleep"
Shikamaru lean in to kiss her neck and wrapped his other arm around Temari's waist. "Mmmm what happened to (I can't keep with you Temari)"
"That was this morning and anyway I'm not doing this for sex Tem I just feel like being lovable today ok but if you want me to stop I will , but later on don't start nagging me about how I don't shower you with affection got it" with that said he let go of her and turned his head, with a raised eyebrow Temari turned and got on him "it's not that I don't want you showing me your affection it's just... I don't know I can't control myself" Temari began to kissing Shikamaru while unzipping his chunin vest and pulling it off. She began to kiss his neck slipping her hands underneath his shirt pulling it off as well "Tem wait anyone can come up here and see us"
"Not just anyone Shikamaru we're to high up for villagers to come up so they'll have to be Shinobi and we will sense them before they get to close so we will have time to compose ourselves"
Temari began to untie her sash and unclipping her bar from the front clip. Shikamaru was shocked "Ok no this can't be happening she really is crazy.... but damn how I like it." Shikamaru Smirked at Temari who was still on him looking down at him. He grabbed her breast and began to bite on them, pulling them with his teeth. It hurt but Temari loved the way it felt. She moaned with every pull and bite, Shikamaru sat up pulling her up with him and pulling her kimono completely off alongside her bar and tossed her on the hard ground. "OW !!! Hey that hurt you idiot this is a rock where o...mmm" Shikamaru got in between her legs and began kissing her passionately "mmm....mmm ok Tem we have to stop we can't keep this up ok that enough" Shikamaru got up and went to get his shirt but then Temari grabbed her fan and knocked him over making him land on the ground with a loud thump "damn are you crazy woman?!! What the hell is wrong with you??!!"
"Your not gonna get away from me that easily Nara and anyway you can't leave me like this what kind of a man turns a women on just to leave her like that??"
"You don't even believe in that sexist crap"
Temari crawl over to where Shikamaru was on the ground and undid his pants pulling them down alongside with his boxers and with a smirk said "but you do Nara"
"Damn women come on can't you wait until we get to the inn then you can do what ever you want to me but please stop th..i...sss ahh dam Tem stop mmm...mmm" Temari had his manhood in her mouth and she was bobbing her head up and down while look at him she love doing this, she had absolute and total control of him when they where like this. He sat up holding himself up with his hands "damn woman and their needs"
"What the hell did you just say you lazy crybaby"
"Shadow possession jutsu"
Shikamaru smirked and reached for a Kunai from his pants and Jabbed it on the floor and released his jutsu, Temari was on all fours.
"What the hell are you fucken doing I'm going to kill you let me go right now Nara!!!"
"You know if you keep up with all that bad mouthing I might just have to shut you up mis no sabaku and I'm just giving you what you wanted"
"Ok I'm not in the mood anymore so let me go Shikamaru this is embarrassing"
Shikamaru got up and pulled up his pants he just look at Temari on the ground, he got behind her and crouched down and began to rub her lips while kissing her back "this is what you wanted isn't it"
"Mmmmmm...... Stop Shikamaru this is embarrassing AHHH!!! SHIKA I GET IT OK ILL WAIT UNTIL WE GET TO THE INN JUST LET GO!!!!!" Shikamaru licked his fingers before sticking them into Temari's entrance make her scream "damn women stop yelling if you keep that up someone is bound to come up here to see what's all the screaming about and I won't have time to finish" Shikamaru pulled out his fingers and pull down his pants and ready himself at her entrance but before he entered her he summoned his jutsu to remove the Kunai "I'm going to killllll!!! AHHHHH !!!!! SHI....III...KA!!! " before she could finish her sentence Shikamaru smashed himself into her entrance make her scream and falling on her arms trying to hold herself up. Her face was nearly touching the ground and with every thrust he made her body moved with it. She was enjoying it but she still wanted to kick his ass but after they were done she was to tired to even move Shikamaru fell over landing oh the ground and Temari just got on his arm and fell to sleep placing her kimono on top to cover them so if someone did come they wouldn't see them completely naked.
"Whatever crazy woman damn my back Freaken hurts Temari what the hell you go throwing people like that for" Shikamaru was rubbing him back waiting for Temari too yell at him or somethings but nothing came out "Tem?...... she sleeping damn troublesome women" Shikamaru sat down on the side of the bed and just stood their looking down at Temari so many thoughts where going throw his mind, from the time they first met to the many times they saved each other. He never really notice when his feeling for her changes they just did and he found himself looking forward to every time she visited the leaf. He gave her one last kiss before going to bed himself. When morning came Shikamaru and Temari got ready for their Journey back to the hidden leaf they said their goodbyes to their friends and the Raikage then went on their way. "So how long are you going to stay at the leaf before you go home"
"Well I already told you I have things to do and at the sand so I don't think I'll say more than a day"
"Really so do you know when you will come back?"
"Shikamaru we haven't even gotten to the village yet so calm down"
The five days went by fast and Shikamaru and Temari reached the village, as soon as they made it they went and gave their report to the Hokage " as you already know the Communication Tower was finished almost over night and the Raikage also send his greetings."
"Very well thank you, you are dismissed and Temari I need to speak with you"
"Yes Lady Tusunade"
"I'll wait outside Temari"
" so how was everything with Shikamaru. He seems a little more lively than before"
"Well I think the day off really helped him out but it also made him a bit more lazy"
"Well that is ok but what about you how do you feel about the Matter do you think that it is temporary or is he back for good"
I'm sure he'll be fine......Lady Tusunade have you heard from my brother yet do you know how he is doing??"
From what Kankuro has wrote to me Gaara isn't any good but we have already dispatched team Kakashi I'm sure sakura would take good care of your brother"
"That not what I'm worried about its just how did the poison get past his sand defense and even worse who would want Gaara dead"
"I'm sorry but that I do not know, so how long do you plan on staying?"
Just the night i need to regain me Strength before I head for my village"
"I see well them go and get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow at the gate to bid you farewell"
"Thank you Hokage sama"


Hey guy sorry for all the lemons in the past few chapters but Temari has to get pregnant somehow right😉😉😉😉 but ok hope you like I'm really getting stuck on some parts though but I'll do my best not to let you guys down until 2mm

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