Chapter 37 - (2.4K Words)

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You let Taehyung drag you towards the lounge, your mind set on coming up with your escape plan. He was a surprisingly fast walker, even with the boot that he was wearing. It took all of your concentration to keep yourself from tripping over your own two feet.

"Taehyung, please slow down!" You begged, trying to pull your arm away from him. "I have short legs, and I can't walk that fast!"

Taehyung turned to look back at you, and realized that with every other step you took, you were practically tripping over yourself. He slowed down so that you could keep up with him, and you let out a sigh of relief. He let go of your arm, and you quickly massaged your wrist where he had been holding you.

"I'm sorry, I forgot and got excited," Taehyung apologized, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Most of the boys can keep up with me, except for Jimin. He has short legs too, so I'm used to dragging him around with me."

You smiled, the picture of an overly excited Taehyung dragging a less-than-thrilled Jimin through the hallways of the safehouse playing in your mind. Your mood dampened when you remembered how Jimin had tried to rape you only a couple of days ago. The smile left your lips entirely as you rounded the corner into the lounge.

"What the hell happened here?" Taehyung stepped forward into the room, and pointed a finger at the broken pool cue. His arm left your shoulder, and you could feel the could air tickle your back. You could see glass shards glinting up at you from the carpet, and you realized that you hadn't quite gotten all of them. The pile that you had set on the table was still there, but it looked as though some of the glass had fallen off into the carpet just beside it.

"Is this what you were talking about earlier?" Taehyung asked in a shocked tone, turning towards you. "I've never seen him be this destructive, at least not on purpose."

"Yeah, I tried to clean some of the glass up, but I guess I didn't get all of it," you said, shaking your head and covering your mouth with your hand.

"It's alright, I can take care of it," Taehyung said, patting your shoulder and moving forward to sweep the glass off the table into his hand. With most of the glass in his hand, he quickly stepped into the bathroom to dispose of it. You watched as he skillfully picked the rest of the glass out of the carpet, and did the same with it.

I still want to help, even if you don't want me to.

Once Taehyung was out of the way, you quickly moved to pick up the two pieces of the broken pool cue. You carefully turned one half of the cue over and over in your hands, scanning for the initials that you knew were carved into the side. You felt an indent in the wood underneath your fingers, and you flipped the cue over in your hands.

Oh no. He's broken--

"Hey (Y/N), I told you that I would take care of it," Taehyung said disapprovingly, shaking you from your thoughts. "You don't need to be cleaning up after us. You're not a maid, and you don't need to act like one."

"Oh, sorry," you said, a light blush of embarrassment coming across your cheeks. "I was just curious whose it was."

"It's not mine, is it?" Taehyung asked, his eyes widening immensely and his annoyance at you disappearing almost entirely. "If it's mine, I swear to god I'm going to--"

"Don't worry, it's not yours," you interrupted, shaking your head and handing him the remains of the cue. "But it's not his, either."

"Then whose cue is it?" Taehyung asked, curiosity taking over him entirely. He accepted the broken cue, and turned it over in his hands until he found the initials that were scored into the side.

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