I Had A Tough Night

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Jacks P.O.V.
I know this is a bad cover:( i am so sorry cornflakes. Next one wil be beter. You have my word;)

You hear the door squeezing and opening. You move your head -while still embracing Mark- so you can see who walked in.

Y/N stands on the white doorstep, staring at two young men. Who hug each other? That must look weird. You free yourself from Marks arms and give Y/N a hug.

You know this is going to be one of the days that you hug everybody you recognize and love. You wrap your arms around her and try to pet her soft Wanzi fleece dragon tale.

'In for cuddling it seems?' she laughs. You smile back at her. She does not even have a clue of how bad you want to hug her right now.

You blink with your left eye and she grabs your hand. Your eyes say: I had a tough night.

Her eyes respond: I know.

She looks away and let go of your hand. Immediately the world seems cold, lifeless and not worthy to exist.

'In those bags you find some new clods,' she smiles while making overdone hand Gestures toward two bags lying on the floor.

One sport bag and a simple supermarket bag, of course the sport bag is for Mark and the simple yet bigger bag is yours.

'Go one! I do not want to wait!' she laughs and you kneel at the right side of your giant bag. You wait until Mark also is in front of his clothing.

You hear Mark zip his bag open and gasp; you just untie the knot and look what is in there.

You find a few shirts, trousers, beanies, socks, underwear and jackets. One of the jackets is made by leather and has a BLACK colour.

You grab the first thing you see: a neon green short-sleeved shirt with your name in the etiquette. You also find a black jogging breeching that comes with it.

After putting your glasses on you notice THE breakfast. Mark stands next to you holding his pink shirt and grey jogging pants.

You already undid yourself of your shirt and stand there in your naked "six-pack". Your almost white skin stands out of Marks brown arms.

In your naked glory you stare at all of that food, coffee, hot chocolate and tee. You find yourself with the discovery that you are very hungry.

Y/N coughs to let you remember that your upper part of your body is NAKED and there is a GIRL in the room.

Woops, forgot. You think to yourself. Not very clever,

You fix your eyes on Y/N who is as red as Marks hair. She chuckles nervous but does not look away. You grab your green shirt and put it on.

Mark follows your lead and takes his shirt off. Of course he HAS a six-pack and is not afraid to show it. He has on old surgery scar on his stomach and two recently -2015- on the sides but that won't make him less hot!

You cannot compare to this beauty and just look away because you do not want to shame to bad.

Y/N decides to look away to, waiting for Mark to be dressed.

While you undress the under part of your body -except your underwear- Y/N thinks it is best to just sit with her back turned to you, sipping from her drink.

'Done, all ready!' you say proud while showing of your comfy clothes. Y/N looks around and smiles at you, while you show her off your "model look".

Being totally not good at it, you stop and strike just one last pose. Randomly Mark asks: 'is this a girl's shirt?!' letting you see his pink V-neck shirt. He laughs and so do you. Y/N blushes. He wears a grey trouser and red socks. You would look horrible in those colours yet Mark looks perfectly fine!

God damn my body! You think to yourself, still laughing.


With open eyes Jacksepticeye + reader| FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now