CH 1

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I played with my breakfast, pushing my eggs from one side of my plate to the other; today was the day, I would auditioning for The Walking Dead. I was so nervous and scared that I was ready to just go into the corner and just fall apart. "You ok Champ?" My dad asked as he sat the table after serving himself.

I just nodded and ate a small piece of my eggs; Dad chuckled "Jordan you'll do fine, you told me three months ago that you were doing this just to try something new right? So if you don't get chosen then nothing changes, you'll still be a normal eighteen year old guy. If you don't get this part then in the fall you'll go to college and study music just like you always planned right? So don't be too nervous because if you don't get it then nothing changes, you can only benefit from taking this chance".

That was my dad, always the logical one; that's what I loved about him but sometimes some sympathy would have been great. Dad wasn't a heartless computer-robot, I knew he loved me and he cared for me as best he could, but he could be a little cold sometimes. Dad was right though, the only reason I was doing this was just to try something new; most of my life I've played on the safe side and when Mom died it only made it worse.

For example I've never been in a relationship because I was scared of getting hurt . I never learned how to drive a car because I was scared of getting into an accident and now with Mom dead I doubt I ever will, since she died in a car crash with me in the car. I never had a pet because I was afraid that something would happen to it under my care. My friends called me paranoid but I would like to think I'm just careful.

I pulled out the folded piece of paper in my pocket, the printed out casting call that AMC posted on their website. The page was about a new character they were creating named Remiel that I would be auditioning for. The main reason I was even attempting this was that the list of requirements for Remiel were very short.

The first one was "able to play the guitar - singing a plus but not necessary", the second one was "male 18-20 years old" and the third one "Actor must feel comfortable with an on-screen homosexual relationship - there is a possibility that Remiel will have a relationship on-screen but nothing's confirmed yet". I fulfilled all of those requirements except for the homosexual one; I was bi but I don't think AMC really cared about specifics.

If I was being honest I also really wanted to do this because there would be a chance that I would be able to meet my celebrity crush, Chandler Riggs. I wasn't a crazy insane fanboy or anything but it was on my bucket list to meet him at least once. If I was being brutally honest it was actually Chandler that helped me realize that I was interested in men, as well as women.

After breakfast I grabbed my guitar from my room and my inhaler; checking my brown hair and my outfit thousandth time I finally just sighed to myself and went downstairs, after putting on a hat, to where my dad was looking for his keys. "Ready to go son?" Dad asked as I made sure the clasps to my guitar case were closed.

I nodded and both of us walked out to the car, going to the passenger seat I took a deep puff out of my inhaler. I wasn't asthmatic but I had amaxophobia, a phobia of riding in cars; I developed it after my mom got the crash car with me inside the car, I survived but she wasn't so lucky. The meds helped me deal with car rides. Surprisingly my phobia only affected cars; I could still take the bus, which was my main form of transportation.

Dad fiddled with the radio, waiting for my medication to kick in before turning on the car and going to the casting location. I closed my eyes as Dad drove, trying to focus on the music rather than the bumps and movement of the car. My meds dulled my phobia but didn't kill it entirely, instead of me panicking, I was just really anxious; the inhaler had a mild sedative as well as a muscle relaxer.

We drove for two hours from our small town of Fort Wayne to Indianapolis where the casting location was, a high school within the city. "Good luck son, no matter what happens we'll celebrate tonight with steaks, sound good?" Dad said as we got out of the car and I took my guitar out from the trunk. "Thanks Dad, I'll text you when it's over ok?" I said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

Dad drove away to wait for me as I walked inside the school where faint voices could be heard. Waking up to a woman behind a desk I said "Hi, I'm here to audition for Remiel ". The woman looked at me before looking at her watch "Auditions for Remiel are over at four, I'm sorry sir you're too late". I pulled out my phone "I still have ten minutes!" I complained.

She looked at me and looked at my guitar case before sighing "One moment" she said picking up a phone next to her, after a moment of pushing buttons she said "I have a gentleman here for Remiel , are you still taking auditions or have you moved on? He actually has a guitar if it helps." After listening for a moment she said "Alright" before hanging up, looking at me she said "Room 212, hurry, it's upstairs".

I ran upstairs and found the room before I went inside after knocking, there was single chair in the middle of the room but at the front of of the room seven people sat in student desks facing the lonely chair; at the end of the row of people, sat Chandler Riggs. Oh my Jesus why did he have to be here? Chandler being here destroyed my confidence; if I messed up I would never ever be able to forgive myself.

"Hi...I'm Jordan Witzigreuter" I said as I pulled out my guitar from it's case and sat in the chair, using all my willpower not to fidget; the person in the middle of the row of desks spoke up "No headshots or resume or portfolio?" " didn't know I needed to bring them" I admitted quietly, already squirming in my seat.

The guy in the middle raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else. "So what songs will you be playing for us?" The woman next to him said. "The first one will be "I Want to Write You A Song by One Direction" I said as I started tuning my guitar, glad to finally break eye contact with them and have something to do. "You like One Direction?" Chandler asked, playing with the pen in his hand. I nodded and he tilted his head slightly "Not a lot of guys our age would admit that, I personally don't like them but I think it's cool that you admitted that".

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything, just gave a small smile. I started playing, staring at the neck of my guitar; partly to make sure my fingers where in the correct position as I played and partly so I wouldn't have to make eye contact with any of them and make myself even more nervous.

I wasn't going to sing so I was surprised when I heard my voice in my ears after the first few notes. After I was finished I looked up and one of the guys said "Can you play us another song?" I nodded and actually ended up playing two more random songs.

When I finished I looked up from my guitar and one of the men stood up, actually giving me a standing ovation. Excitedly he said "That is Remiel ! That is exactly what I had in mind when I created him! A boy who just ignores everything else, it's just him and his guitar!" "You like him over...what was his name" the middle guy said flipping through papers "More than Markus?" The guy who was standing up turned to the other guy "Scott, he is literally what I imagined Remiel to be".

Seemingly as one, everyone turned to Chandler "Yeah this guy is really cool" was all he said; why would they want his input? The middle guy turned to me after the guy who was standing up, sat down again "Well...Jordan congratulations you are now Remiel in season ten of the Walking Dead; if you want the part of course."

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