CH 21

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Ok enough of that, onto the chapter!

"Remiel how can you be so calm in a time like this?" Carl said as he nervously cracked the blinds of the house we were hiding in to peek outside where some raiders were searching the neighborhood for us.

"As George Washington said: No problem was ever solved by panicking" I said as as I rummaged through the cupboards "Ok well George Washington was actually the name of my cat but you get the idea" I said as I pulled out a bottle of vodka and looked at it.

"Remiel this isn't a time to drink" Carl said, exasperated. I stood up and walked over "You're cute Carl but can you be quiet for like two minutes?" Carl slightly opened his mouth to speak but instead I pressed my lips to his. Carl reeled back, sputtering and stammering, unable to form words since he was caught so off guard. I rolled my eyes and reached for a rag that was on the floor and a plastic lighter that was on the coffee table in the house "I think the people outside want a drink? Let's give them a fireball."

"Wait, Remiel" Carl said regaining his voice and taking off his hat "Let's think of another plan, this is too dangerous: every walker within five miles will see the flames and what happens if we get cut off and can't escape? I don't want you to be in any danger...I'll distract them with the molotov and I still have a handful of bullets, I'll distract them while you run, I'll meet up with you later."

"Carl that's stupid, let's just do it together-" I started to say but was cut off as Carl hit a wall with his fist. "No Remiel! We have no idea where the others are, where Dad or Judith are, and in this world it most likely means their dead!" Carl's voice dropped to a whisper "I can't lose you too Remiel, I wouldn't be able to handle it." I stood there "Carl what are you saying?" Carl signed and undid the bandages on his eye, exposing his old wound "Remiel look at me, I'm just another monster too...but with you...but with you I...I feel human again."

I stood there as he closed the distance between us "Remiel don't do anything stupid because if anything happens to you and I can't protect you...just please promise me" he whispered so close that our noses were nearly touching, his breath smelled like chocolate and mint. Carl raised his hand and caressed my cheek "You're too good for this world Remiel, I really wish I could protect you from all the evil and bullshit outside."

"No Carl, this isn't how the world works, that's not how love works; we have to weather the worse together. It's supposed to be dirty, and if by the end you haven't hurt me then you didn't really love me. There is more to effort than just switching gears, sweat holds more value than tears. Don't say you'll protect me Carl, say you'll work me, let's walk through this shit-storm while holding hands." Carl smiled and leaned in for a deeper kiss but it was still closed mouth "Alright fine, you ready then?" he whispered as he pulled away.

"Hey asshole! Hey shitface!" Carl said, cupping his hands around his mouth. The raiders outside turned to Carl and started shooting at him, but he ducked back between the houses and started running toward me. When the bad guys were in the alley I threw the molotov into the middle of them before grabbing my guitar and swinging it at the head of a walker since they were already being drawn here. I turned to see another walker already walking toward me but it fell as Carl shot it in the head. He ran to me and grabbed my hand "C'mon the fire is spreading, let's get out here."

"And cut!" The Director said "Jordan that was good, I really like how you're making Remiel more confident in this scene, it shows good character development. Great initiative on your part. "Can we redo that scene again?" Chandler asked "I felt like my reaction to the first kiss a little too forced."

"I thought it was fine Chandler" the Director said. "Please? Just one more take, you usually want two just in case anyway right?" Chandler asked. The Director thought about it for a second before nodding "Alright, from the top everyone." "You just want me to kiss you again, huh?" I teased as Chandler and I went to our markers on the floor that told us where to stand for the beginning of the scene. I chuckled as Chandler nodded and turned slightly red, my friend was such a goofball.

After filming, Chandler darted away for some reason so instead I walked back toward my trailer. As I was walking, though I was ambushed as Mingus jumped on me out of nowhere. "Hey babe did you miss me? A moment without you is like an eternity past" Mingus said as he wrapped his arm around me and placed kisses on the back of my neck as he spoke.

I laughed "Wow that's laying it on pretty thick, what's gotten into you?" "I just want to apologize for how I acted the other day, like borderline rapey, so I hired us a carriage ride in Atlanta for this evening, we'll be riding through some of the parks on a horse drawn carriage before ending up at a chicken wing place for dinner, does that sound like fun?"

I blinked "Yeah it does actually, that doesn't sound like a date you'd plan at all though." "It was actually Chandler's idea, I went to him for advice and gave me all these tips and date ideas" Mingus admitted "But I had to pay a price, he gave me this long lecture about how I can't take you for granted and stuff which I agree with and I promise Jordan it'll never happen again...anyway you ready to get going?"

I nodded "Yeah just let me shower first...unless you want to go on a date with someone who looks like their surviving the zombie apocalypse" Mingus just laughed.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz