CH 5

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So I just watched the new season promo for season 7 of twd, I'll be changing the name of Jordan's character from Ezekiel to Remiel to avoid confusion. I've also updated the earlier chapters from Ezekiel to Remiel


I returned to Earth as we drove off onto a dirt road and into a forest; my movements were sluggish and my mind still couldn't fully focus but at least I was in in complete control again.  "Sorry guys, for everything" I said.  Mingus turned to look at me "Dude this is the most fun I've had in a long time!" "Do you feel better?" Chandler asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.  I nodded and he smiled "Good, I was worried about you; you were talking crazy for a bit".

"Welcome to home sweet home" Chandler said as we arrived at a large, busy clearing in the woods where people ran around, trying to set up various pieces of equipment; he parked the car in a makeshift parking lot and stepped out before pulling out all of our bags. Mingus surveyed the busy scene before turning to me "It good to be back, it's so much better than New York". 

A man walked up to us "Hey little guy, sorry about earlier". Mingus sighed "Dad stop calling me that, I'm just as tall as you are now!" The man looked at me "Who is your friend?" Mingus turned to me and threw an arm around my shoulder "This is my new best friend, I'm friend breaking up with Chandler".  Chandler sighed "This is Jordan, he's playing Remiel" Chandler said, actually answering the guy's question "Jordan this is Norman Reedus, Mingus's dad and Daryl Dixon on the show".  

The guy shook my hand in greeting before saying "You boys should get settled, the food will arrive soon.  Nice to meet you Jordan" Norman said before  handing Mingus a set of keys and walking away.  "Come on let's go see our trailer assignments" Chandler said as he walked toward a woman with a clipboard. 

Chandler and I were each handed a slip of paper and a print out of a map along with a pair of keys; I followed the two guys through the set until we reach rows and rows of trailers.  There was a lot less than I expected; this show had dozens if not hundreds of walkers, where did they all sleep? When I asked Chandler shook his head "Walkers are hired day by day and go home after shooting, or to their hotels; only the staff and cast have trailers". 

We walked to a large trailer, it was actually a full size motorhome, on the door was a gold star with C.C.R.  "Home sweet home; I need a shower badly, I'll meet up with you guys later alright?" Chandler said before he unlocked the door with the key and stepped inside.  I had high hopes for my own trailer if this is what Chandler had. 

On the outside of my door there was a basket screwed into the door same as with all the other trailers and stepping inside I was very disappointed.  My trailer wasn't even a quarter of the size of Chandler's and when Mingus stepped inside with me, it was very cramped.  The bed took up most of the room and it was in the direct center of the trailer.  To the left were two small dressers and a nightstand  and to the right was a small tv on a stand, a closet, and the door to the bathroom with only had a shower, toilet and sink, no bath.  It was tiny and the walls were bare.

"Cozy" Mingus said, looking around "If it makes you feel better, my Dad and I had to share one of these in season one; at least you don't have to share it....Well get settled in, I'll see you around" he said before walking out and closing the door behind him. 

I put my bags on the dresser and looked at a piece of paper taped to the inside of the door, it seems I wouldn't have a cleaning service like in a hotel but AMC did offer free a laundry service which was nice.  I found the laundry basket the paper mentioned inside the closet and threw the clothes I was wearing into it before getting into the shower, I felt gross because I sweated so much during my panic attacks on the way here. 

As I got out of the shower and put on a pair of underwear, there was a knock was at my door; opening it, there was a thick stack of papers in the basket of my door.   Taking them inside one, it seemed to be the script with a character sheet and a loose sheet of paper that said "Photo shoot tonight at 8pm for the season promo, please see below for your exact times" I looked below and saw that the main characters had different times but of course I didn't since I was just a minor character.  Dropping the papers on top of my bags I grabbed my phone and called my dad "Hey Dad, I've finally made it, I'm a character on The Walking Dead".

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