CH 26

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I felt awkward sitting in first class, surrounded by old white people or people in business suits; I very nearly took off my piercings, I a ring wore in my left nostril and a stud in the right one. I would be staying in Atlanta for nearly two entire months, including Christmas and New Years.

Chandler was so excited; since I agreed to come we've talked almost every single day, planning this trip and just talking. I half expected Chandler to show up at my door and drive me to the airport himself, just to make sure I got on the plane on the day of my flight.

When I arrived in Atlanta, I walked through the airport but as I passed a cafe, something caught my eye. I smiled as I saw Chandler who wore a hat, hoodie and sunglasses, I recognized him though. He seemed to be nervous, checking his phone every three seconds and ignoring the coffee and muffin in front of him.

I smirked and pulled out my phone "Chandler I missed my flight :(" the text I sent him said. Chandler stared at his phone and brought his head to the table, banging it against the plastic several times. When he sat back up he typed and his text read "Ok, let me just buy you a new ticket, it's no big deal." I read the text and quickly walked over, afraid he might actually book a new flight on his phone as he didn't put it down after he sent the text.

I walked behind Chan and making my voice deeper I said "Chandler Riggs? Oh my god I'm a huge fan! Can I get a picture? And a signature? And can you pose with me so I can post funny pics on my twitter, instagram, snapchat, tumblr, pinterest and facebook? They all need to be different pics though."

Chandler sighed, but to his credit if I didn't already know his body language, I wouldn't have noticed. "Yeah, ok" he said as he stood up, when he turned around he stared at me for a long moment before I was crushed in a hug against his muscular chest. I forgot how good he smelled,he wore cologne yes, but it wasn't overpowering and his natural scent still lurked underneath. The hug was tight and long, more like a hug between lovers than friends.

"Chandler, people are going to think I'm being sent overseas to fight in the war or something" I whispered to him as I started to feel slightly awkward; Chandler gave the best hugs but we were just friends and it was a touch too long.

"Sorry...I just really missed you" he said as we pulled away. "Did you?" I honestly asked, regretting the question when I saw the hurt look on his face "Of course I did" he said. "Let's go get your baggage" he said, changing the topic.

As we waited for my baggage, I told Chandler all about school and my classes and he listened, he actually listened about my boring life instead of just brushing it off as most people do; when I asked him he just only said "Nothing much, it's the off-season for TWD so I'm just going to auditions and stuff...but enough about me, let's talk about you. You were saying something about your science class...?"

He still remembered about my car phobia and, just like my dad does, waited for a minute until my meds took effect before driving. He didn't say anything as he drove, just listened to the radio, but he kept looking at me often, as if he couldn't believe I was here. As he drove he placed one hand on the gear shift, causing his hand to rest against my leg; if I didn't know any better I would have thought that he was low-key flirting.

We pulled into a two car garage that was connected to a large house located in a quiet, white-picket-fence neighborhood, like the kind in the movies. "We're home" he said, getting out the car and running around it so he could open my door. I stared at him in confusion as I nearly headbutted his face as I tried to step out, not realizing what he did. "I'll get your bags" he said, turning slightly red.

The house was clean, so clean that I doubted anyone actually lived here; if Chandler told me that he moved in yesterday I would have believed him. The living room that we entered in looked like the cover of a home magazine, even having a stone fireplace beneath the large flat screen tv and paintings on the walls. The floor was hardwood, and really tied the already elegant room together.

When I commented on the cleanliness Chandler laughed "I have some people that come in three times a week to keep it clean and make sure nothing was stolen, with me being away for more than half a year and with Gray in school, the house is more often empty than not." "Gray?" I asked. "My little brother, Grayson. He technically lives here with me but during the school year he lives at the dorms at the university he is attending. He may stop by closer to Christmas but I think he's planning to go to my parent's house for the holidays."

"So we're going to be all alone?" I asked. "Yes" Chandler said before he turned to look at me, an evil look on his face "You're all alone with me, and now no one will be able to hear you scream!" "Oh good, if you kill me then I won't have to buy you a Christmas present" I said, faking a sigh of relief. "Well hold on...maybe the brutal killing can happen after the I need to have someone to kiss on New Year's" he said and I hit him on the arm, making him laugh.

"Come on" he said, picking up my bags and going upstairs to an empty room. "This is your room, bathroom is down the hall to the right. My room is on the left and Gray's room is past the bathroom and laundry room. Feel free to use the closet and dresser and whatever." I laughed "What I'm I going to move in?" I wouldn't mind if you decided to stay. I'll care of you, be your sugar daddy" Chandler said with a smile "Anyway, I'll let you get settled in, what should I order for dinner?"

"Let's just go to a restaurant" I said. Chandler perked up "Like a date?" I laughed, thinking he was making a joke "Sure, but if you don't pick me up on time I'm going to get mad at you." He smiled "I'll pick you up at seven then, if you need anything just knock on my door...clean towels and everything are in the restroom, help yourself to anything in the fridge. I hate to be a bad host but I have to take care of some stuff so I'll see you tonight for our date."

"Yeah no probs" I said, turning away to get my phone charger, when I turned back he was still standing there. "What? Are you checking me out?" I asked, kidding, laughing when Chandler actually turned a bright beet red. "I was just thinking if I forgot anything" he mumbled before walking out.

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