CH 6

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I took a much needed nap after getting off the phone and afterwards I was looking at the character sheet for Remiel Seraphim, the guy who I would pretend to be. The character sheet had everything you ever wanted to know about Remiel, his backstory and personality traits; it was incredibly detailed, his favorite food was his big sister's fried raviolis.   I didn't see anything about the relationship that the casting call mentioned though. 

I got up as I heard a knock at my door, after putting on some shorts and a plain shirt I opened it to see Mingus standing there.  "Jordan get dressed, we're going to the photo shoot; it'll be fun" Mingus said walking in, closing the door behind him and falling on my tiny bed beside me. 

"I'm not a main character, I'm not scheduled" I said, joining him on my bed.  "No, but usually the photographer will take photos of the extras and minor characters as a souvenir.  Then you can post the photo online and start building fans, remember what Chandler said; if the fans fall in love with you, the producers might keep you around longer".  I rolled my eyes "Fine but to be honest I don't think I'll stick around for very long" I said as I showed Mingus the character sheet "I mean Remiel uses his guitar for a weapon for crying out loud". Mingus just shook his head and laughed


I sat in the chair as the makeup artist made me "dirty" by spraying me with brown water or something. I watched what they did to Chandler, who sat across from me and was getting the A plus treatment; he had three people working on him, two on his hair and one on his face was opposed to the one guy that worked on me.  We couldn't talk since Chandler got snapped at when he messed up the makeup that the person was putting on his face so instead he sat in his chair and played a portable video system, allowing the people to move and turn his head as they needed but not really paying any attention to them, he seemed to be a pro at this. 

Even though I came in after Chandler did, I was finished first since they only did my face and very quickly did my hair; I walked over to a girl that was painting my guitar red with washable red paint/ink so it looked like it had blood smears.  Remiel must have had the best guitar in the world since he used it as a weapon and some how the guitar was still playable; reading the script I'd have a styrofoam guitar that I'd used to kill the walkers and my actual guitar for when I played. 

Mingus was waiting for me, talking with his dad outside of the makeup trailer "Watch out Dad, Remiel looks like he can take Daryl in a fight" he said as he saw me.  Norman laughed after he turned to look at me "Yeah maybe, well I'm going to meet up with Andy and go over some lines; I'll meet you back at the trailer Min" he said, nodding to me goodbye before walking away.  "Do you feel like a zombie, sorry, walker slayer yet?" Mingus asked.

I chuckled and played a few chords on my guitar "I'll rock so hard that their brains will explode".  Mingues laughed "C'mon the photo shoot is this way, I think they're almost done with Lauren who plays Maggie" he said as he lead me to a tent "Oh be warned, the photographer, he's great at what he does but he can be a little...umm...flamboyant and over the top, but don't worry he's harmless...I think".

I walked passed Lauren, who gave a friendly smile, and toward the photographer who was polishing the lens of his camera.  He turned to look at me, placed the lens on his chair and gently grabbed my chin "Marvelous, simply marvelous" he said as he turned my face "The Greeks and Romans tried their best to capture the beauty of the human form but you, you would give any statue a run for it's money.  Those cheekbones, that chin, those icy blue eyes; if I was Chandler I'd be worried about getting replaced as the next teen heartthrob on this show" he said, finally letting go of my face.  I was stunned speechless. 

"Go, sit on the chair" he said, turning to mess with his camera.  "Told you" Mingus mouthed silently at me.  I got really uncomfortable as the photographer drooled over me, commenting after every picture that I was "godly" and "Adonis reborn" what the hell that meant.  He took amazing pictures though; he showed us his photos on his laptop, I had to admit I looked really badass.

He copied the photos on a flashdrive and even sent the pictures in an email attachment to me.   "How much do you charge?" I asked, pulling out my wallet.   "Money? Oh no, just standing in your presence is payment enough; to allow me to immortalize such beauty that is the reward for my work".

"Well...he seems...nice?" I said as we walked back to my trailer.  Mingus laughed and said "If it makes you feel any better he literally gives that speech to everyone he photographs, men and women; well anyway you should post those pictures online, for the fans".  I chuckled "Geez are you guys really that worried about the fans? They're mentioned all the time". Mingus nodded "After the rally around Daryl, the producers are actually scared of the fans of the show now". 

I shrugged "Well, what do you suggest? All I have is a facebook." Mingus thought about it "Probably start with Instagram and then start a Tumblr blog once you've build up a fan base and then go to Twitter last since Twitter is the most hostile and that's where you'll get the most hate. Keep your facebook private though for your friends and family".

After getting back to my trailer and cleaning my guitar and myself, I sat on the bed making an account on Instagram as I waited for Mingus to finish in the restroom.  I looked up at a knock at my trailer door "Come in" I said outloud, "What, you guys don't wait for me anymore?" Chandler asked, wearing his famous sheriff hat. 

"We didn't know how long you would take" Mingus said from the bathroom.  Chandler looked at the door and an evil smirk appear on his face, leaning forward and lowering his voice to a whisper he said "Let's ditch him,  the catering staff just arrived; we can grab some food and eat down by the lake".  I looked to the bathroom "Won't it be mean?" Chandler just chuckled and bobbed his head in the direction of the door "C'mon".

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora