CH 25

447 20 17

Except for a few old classmates and my family, no one even cared that I was on the show, or at least I wasn't approached on the street even though TWD's season was half over. I skateboarded to and from class, luckily there was a small university here in Fort Wayne so I didn't have to go anywhere else; it was more expensive since the university was so small but it wasn't like I could drive to Indianapolis or Chicago to go to school there. Thankfully the checks that started coming in from AMC really helped.

I played my guitar in the living room, laughing as I watched Dad try to untangle the chaos that was our Christmas lights, like a scene out of a holiday comedy movie. "Dad, I'm thinking of piercing my nose, not like the middle but the sides of the nostrils" I said, as I quietly strummed on my guitar.

"Do you want that to be your present?" he asked. Dad never actually bought gifts for anyone, he was the type to take you to the store and just pay for any item you wanted. "I think so" I said. "Alright we'll go later today" Dad said "Right after your haircut." "Actually do you mind if i grow it out? I want to try a new look" I asked.

"Jordan you need to look respectable, not like some...rock and roll-er, how are you going to get a nice job if you have piercings and long hair?" Dad said sternly. "Well Dad to be fair my major in school in music, i'm not trying to be some officer worker" I pointed out. "Pick one, piercings or long hair, not both. I won't have my son looking like... like a rascal or something" Dad said.

The conversation was interrupted at a knock at our front door and I opened it up to see a small box on our porch and the person who delivered it already climbing back into her truck. The box was small and was, surprisingly, addressed to me. The handwriting on the box was neatly sloppy; while the letters themselves were sloppy, the words weren't at all difficult to read.

I went back inside and used a knife to cut off the tape inside was a card and another, smaller box. "Merry Christmas Jordan - Chandler P.S. I hope it's not weird but I got your address from AMC" the little note inside read in the same neatly sloppy handwriting as my name on the outside of the box.


I opened the smaller box and inside was a watch, a very fancy, expensive watch: a rolex. I wasn't much of a watch guy but even I knew that a genuine rolex, the cheapest one, costed over two thousand dollars with some going above ten grand and this one was definitely not a cheap one.

The polished silver metal shone so brightly that I wouldn't have been surprised if the watch was made from actual silver or even platinum. Inside the watch box was another note but from Rolex themselves saying that the lifetime warranty was purchased along with the watch, I just needed to show them this card and I get free repairs and even free batteries for it.

I put the watch quickly away in the box as my dad asked "What came?" "Nothing, just something I need for school" I answered as I headed into my room, not wanting to answer any awkward questions.

In my room I grabbed my phone and sent a text to a number I haven't even looked at in months, I wasn't even sure why I still had it "Thanks for the watch Chandler but I can't accept it, how much

did it even cost?" After about a minute I got a response "Don't worry about it, I want you to have it. Merry Christmas Jordan." "I don't know what to thanks... I didn't get you anything though" I replied. "No? Aww I'm sad :(" Chandlers response came.

I immediately felt bad so I texted "I'll get you something though, what do you want?" "How about you fly back down to Atlanta and do an interview with me on The Talking Dead? It's a show that interviews the cast and some guests about what they felt and stuff during the episode and show in general" Chandler replied quickly. I stared at my phone, we haven't talked in months and he suddenly wants to meet up?

"Umm...I am going to be on Winter Break soon...but Chandler this is so sudden" I typed. "Please Jordan? The fans will love it! You can stay with me while you're here, we can just chill at my house, maybe watch some netflix." "I don't have any money or anything for a ticket, plus I'm in school until next week" I replied. "If I take care of everything, will you come?" Chandler typed back. "Dad can I go back to Atlanta for a little while? Chandler invited me back I'd stay at his house" I shouted at my door. "Will his parents be there?" Dad shouted back.

"Do you live with your parents?" I typed and got a quick response " Is that going to be an issue? I promise I won't try to feed you my cooking or anything. I'll pay for us to go to restaurants and stuff" "Yes" I shouted at my door, now very curious why Chandler was trying so hard to get me over there. "Well alright, Winter Break is coming up, just be back before classes start again" Dad said. "Wait so I can be there for a two months? Even during actual Christmas? Spring classes don't start until early February" I asked. "Just be careful and don't miss your registration date" Dad replied. "Ok, I'll go. Last day of classes is next Friday" I typed.

Not even ten minutes later I got an email with my plane ticket, first class leaving first thing on the Saturday after classes were over.

I didn't know how to feel about all this.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now