CH 16

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Jordan's POV

I paced around the set, looking over the script, today was another day of filming but thankfully I wasn't front and center on screen like I was last time I was in front of the camera. I was in the background while Carl's group was planning to look for the rest of my group; I'd be in the background of most of the episodes from now on.

I had a great night's sleep last night, Chandler was super comfortable. I was surprised when I woke up on top of him but I was able to wiggle away before he woke up and avoid any awkwardness; I definitely didn't want to have that conversation. Chandler didn't seem to have known, since he didn't bring it up at breakfast, which I was beyond thankful for.

"Jordan Witzigreuter?" A guy called out looking at a piece of paper. I walked up to him "Yeah?" He reached into a large bag, dug around for a second and then handed me a small box "You had something in the mail today" the guy explained before calling out another name from the list.

I undid the the tape and opened the box, inside were five cd's; in marker one was labeled "Tantrum Castle" another was labeled "I'm Alive, I'm Dreaming" the third was labeled "The Bad and the Better" the fourth was labeled "I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love" and the fifth was just labeled "Misc." inside was a card that read "It took me forever to find these. Wish you all the best - Dad" I smiled as I walked with the box to find one of the producers.

I finally found a woman, one of the producers, who was scribbling something on a clipboard "Excuse me, I was asked to provide a sample of the music I play to see if it fit the show" I said, holding out the box with the cd's inside "The music tends to be a little...pop-y" I said, having no idea what to say.

She nodded "Yeah I remember" she said as she took the box "Is this you solo or with a band?" she asked. "Solo; this was a hobby of mine even though I had a band also. I recorded these in my basement; the plan was that I'd submit these to record labels to see if they liked me but...something happen so I never got around to it." She nodded "Thanks, I'll review this with the team and see if we can use any of it in the show, if not we'll just go to plan B and compose music for you, like we did with Beth earlier."

I nodded before I felt a pair of arms circle my waist and an chin rested on my shoulder "Good morning babe" Mingus whispered in my ear before placing a kiss on the side of the neck as the producer walked away. "Mingus don't" I said wiggling away, not really comfortable with PDA, feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"So I was thinking that today for lunch, after you're finish filming, we can go to Pizza Rev and then maybe get some ice cream" Mingus said still hugging me but not placing anymore kisses. "Mingus I need a refill of my meds...what if we just have a picnic in the woods, I'll bring my guitar along."

Mingus wrinkled his nose "That kinda sounds...dull...What if during filming I just run to Atlanta and get you a refill on your meds for you so we can go to lunch?" I sighed "Then, yeah, that's fine." Mingus smiled "Alright then I'll leave now so I can be back when you're done with filming" he said before he kissed my cheek and left. "For the record, I would have loved a picnic date" Chandler said as he walked passed, on his way to the makeup trailer.



About a week later I sat on the ground, between Mingus's legs, as we watched the filming crew and interviewers wander though set; they were filming season promos and AMC invited some interviewers on to the set for a behind the scenes look or something.

The main characters would spend the day doing the interviews and the rest of us basically had the day off; we waited around since Chandler was going to dinner with us for, like, the first time since Mingus and I started dating. We watched as Chandler sat in front of a camera, across from an interviewer, answering his questions; mainly just dropping teasers about next season and what to maybe expect.

"So Chandler what are you most looking forward to in the next season?" the interviewer asked. Chandler didn't even hesitate "There is a new cast member that I've...gotten...really close to, that I'm excited for everyone to meet... that character will definitely...Carl will change a lot when that character is introduced". "Wow, now I can't wait" the interviewer laughed "So what has been the most fun you've had so far in filming?" Again Chandler didn't hesitate "Filming the scenes with J - that new cast member, so far we've only had a handful so far but they've been a lot of fun."

"Do you think he's talking about me?" I asked. "Nah he's probably talking about Obama, or Grumpy Cat" Mingus said darkly, as if angry or something "Of course he's talking about you babe you're amazing" Mingus said in a much gentler voice before he kissed the top of my head.

The interviewer went on "So, anyway, Chandler enough about 'The Walking Dead' let's talk about you: you've been single for a while since the break up with Brianna, do you have your eyes on anyone?" "Yes" Chandler said before his eyes went slightly wide "I mean no...well...It's complicated" he finished weakly. The interviewer chuckled and said "I can't imagine anyone saying 'no' to you." Chandler just smiled.

After the interview was over Chandler walked over to us "You ready to go?" I asked. "No I think I'm just going to stay here, I don't really feel like going out anymore" Chandler said. "What why? I was really looking forward to it" I protested. "I just don't feel like it anymore, sorry" Chandler said. Mingus shrugged and stood up "Well let's just go then Jordan" he said not sounding the least bit sorry that Chandler wasn't coming. "Have fun" Chandler said before walking away.

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