Ch 23

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"Bad guys in front of us, a herd of walkers breathing down our necks. And I thought today would be a nice simple day, it started out so well" I whispered as we watched the same people that tried to kill me and Carl before walked down the road, passing by the car Carl and I were hiding in. It was dark however, just before dawn, so they didn't see us.

He and I seriously needed to stop sneaking off to make out; it was bad for our health, seeing as it could lead to our premature deaths. Although dying after kissing Carl Grimes wasn't the worst way in the world to die.

Carl scrambled to put on his clothes, getting his leg stuck in his pants leg as a result "We have to warn my dad, they're heading in that direction." "Carl relax, we're not going to be able to go anywhere if you break your ankle" I said as I helped him put on his pants; he slapped my hands away though "Last time you touched my pants they came off, no touching this time." I stared at him "Carl did you actually make a joke? A flirty one?" "C'mon I think I see the herd of walkers starting to pop out of the trees" Carl said, opening the car door and strapping on his gun.

I looked at him as he offered me his backup/hold out gun, which he started carrying after his group got captured by the Saviors; as a plan B to fight back instead of being captured again. "Take it, you can't being a guitar to a gunfight; it'll work even less than a knife" Carl said. "You think they don't like music very much?" I asked "I mean it didn't go well last time but people change." Carl just stared at me until I took his second gun, he taught me how to shoot a while ago so I know how guns work but I was never a big fan. "C'mon" he said, jogging after the bad guys.

"Ok so there is six" Carl said as we ducked around some houses "If we work quickly we might be able to take out four, or at least bring them down if we can't kill them. Two shots each at two people seems doable, their back is turned so we have an advantage." Carl said as he turned off his safety. "On three ready?" he said as he brought his gun up to eye level. I did the same and he breathed "One...two...three."

Not to sound cocky, but I was a man of many talents. I wrote my own songs, sang, played the guitar, I was able to cook and even mend clothes. Shooting was not in my list of talents.

Carl however shot three before they even turned around and shoved me behind a house before I even realized I missed. The wood behind us exploded as it was shot "Ok plan B: run" Carl said as I was literally being pulled along. Suddenly however Carl leaped backward and tackled me to the ground "Stay here" he said before I even knew what was going on. Before I could even protest he was turning the corner and shooting at whoever was shooting back at him before he actually ran toward whoever was shooting him. I looked behind me at a shadow and scrambled away from a man who had a knife drawn.

As I ran I realized that I dropped Carl's gun when I was tackled and, at the same time, noticed that the neck of my guitar snapped, I couldn't swing it as a weapon anymore. A shot rang out a moment before a sharp pain seared through my stomach and caused me to fall over, holding my hand to the stain forming. I sighed to myself as I saw red on my hand and I scrambled up to run into the nearest piece of cover, a house with the backdoor open.

I ran inside and closed the door behind me, running on pure adrenaline I toppled over a bookcase that was near the door and sealed myself inside. I limped upstairs and used the last of my strength to push a dresser in front of the door before crawling over to the far wall and collapsing, my hand over my stomach. I grabbed the pillow from the bed and tried to use it to stop the bleeding but it didn't help very much. I don't know how much time passed but I looked over as I saw the dresser being pushed from the door, but didn't have the strength to do anything about it.

I smiled weakly as Carl squeezed in "I must be in Heaven since an angel has appeared to me" I said. Carl didn't comment or even do his usual eye roll, he just walked over and took the backpack off of his back; he must have gotten it from another person. He lifted up my shirt just enough to see the wound and without even saying started to clean and bandage the wound with the meager supplies he had in the bag. "I knew I shouldn't have left you" Carl said as he put everything away and help me drank from his water bottle. "This isn't your fault" I said.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ