CH 22

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A while after the town incident, I sat on a fallen log, quietly strumming my guitar as everyone else in the house packed up to head out, I was already ready however. I didn't look up at Enid joined me, I usually got an audience sooner or later and I didn't mind.

"That was a nice song" she said after I finished and looked at her. "Thanks" I said with a small smile and started strumming again "Any requests?" "Hey, what's going on here?" Carl said, appearing from seemingly nowhere. "Nothing, Remiel was just playing some nice music" Enid said.  An awkward silence filled the air as Carl just stared at Enid who eventually got so uncomfortable that she stood up and said "We'll I'm just going to go then."

"What was that all about?" I asked Carl who just shrugged before he offered his hand and pulled me up. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me along, ignoring my question of where we were going.

I looked around the empty bedroom that Carl pulled me to in confusion, wondering why I was here. Before I could say anything, however, Carl pushed me onto the bed and attacked my lips with his. As we pulled away he said "I bet Enid doesn't do that huh?"

"Whoa what?" I said, pushing him away "Oh my god...Carl are you jealous?" I asked. Carl didn't say anything, just looked away. "Carl?" I asked. "I just don't want to share you, we have to share everything: food, water, ammunition, supplies..." Carl said, hiding his face in my neck. I chuckled "...I don't think I've ever seen you shy before, even while you were at the wrong end of a gun" I bit back a chuckle as Carl Grimes said "That was easy, this...isn't"

"What isn't?" I asked, rolling on my side to look at him. "Liking you" he said. I smiled sadly "Carl, listen to me, nothing is going to happen to me. Please stop acting as if I'm going to die at any moment." Carl looked away, biting his lip as he said "I just..." "Carl just shut up and kiss me" I said and Carl smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

The kiss became a full on make-out session, with Carl climbing over me and placing himself between my legs. My hands crawled up his shirt, feeling the hard, taunt muscles beneath; you wouldn't really know it by looking at him, since Carl didn't have broad shoulders or big bulging biceps but each of his muscles were very clearly defined. You could wash your clothes on his stomach.

"Carl are you-" was all we heard. Carl flew off of me, years of survival made his reflexes scarily quick. Rick was standing in the doorway, his hand still on the door knob and a shocked look on his face. "Dad it's not what it looks like" Carl said quickly. "It's...exactly what it looks like Mr. Grimes" I corrected. "Down stairs please. Now. Both of you." was all Rick said before he walked away, leaving the door open. "I'd rather walk into a herd of walkers with just my fists then go downstairs right now" Carl said. "We're in this together. I'll be there with you" I smiled. 

I sat awkwardly with Carl, squirming in the heavy silence. " and Remiel...?" Rick asked, not fully understanding. "I really like him Dad" Carl said. "Yeah...I'm just...didn't you and Enid date for a bit...?" Rick asked. "Yeah I dated her but what I felt for her and what I feel for's like night and day" Carl said softly. 

"Ok so new rule, you and Remiel have to stay in separate rooms now" Rick said after a long moment of silence. "Afraid one of them will get pregnant?" Daryl asked with a chuckle, who had been silent this entire time, Rick just frowned at him.

"Boys why don't you get your stuff, we're heading out soon" Michonne said. As Carl and I left, I heard Rick say "I never thought I'd have to chase boys out of my son's room." "Did you think you've have to kill walkers?" Daryl asked. "You got a point there" Rick admitted.


The day of travel was filled with awkwardness between Rick and us, I don't think he had a problem with it, as much as it caught him off guard. Carl was no better, he had no idea what to do or say. The day was largely quiet, as everyone sensed the vibes from Rick and Carl but no one knew why so they assumed that they had a family fight or something. I was unfazed for the most part though. We stopped at a small town for the night.

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