CH 13

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Chandler's POV

"It's funny what you can get done in a morning huh?" I heard Mingus say behind me as I walked toward the makeup trailer to get ready for my scenes; I turned to look at him, he was leaning against a tree and flipping through the script. "I don't know what you're talking about" I lied.

"No? Funny, cause I got a caught a glimpse of the script that was sent out last night and then this new one arrived just before you left" Mingus said, still not looking at me "I didn't realize The Walking Dead was going to start showing soft porn." "It's nothing worse than what Rick and Michonne, Glenn and Maggie or Abraham and Rosita have done on screen" I said, turning defensive.

"Chandler what's your game?" Mingus asked, closing the script, finally looking at me "Do you like Jordan?" I nodded "But don't tell him alright? Things have to stay professional between us." "Well see there an issue...because I was going to ask him out this morning before you whisked him away" Mingus said "Chandler, you can you have any guy or girl you want, just mention that you're a star of this show...can I please just have Jordan?" he almost begged "I can't compete with you so I'm asking as a friend."

I stared at Mingus for a while, unsure of what to say; I really like Jordan, he treated me as a human being and not just a celeb, I haven't had that happen to me for a long time. Plus he and I were so similar, he was so easy to talk too. "Mingus...Jordan isn't like you. He isn't the type go out clubbing, partying, drinking and getting high" I pointed out. "Please Chandler just choose someone else, millions of people watch TWD and I bet you can get with any of them!" Mingus said.

I sighed "Fine Mingus, you can have him" I said softly.

Jordan's POV

I paced in my trailer, reading over the script out loud, trying to memorize my lines. Chandler told me several tricks to help me memorize and even though I only had two to five lines per episode, usually with Carl, I really didn't want to screw it up. Plus since I was in the background of most of the episodes so I had to practice facial expressions; it was incredibly strange to make a face in the mirror and decide if it's "sadness" or "nervousness" or "apprehension".

I rolled my eyes as there was a knock at my door; I'm just going to leave it open from now on. I went over to open it and Mingus was there with a smile on his face. "Jordan do you want to go out with me?" he said quickly. I blinked at him "Well hello to you too, yes, I'm having a good day so far. Ok now that, that is out of the way, what the hell did you say?"

"Jordan I really like you and...I count last night as our first don't need to film today only Chandler does, so let's go on a second my...boyfriend" Mingus said; at the end of his sentence, he lost his usual cocikness and said the last word to the dirt. "I...are you sure? I don't think I'd be a good boyfriend, I can't even ride in a car" I said, truthfully. "I don't care, please Jordan, just give me a chance" Mingus said "I promise I'll treat you right."

"What about Chandler?" I asked. Mingus stiffened but tried not to show it "What about Chandler?" Mingus asked, acting as if he didn't care, which just made me confused. "Well I personally don't like being a third wheel and all three of us are friends so...I don't want him to feel uncomfortable." For some reason Mingus looked relieved "Nah it's ok, he'll understand. I promise." I shrugged "Then sure I'll be your boyfriend."

"May I have a kiss then?" Mingus asked with a large smile on his face. "I've...umm...I haven't..." I stuttered, highly embarrassed. "You've never had your first kiss?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head "I've never dated, in fact you and Chandler are the first friends I've ever made since my mom passed" I admitted. Mingus smiled "Here, I'll how you how."

The kiss was...ok? I guess? I mean it wasn't unpleasant, like at all, but I heard the stories and was just expecting more. I've heard how people described kisses like playing with lightning, or the kiss of life that made you feel exhilarated and breathless It was probably my fault though since I didn't know what the heck I was doing.

As we pulled away, Mingus smiled "So you want to go on our second date?" I gestured to the script that was laying on my bed "I really should learn my lines". "Cmon we won't be out that late" Mingus pleaded. "...Alright fine" I caved.

Outside, Mingus offered his hand and we walked through the set holding hands walking to the makeshift parking lot. As I got inside Mingus's Dad's car I met eyes with Chandler who gave a smile like a someone who saw their friend having fun but they personally weren't. Like the smile you gave when a friend was telling you about their boyfriend/girlfriend but you didn't agree that they should be together in the first place.

I gave him a confused look but he turned and walked away, putting on his iconic sheriff's hat and eyepatch. "I can drive unless you get in the car" Mingus joked. I looked back at Chandler who had already slipped between the trees before getting into the car and taking a puff of my inhaler.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora