CH 20

504 20 5

Jordan's POV

I sat in a quiet stop in the woods, within sight of the set, playing my guitar as I read off of the music sheet and had some breakfast; I was practicing the music I was supposed to play in the show. Mingus wasn't around, he sent me a text earlier that Austin wanted him to have breakfast together in Atlanta and Chandler was filming today.

To be honest I haven't seen much of Mingus since Austin arrived three days ago, Mingus apologized for it many times but I understood he just wanted to catch up with an old friend. Plus whenever Austin was around he always glared at me as if I betrayed him or something so I was more than happy for him not to be around me.

"Hey Mr Lonely" Chandler said as he approached, wearing his hat; I tried not to look at his eye since he was wearing his make up so it just looked like a massive hole in his face. "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be filming?" I asked, putting down my guitar. "Yeah but Andy is taking a moment to get into character since the next scene is pretty heavy" Chandler said as he sat down next to me, picking up the sheet music. "You know I used to know how to read this, but now it just looks like ants on paper" Chandler commented. "Oh yeah, don't you play the violin? Because of Mercy?" I said.

"Used too, in fact I still have it in my trailer somewhere but I haven't picked up that thing in years" he admitted. "Oh that's sad I was hoping to hear a song from you" I said, half joking half serious. Chandler looked at me "...Really?" he asked. "Yeah violins are such so romantic" I said, again, half joking and half serious. "...Well I should be getting back to set, Andy just literally needed a moment." "Break a leg...or knock them dead...I forgot what the good luck phrase is for filming" I said, Chandler just laughed as he walked away.


Mingus and I laid in his trailer, making out; I brushed off his hand as it went to my thigh however. And again after a couple more minutes. And again.

"Mingus stop" I said, detatching our lips. "Jordan, c'mon, we've been dating for a while now and never even fooled around" Mingus whined "A man has needs you know." "I really hope your joking right now because you're really killing the mood" I said.

"Jordan I'm not saying we go all the way but just like...a blowjob or I'll even do it for you" Mingus said as he reached for the button on my pants. "Mingus stop" I said, brushing his hand away. "Jordan c'mon what's the big deal? C'mon I promise it'll be fun-" Norman, thankfully, decided to enter his trailer at this time.

"Hi Mr. Reedus" I said, scrambling away from Mingus. "You can relax you know, I know you two are dating I was once your age too you know. I just ask that you keep it PG-13 when I'm around" he said with a smirk. "I was just leaving" I said as I gathered up my shoes and sweater. "Geez am I that much of a mood killer?" Norman asked, watching me. "No!" I said quickly "You're a really cool guy and I wish you were my dad, actually, but I'm just hungry and Mingus already ate with Austin so..." Norman laughed as I walked out.

I walked through the dimly lit alleys of the trailers, heading toward my own, when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I flinched and yanked my arm away, still a little on edge. I looked to see Chandler there, with a confused look on his face and a burrito in his mouth. "Jordan are you ok?" Chandler asked with his mouth full.

"Yeah, yeah just thinking about something" I lied. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked but I just shook my head. "Ok are you doing? Where are you going?" I was just going to head back to my trailer and study my lines, I film tomorrow right?" Chandler nodded "Yeah, it's actually a scene with just the two of us...I'm really excited about it" he finished with a smile.

"You just want to kiss me, huh?" I teased and even though it was fairly dark out, I could see Chandler blush. "You know the scene we're going to be doing?" he asked quietly. "Of course, I need to know what days to brush my teeth" I replied and laughed as Chandler made a face. "Alright well I'll see you around Jordan" Chandler said before walking away.

I pulled out my phone as it pinged at me "Listen Jordan I just want to apologize. I've been super horny and I just want you to know that I'd never make you do anything you didn't want too" the text from Mingus said.

"It's ok" I repiled

"Are you upset?"

"No...I just didn't like how you acted"

"I know Jordan and I'm sorry it'll never happen again"

"Good, thanks."

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yeah, sure" I responded even though I really didn't.

" Austin invited me to go clubbing, can I go?"

"Sure, have fun" I said, putting my phone in my pocket again as I entered my trailer.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now