CH 11

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We sat in an eighteen and over bar two hours later; Mingus changed his mind and refused to take me too a full on nightclub so we compromised and settled on this. I had black X's on my hands since I was underage, but Mingus didn't since he was twenty one and could drink, he sipped on a soda though since he had to drive us back later. The bar was cool, it had several pool tables, tv's, some arcade machines and tonight there was live music.

The people inside were mostly college students so the atmosphere was quickly shifting from a chill laid back one, to one more like party as upper classmen started walking into the bar already slightly drunk. "This is fun" I said as I watched a group of people take shots but their reactions were so over the top that it was hilarious.

"Alright who is next?" the girl on stage who was playing the guitar said into her mic. When no one answer she pressed "C'mon guys it's open mic night, anyone want to play some tunes? Show off your skills? It's a great opportunity to impress someone so you can get laid" she got some laughter but no one would volunteer.

"You should totally do it!" Mingus said, leaning over the table to me. I looked at him "I...what if I get booed off of the stage?" Mingus smiled "That won't happened and if it does I'll kick their ass...I'll play the drums with you" he said as he motioned to the empty drum set on stage. "I...I'm not sure" I said, not liking the idea of playing in front of a lot of strangers. "We volunteer!" Mingus said, standing up and holding up our hands like we won a contest or something. "Awesome! Well come up here!" the girl said, waving us over.

Mingus pulled me on stage as everyone in the room applauded us, but I kept my eyes to the floor. When I got on stage I took the guitar that the girl held out, "Just play whatever and have fun" she said before walking away, as Mingus sat behind the drums. I sat on the chair on stage in front of the mic and just stared at the guitar, using the same trick I used in my audition: just to ignore everyone. "Play whatever you want and I'll just join in once I get a feel for the music" Mingus said as he pick up the drumsticks.

I started playing a few chords, this guitar was slightly different from mine since mine was acoustic but this one was electric so I was just trying to get familiar with this guitar. The people in the bar through, thinking that I didn't know what to play, started shouting out requests. I started playing the first request I heard, Stitches by Shawn Mendes; Mingus recognizing the song, joined in after half a second.

Insecure about my voice, I only played the notes and kept my mouth shut. After the song we got some applause; as I took a sip of water, behind me I heard Mingus say "You should sing next time, Chandler says you have an amazing voice". I blushed but didn't turn around, not wanting him to see my red face.

The next song I decided to play was actually an original song I wrote myself back in highschool titled "Love Like Woe". I still wasn't confident enough to look at anyone though so I just stared at my guitar; Mingus of course didn't know the song but he got the rhythm quickly and played along. After the first verse I really started enjoying myself as the people in bar started to drunkenly dance and bounce around since my song was so upbeat and dancey.

I had a surprisingly amount of fun after I stopped caring so much about looking like an idiot, it didn't hurt that the people on the bar got so drunk that they didn't have any inhibitions and cheered loudly and danced wildly.

I forgot how much I enjoyed this, playing music, I haven't done anything like this since my mom died and I still loved it now as much as I did then. I got really into it, bouncing around and making eye contact with everyone like a damn rockstar, I was so energetic on stage that I actually started sweating.

"That was awesome, a ton of fun!" Mingus said, wiping his forehead as everyone slowly filed out of the bar as it was closing. "Thanks boys, come back any time" the waitress, who was playing earlier, said as we walked out of the bar. "Oh shit, I have seven missed calls and ten texts from Chan" Mingus said, checking his phone as we walked to his car "I haven't check my phone since before dinner". I pulled out my phone also and had the same thing, Chandler asking over and over if I was alright and if Mingus was with me. "Let me give him a call" Mingus said bringing his phone to his cheek as we got into his car.

"Hey man it's me, what are you doing awake at two am?" Mingus said, placing his key into the ignition but not turning it "...Yeah Jordan is right here, he needed some air so we're actually in Atlanta" Mingus said, shooting me a smile. "...Yeah, dude he's fine, do you want to talk to him or something?" Mingus said with a laugh "...I don't know we'll probably head back to set right now. He doesn't need to film tomorrow right?...Ok cool see you soon" Mingus said before hanging up. "He was just worried, no big deal" Mingus said, I nodded and took a puff of my inhaler.

"Thank you, I had a lot of fun tonight" I said as we pulled into the parking lot on set. "I had fun too...I'd love to do it again sometime...just me and you" Mingus said as he parked. I chucked "Sure just let me know when." Mingus looked at me as if I missed the point or something but didn't say anything else.

"Have a good night" I said before walking to my trailer. "Yeah...have a good night" he said before walking away toward his dad's trailer.

Mingus POV

The next morning I stole a couple of breakfast burritos from the morning buffet and made my way over to Jordan's trailer. As I raised my fist to knock at his door I noticed a little piece of paper wedged under his door, holding both the burritos in one hand I pulled out the piece of paper: Hey Jordan, please come to my trailer as soon as possible. I want to talk about what happened yesterday. Please come alone - Chandler.

I stared at the note for a moment before I folded it up, put it in my pocket, and knocked. Jordan opened the door a second later but he looked like he was still asleep. "I got us breakfast" I said offering the burrito to Jordan who just turned around and fell face first on his bed without saying anything. "I guess I'll put it on hold then" I said as I placed the burritos on top of his dresser "Your not hungover are you?" I teased. "Shut up and close the door it's too bright. " Jordan said, crawling under the covers. I grabbed the remote and got into bed also, under the covers, before turning on the tv as I sat against the headboard of the bed. "Anything good on?" he asked as I flipped through the channels.

"This show is pretty alright" I said after choosing a show before setting down the remote. Jordan curled up under the covers and watched the show from his pillow, facing away from me. We watched tv for a while before he suddenly, softly, started to snore. I sat there on the bed, unsure if I should leave or what but I was blown away as Jordan turned over in his sleep and threw an arm and leg over mine before placing his head in my lap.

I sat there shocked as I stared at his sleeping face before I gently moved some of the hair from his face. I pulled out Chandler's note from my pocket before looking down at Jordan's sleeping face again. I crumbled it up and tossed it in the trash bin in Jordan's bathroom; I didn't want to share Jordan anymore.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt