CH 2

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A week passed since my audition, and tomorrow I would be going to the airport to fly to Atlanta to the filming location. Dad took the week off work to celebrate and we hung out together every single day, it was a lot of fun. We stood in my bedroom packing my suitcases, I would be gone for six months during filming and it would be the first time I left home since Mom died.

Dad helped me fold my shirts as I read the email with my flight info for the hundredth time, since AMC bought my ticket. "I'm nervous Dad" I admitted, looking up from my phone. Dad chuckled "Of course you are, you're going halfway across the country to a place where you don't know anyone. You can call me everyday and I'll send you money when I can".

"Yeah thanks Dad" I said, not really feeling any better. Dad saw me still upset and gave me an awkward hug, he's only ever given me four, I've counted: when I graduated highschool, at the hospital after the car crash, at Mom's funeral, and right now. "You'll do fine Jordan, you're a smart guy" he said as he pulled away from the hug and walked out of my room.

I was surprised when Dad walked back in holding a little box "Your mother bought this for you and was going to give it to you when you moved out for college...but I think it makes more sense to give it to you now" he said, offering the box. I took the box and opened it, inside was a silver heart shaped locket and on the front it read "To thine own heart be true".

Opening the locket there was a picture inside of my parents and myself; the picture was taken a month before mom died and it showed all of us in vacation in Mexico, it was the best two weeks of my life. On the inside of the locket it said "We're so proud of the man you've become. We're excited to see what happens next, love Mom and Dad". Even though it's been longer than six months since Mom died I got choked up as I read that. "Love you too Mom" I whispered to the picture; Dad, unsure of what to do, just walked out and left me alone.


"Do you have everything?" Dad asked as I ran through the house one more time making sure I wasn't leaving anything behind "Inhaler? Wallet? ID?" He called after me. "I think so" I said as I did a 360 in my room one more time "I'll ship you anything you leave behind" Dad said as he grabbed his car keys.

We drove all the way to Indianapolis again to catch my flight, lucky it was direct to Atlanta. "Good luck Jordan" Dad said, pulling out my luggage and guitar case from the car "Call me when you arrive in Atlanta, alright son?". I nodded, I was getting cold feet, I was three seconds away from getting back into the car and heading home.

Before I could though, Dad placed a hand on my shoulder "Good luck Jordan" he said again before he got into the car and drove away. I sighed and brought my hand to Mom's locket which was under my shirt, I sighed again before picking up my bags and going inside to check in. I checked in both of my bags but kept my guitar case as my carry on; Dad actually bought me a guitar case that you can wear as a backpack for this trip.

I groaned internally as I went through airport security and my guitar case was pulled to the side. Airport security went through the side pockets of my bag and found my inhaler; I knew I was screwed because it didn't look like a normal inhaler, it was twice the size. To make matters worse, I didn't have a doctor's note with me. "Medications are allowed on board" I said, the agent looked at me "Do you need this to fly?"

I sighed "Well no but-" "No buts, this is too large to go onboard I'm sorry sir" the agent said placing it to the side and closing my guitar case. I started to panic as I picked up my guitar and walked toward my gate, I needed my meds for when I land because I highly doubt that the plane would land at the filming location. My only hope was that AMC, who said that they would provide transportation, would use a larger vehicle like a truck or a van; I could survive slightly longer in those vehicles rather than a car, a bus would be ideal.

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