CH 28

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I came down here for an interview on The Talking Dead but it kept getting postponed for some reason or another, not that I minded though, and it didn't seem Chandler minded either. Chandler was awesome to hang out with and I was never bored when I was with him.

It wasn't a constant adrenaline high like with Mingus but, well, like yesterday we went to a cute little cafe for breakfast and then we went to the mall cause Chandler wanted to buy me white gold, silver and platinum piercings instead of the plain steel I had. After that we went to a drive thru and got lunch before we headed to a park that was having live music and ate the food there as a picnic. After that we just walked around downtown and talked for a bit, looking at the little shops and such before heading to dinner at a really nice place. After that we got some ice cream by the river and talked for a few hours before heading back to his house and heading to bed. We spent the entire day out of the house but instead of hating every minute and just wanting to go back to the house, I had a lot of fun doing absolutely nothing with him.

At times I felt sort of like a trophy wife I had to admit, and to be honest I kinda liked it. Chandler flooded his social media with pictures of us but they were always angled and taken so that I was in the center of the photo while Chandler was in the corner, if he was in the picture at all. Just yesterday he took a pic of me at the river and the only piece of Chandler that was visible in the photo was his ice cream cup that was next to me and his sunglasses. Whenever he got stopped on the street, he always included me in pictures with fans as well even though most of the time they had no idea who I was.

His real fans though, started to ship us incredibly hard and if anything he encouraged them by retweeting or liking posts that talked about us as an item. I was truthful about our relationship as just being friends but most people brushed me off as trying to keep my life private or just being modest.

Some people even called me oblivious which angered me to be honest, I spent most of the day with Chan now a days I think I would how our relationship was like. When I asked Chan to back me up and stay straight out that we were just friends he just shrugged and said it was good publicity to have people talking about us; it was also good to show the producers of TWD that people gave a shit about Remiel.

"Chan do you really think they'll want me back?" I asked as he drove us to to some person's house for dinner or something. "I'll fight for you Jordie, it's why we're going to this party" Chan said. "Why exactly are we going to this party? I thought you didn't like parties" I said. "It's different though, Steven is hosting this christmas party, and I know some of the staff on the show is going to be there so I'm going to convince them to have you back on the show. Norman, Rick, Danai, Lauren and Tom are all going to be there as well" Chandler said as he placed his free hand on my knee while keeping his other hand on the wheel.

"Wait, Norman?" I asked "Then is Mingus going to be there?" "No, Mingus is still in New York, I checked" Chandler answered. "You checked?" I asked. "Well...I...I was just curious who was going to go, it's not like I actually asked Norman if Mingus was going to be there" Chandler said, looking out the window instead of at me as we pulled up to a red light.

"Thanks for trying so hard to get me back on the show, to be honest I have no idea why you're trying so hard" I said as we started to move again. "I've told you before Jordie, I really, really love spending time with you" Chandler said, seeming to be happy with the subject change "Like I've been totally ignoring my friends to spend these past few days with you and I have no intention of contacting them while you're here." "Again, acting like we're boyfriends" I teased. Chandler just smiled.

I was never one for parties, to be in a room with a bunch of people I only sort of knew. I mean I recognized everyone but since I spent most of the time on set with Mingus, Chandler, or in my trailer, I really didn't know these people. Chandler however saved me since he was charming as ever and didn't seem to mind that I stood awkwardly next to him most of the night.

Eventually though Chandler had to walk away to talk to that person he mentioned, which was actually one of the people responsible for casting on TWD. Everyone was totally nice to me but I still ended up in the corner playing with the dog.

"Hey good looking" Chandler said as he sat down next to me a while later "What's a handsome guy like you doing all alone? You look a little unwell, I think you need more Vitamin Me" "Dork" I said playfully, butting his shoulder with mine.

Chan chuckled "So good news, bad news. Good news is that they want you back, you rated well among fans and everyone is talking about the actual relationship between two guys instead of just the hints they've been dropping like with Daryl and Jesus...the bad news is that the writers are wanting to push the envelope, which means that Remiel and Carl's relationship will be taken to the next virginity level"

"Wow really?" I asked "Are you ok with that?" Chandler nodded said "Yeah! I think it'll be really fun plus it'll be interesting to see how Carl reacts" Chandler spoke quickly, as if he was nervous I'd change my mind "Plus there isn't a lot of guys dating each other in mainstream media that's outside of the historical fantasy or reality genre. I wouldn't be surprised if you got offers from other shows after this new season for gigs."

I chuckled "I didn't, don't, really want to be a famous actor. I started this on a whim, just to try something new and because I was your biggest fan; I never thought this would actually go anywhere." "But you'll do it right?" Chandler asked. "On two conditions" I said and Chandler tilted his head a tiny bit "First, you have to get me a better trailer, mine didn't have any AC and I wanted to die."

Chandler laughed "C'mon it was your first season on the show, extras don't even get trailers...but if it's that much of an issue you can just stay in my trailer." "Yeah? You'd let me do that?" I asked. Chandler sighed as if I was missing an obvious point "Yes Jordan, I mean you're already living in my house...anyway what was the second condition?"

"Can I write and perform my own music this season?" I asked. Chandler nodded "Yeah, no offense but your friends were incredibly expensive." "My friends? Oh cause I have lunch with Louis about once a week right?" I teased "It was your idea to do that." "I just wanted you to meet them, geez sorry" Chandler said as he rolled his eyes playfully "So'll agree to be in the next season of TWD?" I nodded and he smiled, he surprised me by giving me a hug and saying "Awesome" into my shoulder. Chan gave the best hugs.

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