CH 17

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"How long are you going to be gone for?" I asked Mingus as I sat in his trailer, watching him pack up his bag. "Three days, it's just a long weekend; my mom has a fashion show and my dad thinks we should go support her" he answered "My parents are divorced but they're still friends, I wish you could go with me."

I smiled "Yeah but I film tomorrow and the day after, duty calls." Mingus chuckled "You said doody." I just rolled my eyes. "Hi Jordan" Norman said as he walked into the trailer. "Hi Mr. Reedus" I said. Norman rolled his eyes "Just call me Norman, geez, you make me feel so old."

I waved bye to Mingus as he and Norman drove away from the set and toward Atlanta to hop on their plane and as the car went outside of sight, Chandler appeared from nowhere. "So he's gonna be gone a while huh?" Chandler asked nonchalantly even though everyone knew Norman was leaving since it screwed up the filming schedule so badly; Norman only told everyone that he would be leaving yesterday . I nodded and looked at some pieces of paper Chandler pulled from his pocket as he said "I remembered that you were a fan so I got these for you and Mingus but he isn't"

I took the papers he offered and they were actually V.I.P concert tickets and V.I.P. backstage passes to one of my favorite bands, One Direction; yeah I'm a guy and I like One Direction, sue me. "Chandler, oh my god...the concert is tonight!" I exclaimed, looking up to him from the papers. " you want to go? I paid good money for these and I'd hate for them to go to waste" he asked. I nodded and smiled as he took back the papers; I didn't notice that the date of purchase on these tickets was yesterday. "So if I can ask, who is your favorite in the band?" "Louis Tomlinson" I answered. Chandler nodded "Cool I'll pick you up at five then?" I laughed and nodded before he walked away; as he walked though, I saw him pull out his phone.


I sat in Chandler's rental car, dressed in black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket, the best outfit I had with me even though it was all black; like my not really. Chandler wore a grayish blueish button down long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and ripped black jeans.

He kept shooting me small smiles as we blasted my One Direction playlist from my phone. Even though I was medicated, of course, I was still slightly dancing in my seat; excited even through the haze of my meds. "You think I'm crazy don't you?" I asked, noticing Chandler wasn't sharing my excitement. "No not really, this just isn't my type of music. I prefer bands like TOP but it' to see you having so much fun."

Chandler and I arrived a full hour early, but the parking lot was already completely crowded with people waiting to get inside. Before Chandler got out of his car, he put on a black hoodie sweater, put up the hood and put on a pair of large sunglasses as a disguise. I just stared at him and he smiled "I don't want any attention tonight, tonight is for you."

We walked up to a security guard, passed the line of people waiting; Chandler showed the guard the papers and his ID before the guard nodded "Yeah we've been expecting you" he said as he pointed to another guard who was standing hear by "Show these to Dimitri and he'll take to you your seats. I'll also tell them you arrived." Tell who? I wondered, but the thought escape from my head as we were lead inside the stadium immediately.

We were lead inside the stadium and went up some stairs to a stadium booth; a small, private room in the middle of the stadium stands with a completely clear view of the stage where they were setting up sound equipment. On the back of the room there was a small buffet table, on the left wall there was a door that was labeled 'bathroom' and on the right wall, various tanks, filled with soda and juices, were lined against the wall and a single waiter was inside, who smiled at us as we walked inside "Mr. Riggs, I am David and I will be helping you enjoy this evening. This entire room is yours for the entire length of the concert. Only non alcoholic drinks are present as you requested. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. May I take your sweater?"

Chandler took off his sweater and sunglasses and handed them to David who smiled "I'm a huge fan of your show, may I have your autograph before you leave?" Chandler chuckled "Yeah of course." In the room, in front of a plexiglass pane that covered the viewing window a single couch, or rather loveseat, was placed. In front of the loveseat was a short table so we can eat while watching the show. "Why are there speakers and tv's?" I asked, looking at the speakers that were placed in the corners of the room to give surround sound and a line of televisions that were above the viewing window so you had a choice of watching the window or the tv's.

"This room is completely soundproof, so the only sound you will be hearing is fed directly from the singer's microphones; the volume is located on this" he said as he pulled out a remote control from his pocket "The sound quality is even better than what is fed to the loudspeakers that the general audience hears. The tv's are also hooked up to the cameras so ensure you can see everything, now, would you like something to eat?" David said as he placed Chandler's sweater and sunglasses to the side and gestured to the buffet table behind him.

"You did all of this? For...Mingus and I...?" I asked, disbelieving. Chandler paused "I just...I just want you to be happy Jordan and I knew how excited you would be if you were here so...I just did it." I smiled "Thanks so much, you're a good friend Chandler." Chandler opened his mouth but instead just turned to David and asked for some food.


I went into the bathroom and as I walked out, I nearly sprinted back inside as I saw who was with Chandler: a fairly short guy, about my height, with brown hair and blue eyes, with a trimmed beard wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off the tattoos on his arms. "Yeah mate no problem, anything for a friend. Sorry I couldn't get you anything cheaper but you didn't give me much's the lady that you brought here? This is obviously a date."

"It's not..." Chandler started to say but he noticed me peeking through the crack of the open bathroom door. "Jordan come on out, there is someone I want you meet" Chandler said. I stepped out from the bathroom and gave a shy smile to the other guy in room "Jordan this is-" Chandler started to say "Louis Tomlinson" I breathed, extending my hand. "You must be Jordan, Chandler you you were a fan so I just came up to say hi and that I hope you enjoy the show" Louis said in his british accent that made me swoon as he shook my hand.

"Wait you know Louis?" I asked Chandler. "Not personally. Like I've never had coffee with him or anything but he's a fan of 'The Walking Dead' or more specially 'Fear the Walking Dead' so sometimes we talk via DM's on twitter since he's too impatient to wait for new episodes like everyone else" Chandler said and Louis adopted a shit-eating grin before Chandler went on to say "He was actually going to be a guest star slash cameo but legal things happened so he couldn't."

I tried not to gush as Louis made small talk with me; from talking to Chandler I knew that most celebrities just wanted to be people. Especially people like Louis and Chandler who were normal people before and then suddenly found themselves in the spotlight. Maybe even more so for Louis since be became famous at my age, eighteen, a few years ago. We actually talked a lot about the new season of TWD that we were filming, trying to weasel spoilers from me.

"So...about that thing we talked about?" Chandler asked Louis, saving me. "Oh yeah...he's eighteen right?" Louis asked and Chandler nodded "From what I hear Americans can't drink until they're twenty one so we'll just do something else." "What's going on?" I asked. Chandler turned to me "We're planning on going for drinks after the concert...well you can't drink so we'll probably get some food then or just hang out." Louis nodded. "Wait what? I thought that you said that you guys weren't friends."

"No but I can do a favor for a favor, fair is fair and you seem like an alright guy" Louis said. "So...what are you getting in return for taking us out?" I asked. "I'm going to ask AMC to allow Remiel, aka you, to play One Direction music in the show, acoustically and with your voice of course" Chandler explained. Louis nodded "It'll be a great way to subtly expose our music to people who probably wouldn't give a us chance to begin with and hopefully they like that music enough to buy it and became fans of ours."

"Louis come back for soundcheck" a voice said from the speakers above our heads "And bring me some nachos" another chimed in "Wow Niall do you ever stop eating?" a third voice chuckled in the background. "Well lads I'll see you after the show, keep those tickets though or they won't let you in" Louis said "And nice meeting you Jordan"

"Chandler I'm speechless" I said after Louis left. He chuckled "I guess Mingus didn't do anything like this for you huh?" Chandler got a smug smile of satisfaction as I shook my head for some reason; but I was too excited about this night to care.

Lights! Camera!...Love? (Gay Chandler Riggs Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now