CH 4

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Within the first five minutes, Chandler already had to pull over into a gas station because I started shaking and hyperventilating.  "I'm sorry" I said for probably the eleventh time as I leaned against the wall of the gas station, trying to catch my breath. Mingus waved away my apology "Don't even dude, we're in this together" he said before softly punching my arm. 

Chandler nodded, looking up from the Pokemon game on his phone "Don't even worry about it Jordan, plus you're doing us a favor; usually when we arrive nothing it set up yet, the longer we wait the more likely it will be that our trailers will be set up and the caterers will be there so we can eat as soon as we arrive". 

Mingus looked at the gas station as he said "Would it help if we got you a snack? Maybe some crackers or something?" I shook my head and stood on shaky legs "I'm ready" Chandler tilted his head "Jordan we're seriously not in a rush; if you need to take a few more minutes, please do".  I shook my head "Let's just go, I really don't want you guys to think I'm like a wuss or anything". 

Chandler put this phone away  "Jordan, listen, it's completely understandable why you'd freak out in a car.  I'm totally not judging you".  "Neither am I" Mingus added.  I walked passed Chandler to sit in the backseat before I put on my seatbelt "I'm ready" I said again.  "Dude's a trooper, I'll give him that" Mingus said as he stood up and went to the passenger seat.

I forced myself to endure the next ten more minutes in the car; but I was really bad at the end, I mean I literally felt that I was going to die at any moment.  "C'mon Jordan, we've arrived" Mingus said getting out of the car and opening my door; "You guys go on ahead, I have to make a call real fast" Chandler said as he pulled out his phone.  

Mingus and I walked into the supermarket and headed to the pharmacy in the back.  I gave Mingus my phone, which had a text from Dad that contained a picture of my prescription slip with my doctor's info and everything so it was legal to ask for a refill. 

The pharmacist looked at the picture on my phone before going to the back, not even saying anything to us.  "You should take a seat Jordan, you look awful, no offense; you're still hot but you look like you're just waiting to die".  "It's how I feel" I said, trying to smile but probably just looking like I needed to throw up. 

I walked over and sat in a chair, placing my head on my knees. After a moment I heard Mingus snicker and say say "God, I really want to make a sexual joke about flexibility but Chandler says I have to be a good boy". "What's the joke?" I asked,looking up, happy for a distraction even if just for a second.  He shook his head and instead said "I'm flexible too. Maybe I'll show you one day" he said with a flirty smile and a wink. 

Before I could respond the pharmacist came back "We're unable to get in contact with the doctor so I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do for you" they said completely unsympathetic. Mingus looked around before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet; reaching inside he pulled out a bill "Can you please try again?" he said as he slid the bill on the counter.

The pharmacist pocketed the bill after a moment and left the counter again, coming back a moment later with the familiar box "Let me pay for it" I said slowly getting to my feet, but by the time I stood up fully Mingus was holding out the box to me with the receipt.

"Thanks, I said as I grab the box with shaky hands and tearing it open before taking a deep puff.  I was only supposed to take one but I was so anxious that I double dosed; the effects were instant.  I wobbled as my legs buckled under me, the muscle relaxer already taking effect; my mind became cloudy as the sedative took hold and I lost the ability to give a damn, my anxiety vanished within the same haze. 

"Thanks Mingus" I said, just now realizing that Mingus was right beside me, supporting me in case my legs wobbled again.  "Wow that must be some powerful drugs" Mingus said as I wobbled again "You got to share some of what with me sometime, but cmon Chandler is waiting".  Without any inhibitions, thanks to my meds, I confidently placed my hands on Mingus's butt, well as confidently as I could with only half the control of my arms that I usually had.

Mingus chuckled as I gave his firm butt a squeeze "Ok Jordan, normally I'd be all over this but I don't take advantage of people when they're under the influence; let's just get you back to the car".    You're a good guy Mingus" I said as we walked through the supermarket getting weird stares that Mingus ignored and I couldn't care less about; he chuckled again "Yeah I'm pretty awesome". 

"Chandler, he's as high as a mother" Mingus said as he opened the car door and I collapsed in the back seat.  "It makes sense I guess" Chandler said as he put away his phone before he twisted in his seat to look at me "He must need some pretty strong meds, you saw how bad he got".  "We should have a threesome" I said, not caring what came out of my mouth because of my meds.  

Mingus howled in laughter and Chandler just smirked. "There's an idea" Mingus said, gasping for air "Let's all get jiggy with it in the middle of this parking lot". "Well not here obviously, but we're spending six months together right? Plenty of opportunity" I said.  Chandler turned on the car and started driving as Mingus started crying since he was laughing so hard. 

The part of my meds that clouded my mind faded quickly, as it usually does; since the sedative was a low dose, I wasn't in full control still but I wasn't running on autopilot anymore either. The sensible part of me managed to convinced the high part of me to just sing so I wouldn't say anything else that was embarrassing, so the entire drive I was signing at the top of my lungs.  I was high for two hours, thankfully was actually the amount of time it took us to arrive at the filming location.

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