CH 14

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I sat in the makeup chair as the staff did my hair, glancing at Chandler often who played one of his handheld video games; Mingus and I have been dating for two weeks and things between Chandler and I became...awkward. Chandler didn't hang out with Mingus and I anymore, claiming that he was busy with his lines or giving other excuses; I usually only saw him at meals nowadays.

Today was the first day that he and I would film a scene together, Carl and Remiel would be meeting, and I was unsure how he would act during filming. I was finished first so I went on set to do some last minute line-learning.

As I waited for everything to get set up, I sat on a crate softly playing my guitar, getting into character as I read the script that was on the ground in front of me. The scene would open with me separated from the rest of my group, playing by myself in the woods so I was a step ahead; because of copyrights I wasn't allowed to play any songs on the radio or anything so I had to stick with original music, or music that AMC composed for me to play.

Chandler walked onto set wearing the hat and eyepatch, we made eye contact but he turned around to get a bottle of water as Mingus walked toward me carrying the styrofoam replica of my guitar "You forgot this, knucklehead" he said, holding it out for me. "Oh I didn't know I needed it" I said as I took it. Mingus looked at me "You're going to be ambushed by walkers so you need it, didn't you check the script?" I made a face at him "I haven't been able to study it as carefully as I would like since someone insists on dragging me all over Atlanta all the time. You know I have to get a refill on my meds soon right?" "You don't have fun on our dates?" he asked, pretending to be sad and upset. I rolled my eyes playfully but didn't answer him.

As Mingus walked away, I finally just decided to clear the air; I got up and walked over to Chandler who was also reading the script. "Are we ok?" I asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" he asked as he looked at me. "Really?" I asked with a smile, relieved that I was just paranoid and everything was ok between Chander and myself. Chandler smiled and he placed a hand on my arm for a moment before letting it fall as we heard "Ok places!" The director said, clapping his hands together.

I went back to the crate and started playing again as the last minute adjustments were made. As I heard the "Action!" call of the director, I restarted the song I was playing on my guitar, ignoring my surroundings as it said in the script. There were two sets of cameras going on since at the same time they were filming Chandler/Carl stomping through the woods toward me.

A couple of the extras, dressed and made-up as walkers, start groaning and moving towards me from behind some trees, drawn to my music. As the camera panned to them to show them, I dropped my real guitar and picked up the styrofoam fake one that was behind the crate I was sitting on. I stood up as they approached and looked around for a weapon before looking at "my guitar" in my hands, as they approached I swung the styrofoam guitar at their head; I was told that the fake guitar had to make actual contact with the walker and the impact site would be dressed up in editing to make it looked like their skull was bashed in.

I "killed" an extra/walker but as I walked to "kill" the second I "tripped" over a root and fell over; I "struggled" against the two extras who practically fell on top of me and they tried to eat my face but I was able to "hold them off" using the neck of my "guitar". Two shots rang out as Chandler shot blanks from an actual gun and the two extras laid on top of me, unmoving, holding their breath.

"Thanks for the help" I said as I pushed off the extras. "You shouldn't be out here alone, and you definitely should not be making noise" Chandler said, anger and annoyance seeming to drip from his voice, wow he was good, I actually wanted to apologize. "The Greeks believed that music was able to tame nature, I guess it doesn't work with the dead" I said, extremely proud of myself for remembering my lines.

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