Chapter 3

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Jim: Let's Start Over

"I wonder how long I should wait before bringing up my 'apology'," I ask myself out loud as I stand over a pot of tea in my apartment the morning after the short dinner with Cameron. As if on cue, the cat jumps onto the counter and makes a noise at me.

"What?" I ask it. "Do you know the answer?"

It just lets out a low 'meow' and nudges a tin of cat food. Right. I put some in the bowl for it. Now where was I? Oh, yeah, the apology. I get my mobile off the table and send her a text.

Let's start over
Come to the park at noon

I look at the cat, who hasn't touched the food it wanted so badly. "What's the matter with you?" I ask with a sigh. I know I shouldn't talk to it like that, but it's the only other living being I ever spend time with. I received the little ball of grey fur a couple years ago, after I 'died'. Of course, I'll take the source of this gift to my grave. Until then, I've grown used to having it around. I take advantage of the time and lazily roam around with my cup of tea, glancing over my scattered traces of Sherlock while keeping an eye on the clock.

She hasn't replied, and she might not even be coming, but I have to show up just in case I'm wrong, which isn't likely. I lock up the apartment and walk to the park. Taking cabs isn't really my thing.

There is no sign of her at the park. She's giving me the cold shoulder. "Oh, wow, I've learned my lesson haven't I?" I say to myself in a low mumble. Checking my phone one last time, I leave the park and get myself something to nosh on while I wait.

After some amount of wandering, I head over to her office -well, the building that houses her office. Inside, I take note of the place. It's not bad. I sit in the downstairs lobby for a bit, picking up a magazine. Looking like I'm just waiting on an appointment is easy; no one ever questions it. Time crawls by at an excruciating rate. I think on her reasons for leaving me in the dark. What might be going through her mind? Is she genuinely upset? Or is she playing a coy game with me? I bite the bullet and wait until the very end of her work day.

"Hello?" I say when I reach her office. "I'm looking for a Ms. Cameron Allen?"

The secretary looks up. "Did you have an appointment, sir?"

"No. But she knows me. My name's Richard Brook."

"I'll check if she will see you." She gives a polite nod and calls Cameron on the phone. "Go down the hall, take a left. She'll be the first door on your right."

"Thanks." I follow her directions and head to Cameron's office. The door is open, so I step inside. She's sitting at her desk looking professional -on purpose, I assure you. I'm not nearly as dressed up as she is, but I look fine for a walk in the park -which was my intention.

"Afternoon," I say slowly, slipping my hands deep into my pockets.

She looks up. "Afternoon, Mr. Brook. What brings you here today?"

"An apology, of course."

"An apology in what manner, Mr. Brook?" she asks as she writes in her notebook.

Seriously? I have to fight not to roll my eyes right out of my head. "My behaviour was less than appropriate. I'm not without manners and for that I apologize."

"Your disappearance wasn't the problem and I am fully aware you have manners. And until you have figured out what it is you need to work harder on, I believe there is nothing more for you to discuss." Well, doesn't she change when she's in her queendom? "Now, if you'll excuse me, my work here is done."

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