chapter 22

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Cameron has pleased me by accepting my invitation to dinner. As I wait for her at La Huerta. I thought she would like to try a little Spanish cuisine since she expressed her liking.

When I see her coming, I see she has dressed up in a lovely dress. Not too formal. Her hair is pulled up, showing off her pretty face.

"There's my great dancer," she says and kisses me as if she has always done so.

"You were right," I say with a smirk.

"About what?"

"It is better with two." And I mean that. It brings a smile to her face. "I thought you might like to know that I did finish cleaning the mess. The Eraser's brother is off the hook."

"Good. I bet they are happy about that."

A waitress approaches and asks what we would like. Cameron jumps right in. "Una lengua burrito y horchata por favor."

I smirk. I can see she enjoys this brush of other cultures. "Lo mismo." Of course I do know some Spanish. I branch out.

"Mycroft was waiting for me at the office." She continues changing the subject. Why did the subject have to be Mycroft? I try to forget.

"What did he want?"

"He asked if I was in trouble and if I need help. Apparently despite how I feel towards him, he is willing to help." She rolls her eyes. Then, of course, we receive our drinks. Cameron sips it gratefully as if it were her favourite. In fact, I believe it is. "Surprisingly he left when I informed him that I would not be needing his services."

"Maybe you're beginning to wear him down." Th drink is pretty good. It has a creamy taste.

"That would be nice. But I can't help wondering if he's attempting to soften me to gain my trust." Little late for that isn't it? "Little does the idiot know, not even Raven knows what's going on. I would sooner turn to her than to him any day."

I just smirk. If Mycroft were the only hope between me and death, I would choose death.

"You were thinking it too?"

Huh? "Thinking what?"

"That he's just trying to soften me towards him."

"It's possible. His tactics aren't working, so he has to try something new." However stupid it may be. How did he get that job in the first place?

"Well, he should have done his research. He would have realized that it is impossible to banter successfully with a female psychotherapist." I thought I did a pretty fair job. "And I just want to let you know: I could never cut my hair."

I find this very amusing. "Really?"

"I love long hair too much." She laughs. "Even if there are cute styles for short hair."

The food arrives and it looks pleasant. I wouldn't have chosen a tongue burrito but I trust Cameron has chosen well. As I look between her and the food, I think to myself. How much has changed since the beginning? She's become so much more to me than a simple toy. I even care what happens to her. Her life is important. But for my own sanity, I decide to try something. Relax. "It was a good choice," I say, eating some of the dish.

"You mean you don't know what you ordered?"

"I don't really speak Spanish," I admit, allowing myself to assume the character of Richard.

She hesitates. "Okay. I'll be sure to tell Ray you like lengua. She can't stand the stuff." She chuckles almost like she is amused by the idea.

I draw my brows as if she has raised my suspicions.  "And what exactly is it?"

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