chapter 21

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With it finally being lunch, I dial the Eraser. I mean, he's not the only one in physical danger right now, I am. But I have people to check up on me, like Ray. And James would notice if anything was strange. I think. And then there is always Nancy and Maria here at work. But the Eraser has no one. "Hello?" I ask when I hear the phone is answered.

"Yes?" Good. The Eraser did answer.

"We met last night. I just wanted to call to make sure you're doing ok."

"Yeah, fine." Um. No he's not. His breathing is shallow.

"Where are u now?" I ask.

"What's it to you?"

"Listen to me carefully," I say. I know that it can be a very strange concept. "You were restrained last night and I restrained you. We are both at serious health risks because of it. Stay where you are and I'll get u to a hospital."

"What are you talking about?

You don't make a bit of sense." With that, he hangs up.

Ok, he may not know it, but if he isn't in a hospital now, there is a chance he could die. He may need some convincing, so I call James to meet me where the Eraser is. He may need some convincing.


I spot The Eraser walking down the side walk. Well, here goes. "Hey, I know what I said doesn't make sense on the surface." I walk with him.

"Yeah, it doesn't," he says. "what are you doing here?"

"Trying to explain why I'm serious about this." He waits expectantly. Let's see, how can I explain this in way he can better understand? "Know how medicine can help you but kill you if you take too much?"


"It's the same thing in a fight. When your fighting, your brain feeds you a medicine to help you fight better longer. But sometimes the brain can give u too much of that chemical and it can kill you just like too much medicine does." I look to see if he understands. It seems so. He also looks a little ashen. "You're having troubles breathing and you look a little pale. Those are signs that your brain is giving you too much and that you really need to go to the hospital."

As if on cue, James shows up. "Are you guys serious?" he asks in exasperation.

Of course I'm serious. "I was trained in this, it's part of my proffession. Neither of us are out of that danger until tomorrow night," I answer.

"I'd listen to her," James speaks up. "She's usually right." I am?

The Eraser reluctantly agrees. We all get in the cab that I had called earlier and head to the hospital.


The Eraser has agreed to go to the hospital. I'm surprised at the reaction he's having. It seems a little much. People get worked up everyday, they don't wind up going to hospital. But I suppose I've never been one for biology.

"You know they're going to ask for a name, right?" I hear Cameron ask.

He hesitates. "Andro Cvjetko." Wow, he gave up his name very easily.

"Nice to officially meet you," she says with tentative politeness, "I'm Cameron Allen."

Again, he hesitates. After all, she just called herself Jean Heidi last night. But he does shake her hand. It feels odd for her to get comfortable with my associates. Not that it's genuinely strange, but look at the position this puts me in. A mediator between two sides of the law. Keeping Cameron out of trouble, while keeping my band of merry men in their own corner.

I find myself distracted in the silence of the cab. The Eraser's skin has turned an odd color. I wonder how he would look if he turned green like the Hulk.

Cameron, on the other hand, looks so intent. Her level of concern is rare but admirable. But my attention quickly moves from analysing her to watching how close she is to me. I have to remind myself not to hold her hand in the presence of the Eraser. We arrive at the hospital without any trouble and Cameron takes care of everything. We turn and sit in the waiting room at Cameron's instruction.

"Interesting." I hear an unfortunately familiar voice say. I tense briefly in irritation.

"I'm considering getting my hair cut," Cameron says to me, casually as ever.

My brain stops for a second to register. I like her style. "Why?" I ask, ignoring Mycroft as the new plan, "I like it the way it is." I can see Mycroft rolling his eyes out of the side of my vision.

"I don't know. There are a lot of cute short styles and it's supposed to be easier to take care of.

"What's going on here," Mycroft says with impatience, "Suddenly your 'friend' gets rushed to the hospital?" Oh he is such a busybody. "What happened to your hand." And slow.

"Maybe so. I like your hair long though." I run my fingers through her hair in total disregard for Mike. In response, he leaves with a huff. It worked. Cameron Allen, I love you.

She starts a giggle fit.

"Having fun?" I ask, pleased.

"Please tell me that the next time he comes back we can do that again."

"Of course we can."

She actually gives me a kiss. "Together, we are unbeatable."

I would love to do more things with her; test our ability as a team. Of course she might not always approve. I smile and kiss her back.

"Do you have any idea how unsanitary that is?" A man sitting nearby says as we kiss, "Trillions of disease carrying micro organisms are spreading as you make a display out of exchanging saliva." Blah blah blah shut up.

Cameron laughs. "You know, I'm psychotherapist and based on this five second psychoanalysis, it's pretty safe to say you're a germaphobic. Which means you likely have OCD, washing your hands excessively and likely over using hand sanitizer."

The man just stares at her.

"And your silence just confirmed my diagnosis. Look, we aren't kissing you, so I think you're safe from our germs." I love it.

He looks uncomfortable and stands up, moving somewhere else.

"Didn't I tell you that most men don't like to be psychoanalysed?" she says when he's gone.

"Yeah," I say, "Though, regardless, that was rather impressive." And fun to watch. She continually gathers my attention into something that borders fixation.

"What's really impressive is that you don't mind."

I shrug. "Well, it helps that you didn't spring it on me like that."

"Oh, I did. You were just too curious." I hear the tease.

"Is that what it was?"

"It had to be. You kept calling everyone else boring." She has me there. "Oh, shoot," she says, "I have to get back."

"Alright. See you later?"

"Yeah. Call me when you find out how he's doing, okay?"

I nod. She hugs me. I sit and wait.



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