chapter 14

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On my way home from work, my thoughts drift off to James. I wonder how he's doing, or if he's missing me the way I miss him while he's off in London. I should really consider getting a passport so I can visit him outside of France.

An ominous black car pulls up besides me. Knowing its Mycroft, I just walk on.

"Either get in or you'll be arrested for obstruction," Mycroft says.

"For *what?*" That's a desperate attempt to get someone into custody if I've ever heard of one.

"You heard what I said."

"You're crazy if u think i'd go anywhere with you willingly again." I walk on.

"And risk your spotless record?"

I just roll my eyes at him. He has nothing on me. It won't hold up. And, of course, Mycroft has me arrested. The agents that arrest me are just doing their jobs, so I don't resist them. It's Mycroft that's being an idiot. And he takes me back to the ever so charming place where he questioned me before, leaving me there for an untold length of time.


I never like plane rides. There is so little to do. There are people to watch, sure, but non of them are interesting. Example: over there. The man with the odd-looking beard. I can tell he was married but his wife left him. His response to the emotional event was to change his appearance in an effort to forget. Combed yet too-long hair, frizzy beard, wrinkled clothes that have probably not been folded in a long time, and a nice mobile that he doesn't look to be able to afford. He used to have a good job, now he's lost it. Most likely business man, maybe even corporate. It's always-

*cough, cough*

I glance behind me and see a woman sitting in the previous row looking tired and unkempt. Really? I'm going to have to suffer through her annoying cough the entire flight? Why did she have to-

*cough, cough*



After the plan lands I cannot wait to get going. I send a message to my contact to go ahead and tell Cameron that I've made it. Then I move on. I find a cab to take me to a hotel just outside of London. I'm not checking in, I'm only a visitor. My client is here, waiting. As I stand in the elevator, I get a call.


"I didn't't give her the message you wanted."

What? "What do you mean you didn't get the message to her?"

"She's been arrested."

"What? When?"

"Just a few minutes ago."

I sigh in frustration. Mycroft you really get under my skin.

"Do you want me to stay here?"


"Where mycroft is?" he asks as though he doesn't want to.

"YES, NOW SHUTUP! You keep an eye on that place, you got it?"

"But if they notice me-"

"I don't care. You stay there or else you know what will happen. Understood?" I don't wait for his answer before hanging up.



Mycroft finally joins me. My arms and legs are crossed in defiance and I maintain a stoic look. "Welcome back," he says. "Your boyfriend is very good at being interrogated, but I doubt you both share the same skills." Oh, get off your high-horse, Mycraft.

"anyone but you and you might be right," I say, informing him of my strong dislike of him.

"Oh, don't worry im not the only person here." I just roll my eyes at him. He shrugs. "It's up to you how long you stay." After a calculated moment, he adds, "You study the mind quite a bit in your profession. Do you happen know what lack of sleep does to the human brain?" Obviously, but I won't give him the satisfaction of an answer. "Since its a safe bet that you do, I'll save my breath." Good for you. My ears will be spared your nonsense

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