chapter 18

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I hear someone walk in and I look up to see who is in my office now. It's Mycraft, immediately earning a blank look of my irritation. "Don't worry Miss Allen," he says. "This is a strictly cordial visit." Yeah, right. "I wanted to inform you that there was an issue with your passport application."

I filed for it this morning, right after I had burned the forged one. "And they sent you? Or did u make my business urs unnecessarily yet again?" I ask plainly.

"Neither. I was informed of your application and told them to reject it." Seriously?

"For what reason?"

"Due to your recent history, you're considered a flight risk."

I scoff at him. "A flight risk? You have *got* to be kidding me."

"Quite the contrary, I'm very serious." Oh, whatever. I cross my arms.

"How do u figure."

"You're in close ties with heavy criminals. One of which happens to be a romantic relationship, which increases the chances you'll become involved in their activities."

"Ok. Let me get this straight." Because this is too ridiculous to wrap my head around. "You're denying me a passport when the only things on my record are a single emergency trip to London that has awakened me to the need to have an actual passport and because of a false charge of 'obstruction', whatever that is. That, and you are accusing me of having close ties to more than one crimminal when in fact its only the one I'm dating and he keeps me in the dark about whatever his current plans are. Does that sum it up?"

"Yes." Did he *seriously* just- wow.

"At least you admit the charge for obstruction was a false allegation and that my previous trip to london was an emergency and that you are punishing me for things that I am completely clueless to. Wow, Mycroft, that makes perfect sense." He's insane.

He rolls his eyes at me and takes his leave. As if I am just going to stop because he says I can't have an approved passport.

"Nancy? Will you get me the last five minutes of audio in my office, please?"

"Yes, Dr. Allen."

When my work day finally ends, I take the mini cassette to the building and ask to see Sarah.

"I believe someone besides Mycroft should be reviewing the facts. Mycroft is denying me a passport with no real foundation for rejecting my application," I say.

"What makes you say that?" She asks.

"He admitted to his faulty reasoning. And I have audio proof." I give her the cassette tape.

She listens to it with drawn brows. "Well," she says on finishing. "thats interesting."

"I thought u might find it so."

"I'll take care of this, thank you very much."

No, "Thank you, Sarah."

We go seperate ways. She, I imagine, is figuring out how to fix my passport situation. I, on the other hand, have an anticipation date to go to. I even get a little more dressed up than usual. Cute style, I mean.

But seven rolls around. Its not like him to be late. Five minutes pass. Is he ok? What caught him up? Ten minutes and I call him. All I get is a voice machine. Did Mycroft get to him? I hope not. I immediately go to his place on Bleu street.

I knock, but there is no answer. And his door is locked. I take one of my hair pins and pick the lock to get in. "Jim?" I call cautiously because I have no clue what is going on. I walk through his apartment cautiously.

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