chapter 9

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Cameron: Hide out

I wake up and realize I slept the rest of the day yesterday. The next thing I realize is I have no clothes to change into. Ugh. And then there's my clients. Well, I *did* tell Nancy I didn't know how long I would be. That doesn't stop me from feeling guilty over it, though.

I sigh and go through the house and make sure all door and windows are covered, closed, and locked. Then I take a nice, very long hot shower. Throwing the clothes into the drier, a grab me something to eat for breakfast.

While I'm washing the dishes, my phone rings. It's Raven. It hurts, but I can't answer her. I can't think of a single way to explain any of this to Ray. When the phone silences, I recieve a text from her. [Hope everything is ok]

This, of course, makes me feel terrible. But I can't have her involved, not with Mycroft. I just can't do that to her.

I finish off the dishes and then throw the clothes in the drier. Raven must be worried sick over me. But how would I explain being in London without having a passport? James, you owe me. Big time.

The drier goes off. I go and get into the nice and very warm clothing. I think about James, wondering how he's doing. What is he doing? What is happening to him? Is he actually alright? I do miss him; I have been seeing him everyday, after all.

Sometime after eating some dinner, I get a call from Jonathon.

"Yes?" I answer.

"We found Holmes, but he ran. He's somewhere in the forests," Jonathon says. "Are you still at the house?"


"Good." As if I have anywhere else to go. "I'll be over when I get word Holmes is taken care of. There's something I'll need you to do then."

"what's that?" I ask cautiously, afraid it will be something illegal.

"We can talk about it later. For now just stay in the area." Evidently it is something illegal. "Is there anything you need in the meantime?"

"Just a new set of clothes is my guess. I didn't have time to pack."

"Sure, I'll drop some off." So I tell him my sizes and hang up.

A couple hours later, there's a knock on the door. I take a breath in nervous anticipation of what he needs her to do. I open the the door.

"Evening," Jonathon says. He hands me the promised clothes. They aren't my style, but i go change into them quickly and return.

"Alright," I say. "What is it you need me to do?"

"I need you to go and see Mycroft Holmes."

I just stare at him because after his remark about my family there is no way I am m about to voluntarily go to Mycroft Holmes. He just looks at me expectantly. "You had bettered have an incredibly good and compelling reason because there is no way."

"You need to tell him where to find his brother."

"Forgive me, I'm new to this stuff, I'm not exactly an expert, so what on earth for? What good would that do?"

"Jim's freedom in exchange for Sherlock's."

What, wait a second. He wants me to threaten his brothers life to get James out? No. Carefully, I say, "I have never had a record. I intend to keep that. I cannot deliver a threat, even for Jim's freedom. Unless you point a gun at my head."

"Would you tell him where sherlock is minus the threat?"

I think on it briefly. "Yes."

He thinks and then nods slowly. "Ok."

"Am I to assume this means you or one of your contacts will provide the ticket?" Since he needs me to go back to Mycroft.


"Except. After the last meeting with Mycroft. Simply saying I know where his brother is won't be of much benefit. At least, not that i can see."

"Don't worry about that."

But didn't I basically imply that last time? But James trusts him. I can trust Jonathon. right? I give a hesitant nod.

"I'll let you know when we've found him." He gives a little nod and then leaves.

When I am sure Jonathon is gone, I say quite loudly, "James Moriarty, you owe me!" I sigh and throw my first set of clothes back into the wash and finally go to bed.

James: 48 hours (60 awake)

Its been forty eight hours plus the twelve hours before I was arrested. What does that make? My eyes glaze over. I'm not pretending not to pay attention anymore. I'm genuinely not in the realm of attention paying.

"Hey," a man says sternly. Apparently he wants me to focus on him. Ha. "Did you, or did you not contact this man on October 27th?" He holds a photograph in my face.

I don't care. He can yell in my face to kingdom come. I let my head hang back. Suddenly I feel ice cold water dumped over my head. Okay if anything can startle me right now, that would be it. I shiver and shake my head.

"Feel better?" he says with a snide expression.

And I punch him immediately. Which surprises both of us. Since when do I lose my temper like that? Over something I would usually laugh over at that.

"That wasn't a very nice thing to do."

"Oh, are you angry?" I say in a condescending tone.

"No," he says, "I'm too professional to get angry. He looks to someone behind me, no doubt the one with the water bucket. "Take the chair." Hm?

On cue, the chair is pulled out from under me.

"Sorry," they say. mmhm.

Fine. I'll sit on the floor. No big deal.

"What are you doing?" the man in front of me says, "Stand up."


"I said get up."

I sigh and get to my feet, waiting on him expectantly. When he doesn't do anything, I become impatient. "And?"

"And what?" he says flatly, "You stand there. That's it."

Oh I get it. Like a time out corner. How clever and annoying. I have plenty of smart comments but for now I stick to my rule. But it's really hard to do so.

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