chapter 19

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My mind feels very heavy as I wonder about. Unable to tell if it's light or dark, I feel very confused. When I keep on walking, I see someone else walking towards me. It's me. Another me? Am I a twin?

"What's happening to you, Jim?" Jim number two says.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"I think you've become ordinary." He looks at me with scrutiny.

"Absolutely not," I say, feeling slightly offended, "What makes you think-"

"The girl."

"What girl?"

He looks at me as though I'm an idiot. "The girl you've fallen in love with."

I scoff at him. "I don't 'fall in love'."

"Don't you? You've already endangered your plans more than once for her sake."

That's different, I was only-

"You were only being in love, " he interrupts like he can read my thoughts.

"I was not, nor am I now."

"You're losing your touch," he says with a hint of disapproval, "After almost twenty years, you've finally lost it. You've become like them."

"That's not true."

"That therapist is messing with your head. She's making you stupid."

"That's not true!" I say sharply, becoming irritated with Jim number two.

"You like her though. You care about her. Like Prince Charming in a lousy little predictable film," he says condescendingly.

"I do not. I don't care about her. she's nothing more than a distraction!"

"Prove it." He walks away.


He turns around, now with Cameron. Gripping her by her hair with a knife to her throat

"What are you doing?"

"I said prove if. You don't care about her right? you aren't a bubbling fool falling for emotions?" He pulls her closer. "Then it won't bother you if she's gone," he says in a harsh whisper, "she's no different than the others."

"Yes. So go ahead. Get rid of her," I spit, "there are a million others like her. There is nothing special about any of them. I don't care about her!"

He hands the knife over to me. "Then do it."

I hesitate.

"Do I detect a bit of caring?"

"No," I say, grabbing the knife. I look at her like I would anyone else. Just another noise maker. I grip the knife and slit her throat. No different.

Jim number two stars at me, expressionless. As though he knows something I don't.

I watch Cameron's hurt and terrified expression. I watch her choke on her own blood. It doesn't bother me. She means nothing. She's- she's nothing- I watch her crumble to the ground and my heart drops.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry," I apologize profusely, cradling her desperately. But she can't hear me. The feeling in my stomach is so terrible I can barely stand it. She's lifeless in my arms and it feels like every piece of me has fallen apart. I forget about Jim number two and his accusations and taunting. All I want is Cameron. "Cameron please! I'm so sorry-

The cat jumps on me and I nearly jump out of my skin. Around me, all I see is my apartment. no one else. No twin, no Cameron, nothing. Where are they? Where did it go? My heart is still pounding with fear and dread. I stand up quickly -briefly hindering my a pounding headache but that isn't important right now. I look around the apartment, trying to figure out what happened. I immediately look for my phone to dial Cameron's number. She has to be okay. Please let her be okay. Before I can call, I see a ton of missed calls. It jogs my memory. I was supposed to be leaving. I fell asleep. Cameron was here.

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