chapter one

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I bolted upright when my alarm rang off. I was a little shaken, but then I realized why- First day of school. Last first day of school. I got up and began to change into the outfit I picked the night before- A flannel, some ripped jeans, and some black vans.

"Y/N!" Mom called from downstairs. "Mila is here! She brought you Tim Horton's!"

As soon as she said the name of my girlfriend, I rushed downstairs. Camila Cabello and I have been friends since she moved to town sophomore year. I was immediately smitten with her, and the end of our junior year we finally decided to try dating each other. We spent a lot of time together due to the fact we did marching band together. But this year was different. I was drum major, and Camila was Guard Captain.

"Good morning, Guard Captain." I said, a smile etched on my face.

"Good morning, Drum Major." She said back, holding up coffee and a croissant. Gosh, even though she wore a simple sweater and skirt, she still looked beautiful. I couldn't even begin to fathom how much I loved her.

Wait, I said to myself. It's only four months. Should you say it? Nah, not yet. Tonight at the game.

"I'm coming to the home game tonight." My mom's voice brought me back to reality. "So excited! This is the last season where Jamie and you are going to be in the same band!"

Jamie, like my girlfriend, also does color guard. She's in eighth grade, and is the youngest girl on the team. Yet, she can toss a flag and rifle like no one's business.

"Let's hope she catches her toss during halftime." I joked.

"Do you wanna attempt it?" Camila taunted.

"Nope, I'm good on my stand overlooking her, totally not in the path of her destruction." I replied back, getting a laugh from the two.

"Get to school, girls. Can't be late on the first day of senior year!" Mom kissed me goodbye as I got into Camila's BMW with her. As usual, Ed Sheeran was playing. She always says it's the best to listen to in the morning.

I ate my croissant pretty fast, as she knew I was practically addicted to Tim Horton's. She laughed as I drank my coffee.

"You really really like croissants." She teased, as she pulled into the school parking lot.

"Not as much as I really really like you." I replied back. As soon as she parked, her lips met mine. It was full of energy, and yet so calm and collected. Just then, we both heard screaming.

"Get it, Cabello!" Dinah, Camila's best friend screamed.

"Y/N, you can do better than that!" My best friend Nate hollered.

"What an uneven parking job!" Ally, Nate's girlfriend complained.

Camila laughed as she still held onto my face. All our friends were in marching band as well. Nate played bass drum, Ally played clarinet, and Dinah killed the trombone. It was weird for all of us that day, and the awkward screams kind of broke the tension.

"Hello, immature young adults." I greeted as I walked out Camila's car.

"We're immature? You work at a comic book store." Nate pointed out.

"And you dress up each year for Free Comic Book Day." Dinah added. "What were you last year? Obi Wan Kenobi?"

"C'mon, the guy cancelled because he couldn't grow a goatee. I was the next best option apparently." I reminisced on the day I was the famed Jedi from Star Wars. It was also the day Nate decided to bring my girlfriend to my work.

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