chapter twenty nine

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"Okay, so we're doing this," Lauren remarked as we began to walk into the woods. Ally and Nate embraced each other before he managed to catch up to me, Lauren, Dinah, and Jarryd. Normani was in the woods with Camila. Ally was standing by as the lookout, ready to call the police.

Earlier in the day, Camila made a call to Sebastian from a payphone. She told him that he wanted to meet him to finish this once and for all. They both agreed to the woods at 9 P.M on the dot. Little did he know that we would also be there, hiding in the bushes with the police on the way. He was the most wanted escaped criminal in the state. There was no way that the authorities would arrive immediately.

I turned around, shining a flashlight on the other four.

"I'm scared to ask- what did you guys bring for self-defense?"

Lauren pulled out a vase. Dinah had a steak knife. Jarryd had a taser. (I wasn't asking any questions. He has his people. I have mine.) Nate had a paintball gun.

"You think my mom wouldn't notice me grabbing a kitchen knife on my way out "to the mall"?" Lauren asked.

"Where did you get that?" Dinah motioned to Nate's paintball gun.

"My stepdad used to be obsessed with paintball. I didn't want to hurt anybody."

"The knife is just for show! I'll probably drop it and give the guy a beatdown!"

"Guys! Focus." I directed them to behind a large bush.

We began to hear footsteps coming our way. It was Normani. She sat next to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"This better work, Y/N. This better fucking work."

I heard a cautious pacing and heavy breathing. I heard twigs and leaves being crunched and snapped under a set of large, heavy boots. He was here.

"You chose a secluded location. Clever girl." Sebastian greeted.

"Let's cut the small talk." Camila confronted. "What is it going to take for you to leave us alone?"

Her voice wavered, but she was still very direct and straight to the point.

"Don't you get it?" Sebastian laughed. "I've been planning to get rid of my brother for years- way before you and your lover came along. Shawn is a disgrace. He blends into surroundings he needs to in order to survive. After he fell, I was certain he was dead. The doctors told me it was just amnesia, and I saw my chance to send him to Miami. I should've known Kelly would've figured it out."

"He can't harm anybody now. You won. Game over."

"I can still get rid of him. I can still get rid of the people that are protecting him."

Out of nowhere, I hear more footsteps. I try to get closer by hiding by a tree.

"Y/N, don't- please don't do this." Nate whispered.

In front of the tree was two men holding Luis. He looked like he was still half asleep, but he was aware of what was going on.

"You know Mr. Santos, I assume?" Sebastian shouted. "He was protecting my brother- not because he cared about what happened to him: but because he was in love with him."

My heart stopped. Luis loved Shawn? It made sense and at the same time, it didn't. I thought Shawn wanted to get Camila back no matter what. I guess we were fueling an age-old school rivalry instead of a love triangle.

"That wasn't always the case, Bass." Luis explained. "He was lonely, he needed someone to be there for him. I was just there for him after Lauren and I split and we realized that we felt things that we couldn't control."

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