chapter eleven

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It only occurred to me when I saw Camila drive home and when we didn't text each other good night that we had just gotten into our first real fight. It didn't at first even feel like that. We've gotten into fights before, sure, but not when we were dating. I didn't know what to do.

I laid in my room on my bed, picking up a picture on my nightstand. It was a picture of me, Dinah, and Nate on the first day of kindergarten. I noticed how we all had toothy smiles, and the exact same Spongebob backpacks.

And in that moment, I suddenly remembered- I'm not in this alone at all.

I shot a text to my friends in our group chat, humorously named Trifecta.

Y/N: hey guys. can we have a fun night at my house, just the three of us?

Nate Is Not So Great 💩🔩 🌚🎏 : luckily for you, I just finished a shift at the diner. i'm game. dinah?

China Jane 🎐👹🌝 💁🏽: sure! i'm bringing just dance tho. give me 15.

I smiled at this. I could always count on them to cheer me up.

Fifteen minutes later, Nate and Dinah arrived at my door.

"Look what I got!" Nate exclaimed, holding up a bag of sweet potato fries from the diner.

"Shut up, boi." Dinah slapped his arm. "Did you bring the best dancing game for the Xbox Kinect of 2015?"

"No, but I brought my best friend's favorite food." He counter argued.

"Shut up, I love you both." I laughed.

They both entered the house, setting up the food and the game.

I couldn't remember the last time it was just the three of us hanging out. Maybe in April? All I know is that I missed it. I missed Nate's bad puns and Dinah's love for playing Beyonce and asking Nate to decipher which song it was.

"Is this- Is this, um, Irreplaceable?" He asked.

"We've been friends since we were 5 and YOU REPAY ME LIKE THIS?! No, it's Countdown." She revealed, as he threw his head back in shame.

"I downloaded Lemonade! Isn't that enough?" He asked, as Dinah set up a song for the three of us to dance to.

"No. Your favorite song is Formation. At least Y/N admits the best song on the album is Hold Up."

Dinah scrolled through the options until she scrolled onto PSY's "Gentleman".

"Oh, we're doing this." Dinah told us, as we all got up and the song started playing.

Dinah got the moves down pat, but Nate and I were struggling. No matter how well we did, we were laughing. I didn't realize how much I missed this quality time until it was stolen from me.

After we danced, we sat down in the living room, eating fries and talking about music. Nate talked about how Ally picked white flowers on the hiking trail wherever she went, and Dinah discussed how she uses her long arms as an advantage, especially in marching band.

"So, everyone else in the section forgot the music for GDFR, right? So, being the one with really, really long arms, I decided to hold the music. But I need two hands to play the trombone! So, either we need to invest in stands music folders for more people, or I just need to teach them the music."

I noted that in my mind to ask Mr. Jonas about that.

"We need to talk Y/N." Nate told me suddenly.

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