Angel and Raven

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Raven looked up to see Angel holding a bleeding hand. Angel furrowed her eyebrows and said "what the fuck Raven! When I helped you escape prison you promised you would stay away from me!" Raven winced and said "before we talk can you help me out?" Silence. Angel only regarded her with a mildly interested expression. "Please? I wanna talk...I wanna tell you how wrong I was." Angel pulled her out with a huff, not caring if she was in pain.

The white car had a huge dent in it and Angel looked pretty mad. Raven took a deep breath and said "Angel I love know I love you more than a friend. While we dated for a while under Hope's nose she never even noticed. We were really happy until the bloody road incident. Then became different and I was afraid. I know it was wrong of me to say all those things and I know I was an idiot for putting myself in jail. I honestly didn't know you were in the city tonight... if I had..." finding no words to go on Angel put her hand on her thigh and took out the piece of glass. "It's all right." She said gruffly before starting towards her car. "Do you still stop bad guys?" "Yeah I do..." "shouldn't you be stopping me?" Raven took her hand and she sighed, her pulse beating normally. "You know why I'm not stopping you. I love you." "I love you to." She kissed her cheek and rubbed circles on her palm. She then pulled her hand out of mine and wrapped her arms around her neck. They kissed, the road was dark so no one would see them. Raven slid her tongue into Angels mouth and that's where Angel stopped her. She raised her eyebrow in a superior look that made Raven slightly angry.
"I need to go. Since you trashed my car I'm gonna have to walk." Angel said, trying to act as if the kiss had never happened.
Raven chuckled and said

"bye my Angel."

Angel huffed and strutted away from the scene. She swung her hips to get Ravens attention and Raven rolled her eyes.
dating Angel was a dangerous thing, perhaps she should just move on. That kiss obviously meant nothing to her, but it had meant something to Raven.

Why did Angel drown out her emotions like that. When she was a kid all she did was cry and talk about her feelings. Now she was a soldier fighting for everything and nothing at the same time.

Raven snorted, funny how old friends kept running into each other tonight.

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