guilt and fear

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“Come on guys! It’s time for Baseball!” squealed Alice excitedly one morning. Alice had been in a hype for weeks waiting for the big thunderstorm that would hit the town today. Jason and Crystal came up from England wear they wear visiting and EJ and Jane came with Seth and Yasmin form the Volturi to join in with the game. The twins wear now five years old but looked 13. It was their first time playing baseball with us.

 All the other times they had sat out and watched with Esme. Emmett and EJ wear arguing over who would win, the wolf team or the vampire team. EJ, Jake, Seth, Kyle, Sammy, Leah. my mother, Yasmin and myself would be on the werewolf team while Carslie, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rose, Jason, Crystal, Jane and my farther would be on team vampire. Jake had been trying hard to include Kyle in activities but I could tell that Kyle was still thinking that Jake didn’t love him like the others.

 Carslie had told us three years ago that Kyle was mute meaning he could never talk. That didn’t bother anyone as Kyle could communicate with us threw the objects he moved with his mind and threw his music.

Kyle was a very fast learner and he played every instrument my farther was able to play. However, his speciality was the piano like my fathers. He played beautifully. Everyone would smile and relax when he played and Jasper would have nothing to do with it. Kyle was also a very good dancer. He could dance to anything and looked like he was a professional.

I was very proud of him but I knew Jake wasn’t. Jake thought Kyle was still a wimp even when as a wolf he was as good as anyone else in his pack. “come on guys! We want to be in the clearing before the rain starts hear!” wined Alice.

“but Crystal and Jason are missing” I protested.

“their in the clearing already”

We all made our way to the clearing. As Alice has said Jason and Crystal wear their.

Kyle and Sammy came up together. Sammy was quivering with excitement at the prospect of taking part in the game. EJ walked to the centre of the pitch with Emmett and Jake while the rest of us took our positions. “you know, it should be boys against girls” said Emmett.

“yeah!” grinned EJ

“not fair, you have two more players then us” said Yasmin.

“yeah but Kyle counts as a half” said Jake. As soon as he realised what he had said, he bit his lip and looked at me. I glared at him and growled then looked at Kyle, hoping he hadn’t herd. He had. Kyle was looking at the floor, his hands in his pockets

. My farther shot passed me and before I looked he and Jake wear fighting. “Edward!” shouted my mother running over. I followed to find Emmett and Jasper restraining my farther while Seth and Leah, in wolf form, snarled at my dad.

“how dare you say that about your own son!” snarled my farther looking terrifying.

“I didn’t me-”

“you didn’t mean to!” he spat “just because he cant talk donsent mean he cant hear! He has ears dog! He try’s to think of different things while I’m around, he hears what you say about him and it makes him feel so unwanted! The other night I caught him thinking about what it would have been like if he had of died!”

I stared at him. My poor little baby!. Jake looked away shock and guilty.


I turned my head to see Alice frozen her eyes wide.

“what do you see” asked Jasper.

Suddenly my farther froze. “Alec and Aro have returned….and they bring friends” he whispered.

“how many” asked Carslie.

“as many has a thousand….they turned everyone in a prison.”

Everyone was still with fear. A thousand vampires, some newborn some not.

“mom” said Sammy.

“yes?” I whispered “what is it?”

“Kyle’s missing


hey guys, i  just want to say thanks to everyone whos voted and stuff. i would like your imput on what i should do with Kyles charracter.

facts: half wearwolf, quater vamp and human. can control objects with his mind. cant talk. shy and is seen as the runt of the pack.

if you have an idea of what i could do email me at and tell me any idears you want to see happen. such as his imprint or something to do with him and Jake.

thanks guys! x

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