My Mother

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Okay, so i figured that i should tell you about Jason. Jason, like all male vampires, is incredibly good looking. he has wavy short brown hair and golden eyes like the rest of my family. His gift, as you already know is to tell what other peoples talents are, like Eleazar from the Denali coven. On top of that, he was also fast. Very fast like my farther and nearly as strong as uncle Em. He was also an older vampire. He said he was about 300 hundred years old! Jason doesn't remember anything about his past life as it was such a long time ago, and the processes of turning into a vampire was especially hard for him. His creator only told him what he was then abandoned him. He admitted that he had killed a lot of humans when he was a newborn and the thirst level was high for him. Im lucky that I didn't have to go though any of that.

Later, I decided to have some quality time with my mom. I know she doesn't get to spend a lot of time to discuss things with me because ive always grown so quickly. She's often said that she misses her baby girl. I curled up on the couch with her in the family room of the Cullen house, just the two of us. Rose and Emmett wear upstairs having some 'quality time.' Carlisle was at the hospital, Alice and Esme wear in town shopping, Jasper was in the study, Jake was out protruding with the rest of his pack and my farther was out hunting with Jason. I laid next to my mom as the movie came on. I had chosen the 'lion king' as it was one of my favourites. I wasn't really watching it though, I was too busy concentration on my mom. Oh how I loved her! How could anyone not though. She was so beautiful and kind. No wonder my farther and my imprint had both fought over her when she was a human. No girl could ask for a more gentle mother who loved her with all her heart. "momma" I asked

"yes darling" she relied looking at me.

"I love you"

She smiled deeply and pulled her agenst her rock hard chest hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back "I love you to my little Neisse." she whispered softly. Less then a heartbeat later the front door opened and my farther and the newest member of our family walked in. my farther came over to us in his graceful manner and kissed us both on the cheeks. I uncurled myself from my mother and stood up giggling as my farther lifted up my mother and kissed her on the lips. I turned away from them then and walked into the hall way. Jason was sitting on the stairs. I looked up and gave him a friendly smile, he gave me one as well. "how are you enjoying being part of the Cullen's" I asked smiling. "its nice....ive never had a family before, well apart from the one when I was human"

"don't you remember anything about being a human" I asked.

"nope" he said grinning. "I guess its better that way, I mean, then I wont be sad that my parents are dead...your lucky in a way, you can be with yours for eternity, the rest of us cant." I sat back and thought about that for a moment. He was right, I could have my parents for ever but my mother couldn't have hers. I looked up at Jason who smiled at me"

He really was handsome. I suddenly shook my head of that thought and stared at my feet. "goodnight Neisse" Jason smiled and floated upstairs leaving me dazed and confused.

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