Renesmee's Note Book: New Beginning's part 1

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I've always hated the idea of starting a Diray so, im going to wright all my thoughts and feelings in this note book, that my Jacob brought me for my birthday last year. My mother and my Aunt Alice thought this was a very good idea.

So hear we go. A new Note book. A new Beginning. im quite exited now i think about it. Ive had some pretty good adventures with my wired family over the past 7 years, even if some of them wearnt so good. now wear to begin, well i suposse i should start with today i guess, now seems like the purfect time now im alone. my mother and farther are out hunting and Jake is on pretol. im at the cabbin now, safe and sound in my pink bed. now i think about it, today was pretty intresting. so, if your sitting conftably, then i shall begin (tee hee)

The day started off pretty normal. i got out of bed, dressed, brushed my teeth and skiped down the stairs to wear my mother and farther wear cuddled up on the sofa. my mother, Bella, raised her head and gave me a warlm smile "morning sweetheart" she said giveing me a dazzeling smile. "morning mommy, morning Daddy" i replied. i skiped over and hugged both of them before skipping over to the breakfast table and wolfing down 10 hole pankacakes. (sometimes i woulder if beeing around the wolfs is starting to rub of on me...of couse i still preafure blood) once i had finished, me and my perents ran over to the Cullens house, my farther running ahead of my mother and I. 'show off.' my farther turned his head and flashed my his crooked smile that drove my mother wild. i giggled and followed them into the house. Before i could even step foot through the door, my aurnt Alice came up to me, her pixy like hair purfect as always, her eyes bright. she took me by the hand and led me upstairs. "what are we doing Alice?" i asked. "your going hunting with Jake, you need to dress appropeoutly" she smiled, pulling out some desinger shorts and a old t-shurt. i took them and changed quickly wanting to see my Jake. as soon as i was done Alice was gone. i pranced down the stairs and into the liveing room. Uncal Jasper and Emmett wear waching the gigantic flat screen t.v shouting evry timethe team in green scored. Aurnt Rose and Alice wear talking about takeing my mother out shoping while she grimaced, stitting with my farther at the piano as he played. i suddenly got the strong sent of the wolfs, one wolf in paticuler comeing towars the house. "hear comes the dog" mutted Rose. As soon as she said that Jake came though the door and walked over to me, i gave him a crooked smile and kissied his cheek and he embraced me. "ready to go" he mumrerd kissing the top of my head. i nodded and smiled "yes" i looked over at my mother and farther who wear still by the piano and waved beofre i left with my Jacob.

Jake ran in wolf form beside me, grinning his wolfy grin with his toung lolling out. i laughed as i ran by his side. a sent flooded past my nose, elk. i droped into a crouch and stalked towards it growling quietly, Jake laied beside me waching intently as i sprang fowards, pinning the Elk beneaf me. i crushed its windpipe with my teef and began to feed, the walrm blood pulceing through my mouth. suddenly Jake was growling loudly, his teef drawn back into a snarl. i looked at him then i cought wind of a diffrent sent. i turned my head and saw the shape of a young male vampire, waching up with his eyes lookign at me with sudden intrest.

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