the fight part 2

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Aro flew to the side as the rock crushed him under it. Jake fell to the ground and shook his big head. A smaller black and white wolf flew over his head and crashed into the vampire army. Trees and boulders flew into them, crushing them, sending them into the newly formed fires which suddenly sprung up.

From behind me, vampires ran towards the army, snarling and fighting. Help had arrived. Kate and Garrett lead, followed by Tanya, Benjamin, Charlotte, Peter, Elizar, Carmen, Zafrina, Tia, Stefan, Vladimir and Alistair.

I got up and followed them unto battle, my family by my sides. The wolf in front sent boulders and trees into the vampires, crushing and tearing them without even touching them.

The wolf tore into vampires, ripping them apart, limb from limb. Beside me, Jane and Alec wear fighting.

“what happened to you Jane!” spat Alec. “you could have been grate!”

“I am grate Alec, It is you who are weak!”

“you’re a fool Jane, you married a Cullen and a wolf at that!”

“I love him!” she spat.

With that, she lunged at her brother, ripping at him. The two rolled together in a heap before Jane dislodged Alec’s arms and tossed them into a fire. With one quick movement the whole of Alec was burning. Alec was dead.

Some of the vampires yowled with fear and dismay as they saw one of their leader burn. They ran off, half the wolfs after them.

Suddenly, their was a howl. The fighting stopped and everyone turned towards the sound. Towards the clearing, Jake laid, whimpering slightly, his breathing irregular.

“NO!” I shrieked running to him. I laid my hands over his head and cradled him and Carslie came to my other side.

In front of us, Aro and Kyle stood facing each other. Kyle snarled at Aro, his hackles rising. Aro’s eyes wear narrowed.

They sprung at each other.

It was all over very quickly. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Kyle stood over the pit of fire wear Aro’s body now burned.

Aro was dead.

The vampires yowled in dismay and confusion. They wear scared of us now. They had no one to lead them now. They ran off as quick as they could. The others wear close behind, taking down whoever they could. Then silence.

Kyle stood in front of us all and let out a howl. The one by one the pack joined in the howling.

“how did you know wear to find us?” asked my farther.

“Kyle came for us, he drew what was going to happen” said Garrett

I looked up from Jake’s side who was slowly healing back at the house. Kyle stood at the window looking at us.

“Kyle….I’m so sorry” whispred Jake. “I’m a terrible farther and I understand if you don’t want to be near me”

“he says its okay” said my farther, translating for Kyle. “he loves you and he knows why you said them things”

Jake sighed.

I smiled at them. Even though Alec and Aro wear dead, their wear still vampires running wild around the place. We could never be in peace.


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