He Wants His Blood- Part 2

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Emmett and Jasper crashed into him with a loud crunch and the three of them rolled. The windows exploded and shattered around the house. The tree flung into the walls and the furniture crashed into everyone, knocking us all back. Rose and my mother shielded Henry from the glass and carried him away.

Kyle was wrestling with Emmett and Jasper on the floor before the Christmas tree rammed into Emmett and Jasper, knocking them into the wall. Kyle got up and jumped threw the window, phasing as he ran into the forest.

Jake ran after him.

Everything was then silent. We wear all in shock.

“what just happened?” asked Alice.

“why did Kyle attack Henry like that?” asked Sammy.

“I think it’s because of the imprint” said my farther.

“explain” said Carslie.

“we all know what the imprint dose. It makes them have a close bond right? Well Kyle is part vampire….what if, because of the imprint, Henrys blood is almost….intoxicating to Kyle. The imprint has never happened to something like Kyle before” said my farther.

“Edward….do you remember when I was human, you said my blood was like…..your own brand of heroin right?” asked my mother coming back in the room.

My farther nodded, almost smiling at the memory.

“it must be a lot stronger for Kyle because of the imprint, it would drive him into a frenzy when he scents Henrys blood” said my mother.

“but I’ve drawn blood before” said Henry coming back In with Rose “why did he act differently this time?” he asked.

“maybe it’s because your relationships changed” said Sammy.

Henry frowned and started to head for the door.

“whear do you think your going?” asked Rose.

“to find Kyle” frowned Henry.

“no” we all growled.


“no buts” said Emmett.

“I’m going to go and see if I can find them” said Sammy getting up.

“stay close so I can keep linked to you” said my farther.

Sammy nodded and ran out of the door and into the forest.

“Henry go to bed” said Esme.

“no way! I want to know how Kyle is!”

“ill come and tell you when Jake finds him” I said to him.

Henry geared at us before going upstairs.

I walked to my house alone, listening out for the howls to tell me that they had found Kyle. I opend the door to see Jake and Sammy inside.

“what are you doing hear!” I asked “you should be looking for Kyle.

“I followed his sent till I reached Alaska but I lost his sent in the snow” said Jake.

“you mean you don’t know wear he is!” I asked

“I’m sorry Ness, we’ll go out and look again in the morning”

He pulled me onto his lap.

“he’s all alone out their, he must feel terrible”

“mom, Kyle’ s a big boy, he can look after himself for one night” said Sammy.

I looked away and sighed sadly.

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