First impressions

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Today was an exiting day. My first day at school! I couldn't wait. My mom woke me up early and left me to get dressed. As soon as I was ready I raced down stairs and into the family room wear all my family wear gathered, including Jake and Jason who wear standing as far away from each other as possible. "now, you all know who your related to don't you?" we all nodded after having discussed this last night. Rose and Jasper wear the Hales and brother and sister. Alice, Emmet my farther and me wear brother and sisters and my mom, Jason and Jake wear our cousins. Rose, Alice and my mom all sighed as they had to take off their wedding ring and handed them over to Carlisle. My farther came up to my mother and wrapped his arms around her. " what's wrong love?" he asked.

"if any girl so much as looks at you in the wrong way ill kill her" she muttered. He laughed softly and kissed her gently on the lips "you know my heart belongs to you" he whispered.

"your such the romantic Edward" Said Alice rolling her eyes.

"go away you annoying thing" he murmured kissing my mother again.

"Edward we need to get going" hissed Alice prying my mom away from my dad. I giggled as my dad scowled at Alice.

"okay, me, Em, Eddie, Rose and Neisse will go in the porch, Bella, Jason Jake and Jasper can go in the Volvo" sang Alice.

"right" we all agreed.

"wait Eddie?" asked my farther "why Eddie"

"because Edward you've been rather annoying this morning and because of you I couldn't dress Bella in the way I wanted." she said skipping out side.

"shes perfect just the way she is" shouted my dad to my Aunt.

Once we reached the school we climbed out the cars and started to walk towards the entrance to the school. All the students in the parking lot all stopped and stared at us as we walked past. Boys mouths hung open as they stared at us, while the girls flutter their eye lids. A boy with curly blond hair and blue eyes walked over to my mother. "hey hot stuff, why don't you ditch this lot and come and play with the big boys" he asked. Before my mother even had chance to reply my farther stepped forwards "if I wear you I would stop hitting on my girlfriend before I rip your thought out" he said in a low and menacing voice. The boy took one look at him before running into the school. Me and Alice shifted a giggle as we walked to the reception desk.

A small plump women looked up at stared at us for a moment before shaking her head and looking at her papers "you must be Dr Cullen's Family"

"that we are" said my farther.

"well, hear are your timetables" she said smiling, hading my farther them. "now I just need to check everyone's hear" she said "Rose and Jasper Hale"


"Edward, Alice, Emmett and....err Rensemee ?"

"yes, that's right but my family call me Neisse" I said smiling.

"ah right" said the receptionist. "now, Bella and Jason Swan?"

"yes" said my mother and Jason together. Carlisle had decided that my other should us her maiden name as we have new members of the family going to school this year. "Jacob Black" she called out

"yeah" said Jake. Jake had kept his last name as he didn't look like any of us.

"right, thank you, you may go to your lessons now" said the receptionist.

"thank you" my farther replied shaking her hand. As we turned around to walk away I swore she fainted.

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