Chapter 6

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"I've only ever been to a Starbucks three times in my life, I'm so excited right now." You admitted to the pair next to you as you left the cold, wintery outdoors and entered the warm building.

"Do you know what you want to order?" Dan asked you.

"Of course I don't you idiot, I just said I've only ever been here three times before. I just told you that." You replied. You studied the menu as Dan and Phil decided on their orders.

"What do you want, Y/N?" Phil asked you.

"Umm, can I have a Chocolate Cream Frappuccino?" You asked him.

"Sure, do you want anything to eat?"

"No thanks, Phil." Dan walked up to the counter, you and Phil following close behind. As he placed the orders you hugged Phil. "Thank you so much for taking me in, I thought I would have to return to the orphanage."

"Of course we were going to, to be honest I was a little bit jealous that Pj got you." Dan said, walking up to you. He hugged you and Phil, causing a group hug to form. They are so tall, how have I not realised this? You asked yourself. Dan kept jokingly squeezing harder and harder and so did Phil, and you squirmed around and giggled.

"Let me out of this death trap!" You squealed, the breath squeezed out of your lungs. The lady at the register called out that our order was ready, and the three of you grabbed your drinks. You walked over to a seat by the window and sat down, Dan and Phil opposite each other, closest to the window. You sat next to Phil and sipped your drink.

"Good?" Phil questioned simply, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good." You answered, taking another sip. You looked out of the window to see snow falling.

"Its Autumn, why is it snowing?" Dan questioned.

"Because magic," Phil answered, waving his hands around like a magician would.

"You're such a child, Phil." Said Dan.

"Oh shut up, you're the one that wakes me up at six am Christmas morning." Phil retorted. He leaned over the table and placed a quick kiss on Dan's nose, causing Dan to giggle and kiss Phil back, this time on the lips.

"Gross, you taste like coffee!" Dan exclaimed, a wide dimple-revealing smile painted on his face.

"Gross, you smell like a cute couple!" You chimed in. The pair looked at you with wide eyes, before the three of you burst into a fit of cackling and laughter.

"Let's go home, it's cold this morning." Phil stated. You and Dan nodded before standing up, heading out of the Starbucks and back towards the apartment.


You walked up the stairs and came to Le Phlat.

"I miss Pj." You said, pressing your face against the door of your old home.

"Me too." Phil agreed. Dan stayed silent. You checked your phone for the time. 11:00 am. As you entered the apartment, you announced to the boys,

"I'm going to browse the Internet, feel free to do what you want."

"It's our hou-"

"Shhhhhh," You put your finger on Dan's lips, shutting him up. "We don't speak of that." You proceeded up into the, now fully decorated, gaming room. Well, fully decorated out of shot, anyway. We have to get stuff for storage space tomorrow, you reminded yourself. Most of your stuff was still in boxes, but all of your posters were on the walls.

You immediately grabbed your laptop and logged onto Twitter, not having been on for the entire morning. Well, not since 2am anyways.

Dan Howell   @danisnotonfire
going to film a video for you all later today, keep an eye out for that coming out in the next few days
16.1K RETWEETS  61.1K LIKES     2h

Tyler Oakley   @tyleroakley
i'm so excited to one day travel to space 🚀
1,511 RETWEETS  10K LIKES         2h

dan and phïl updates   @updatedphan
69.1K RETWEETS  2.3M LIKES       37m

You stared at your computer, unable to believe your luck. Well, unluck.

"Dan! Phil! Come quick!" You screamed. You heard thumping as the boys ran upstairs.

"This- better- be- good." Dan said between heavy breaths.

"Oh it's not good, but you need to know."

"Did you get your-" Dan started.

"NO I DIDN'T GET MY LADY PROBLEMS!" You interrupted. Dan looked flustered once again. "But this is even more important."

"Shoot, what is it?" Phil asked.

"Well... Umm.." You began, suddenly feeling nervous, "Someone may or may not have seen you at Starbucks kissing and they may or may not have taken a picture and put it on the internet." You said, words coming out much too quickly.

Now, that's not saying that the couple didn't hear what you said. Oh, not by a long shot.

"Shit. No. No no no no no. This is not good, this is not good at all." Dan said, starting to freak out. Phil stared wide-eyed at you.

"They did what?" Phil said, tone calm but anger hidden underneath it.

"They posted a picture of you two kissing." You said, slightly cautious.

"Why can't people respect our privacy? Why can't we just live our lives in peace, where we can be gay and happy in public without worrying about fans dragging us down? Why?" Phil looked pissed off, but you could see tears behind his eyes.

"Do you need a hug?" You asked, stretching your arms out as to invite him into your embrace. Phil simply nodded, the tears now welling up, leapt forward, attaching his arms to your body. You wrapped your arms around his chest, and he nestled his head into the crook of your neck. You felt the warm tears soak your shirt, but you didn't mind.

Dan looked sad.

"We are fucked." He simply stated, before turning around and walking down the stairs. Phil continued to hug you for many more minutes, crying into your shoulder. When he ran out of tears, he withdrew himself from your embrace and sat up. You noticed his eyes were puffy and wet, along with his cheeks, soaked in salty tears.

You stood up and walked the one step to the desk, grabbing a tissue, before wiping his face for him. It hurt you to see him so upset.

"Can I stay here for now? I don't want to leave, you cheer me up." You smiled widely at him, grateful for the compliment.

"Of course you giant spork."

"Also, my contacts have gone to crap, can you run downstairs and get me my glasses?"

"Sure." You stood up and headed towards his bedroom.

We are fucked.


I don't know why but I like ending my chapters like that.

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