Chapter 23

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"Fuck, it's hot!" Alex complained.

"I know, it's supposed to be cold in Winter!" You agreed, starting to sweat. Alex turned down a street, and you quickly followed.

"I have an air conditioner at home, I'll turn it on so we can pretend it's a real Winter."

"Cool," you said.

"Oh, here we are," Alex announced, stopping suddenly. You ran into his back. "You aren't allergic to cats, right?"

"I don't believe so," you replied.

"Good, we just bought a little kitten and he's so unbelievably friendly, he loves girls particularly."

"How do you know that?" You asked.

"Oh, I had my little cousin over last week. He absolutely loved her. He loves my mum a lot too, and my gran, oh, and my-"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" You exclaimed, giggling. "What's his name?"

"Hugo. He really helps calm my nerves, I love him so much." Alex opened the door, only to be greeted by a purring kitten. Hugo had large, green eyes and jet black fur. He was tiny, yet extremely fluffy.

"Oh my god!" You squealed. Hugo looked at you and his purr seemed to grow louder.

"Come inside, he's not allowed outside the house," Alex informed you, tugging at your arm. "Is Phil alright with me coming over? I'm sure he doesn't want a random kid arriving at his apartment," Alex inferred.

"I'll call him real quick." You jumped slightly as Hugo rubbed up against your leg. You pulled out your phone and dialled Phil's number, as you followed Alex to his room.

"Heyo," Phil greeted.

"Hey hey hey," you replied enthusiastically.

"What's got you in a good mood?" Phil asked.

"I was just wondering if my friend Alex could come over? I never told you about him, but I just want him to come out and meet you!"

"Well, I'm not sure," he said in a joking manner, "I don't want you two, how do you say it, doing things."

"Aw, but you and Dan get to do things!" You could practically hear the blush from the other end of the phone.

"Uh- I- um- yes, he can come over for the afternoon."

"Yay! Thanks, Phil!"

"No prob Bob."

"What the he-" Phil hung up and left you to your own business.

"Well, let's get that jumper into the wash."


"Heyo mayo daddyo I'm homio," you announced as you walked past the lounge.

"Hi miss, I mean, uh, shit. Sorry," Alex stuttered from the doorway

"Oh, hi, Alex! I'm Phil, nice to meet you," Phil greeted, abruptly making his way to the doorway and enveloping Alex in a tight hug.

"Nice to meet you too, uh, what should I call you?" Alex squeaked.

"Why, Phil of course!" Phil exclaimed, overjoyed to meet him.

"Hey! Where's my hug?" You asked. Phil rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure, you get a hug I guess," he replied jokingly, squeezing you tightly around your belly. He poked it.

"You're nice and squishy, you know. Like Dan. Probably because you eat too much spaghetti."

"Wow, thanks Phil," you answered sarcastically. "Now, let's go do some homework!" Alex groaned as you made your way up the stairs, into the gaming room. Well, your room.

"Wow, you sleep up here?" Alex asked. You simply nodded your head as you plopped down on your sofa/bed. "Cool. What homework should we start with?"

"Spanish, it's the hardest." Alex rolled his eyes.

"El estúpido," he said, causing you to laugh.

"It is indeed stupid, my good friend, but we have to study. We're learning a lot this term, you know that."

"I should have chosen Japanese instead. Maybe then I could properly understand anime without having to read subtitles and miss all the pretty pictures!"

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. I mean, you and I both know that we've picked up a few words anyway-"

"Baka!" Alex screamed, making the two of you fall into a fit of giggles.

"Don't forget arigatō. I least I can be polite when I one day travel to Japan..."

"Don't forget to drag me along, I want to go with you! It'd be so much fun!"

"It would be, wouldn't it?"

"We'd go when the cherry blossoms are in season and have that beautiful pastel aesthetic, and we'd be sure to take lots of photos, and we'd get a bunch of anime crap that we wouldn't need and end up almost not being up to zip up our suitcases for the trip back. Then we'd go in town and try to talk to people yet miserably fail, it'd be so much fun!" Alex said, speaking his thoughts aloud.

"I think you'd just blend into the blossoms with all those pastel pink sweatshirts you wear."

"Well then I'll wear a white one. Or just a different colour one."

"You're such a nerd."

"Arigatō." You heard Phil tutting from the doorway.

"Come on you two, onto your homework. If either your grades drop I'm going to smack you up good, hear me?"

"Yes Philip. Sorry Philip," you droned.

"Oh shut up Y/N."

"You shut up," he retorted.

"No you shut up."

"How about you shut up."

"How about no, you should shut up."

"Why should I?" You asked.

"You started it!" He yelled childishly.

"Shut up."

"Oh my god be quiet you guys are so annoying!" Alex complained.

"Did you just tell us to shut up in a different way?"

"Do your homework."

"Okay," you and Alex said in sync.


Sorry it's short but I had to post a chapter sorry

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